<br /> ��E�E� ��C��� �T�. � �
<br /> 18128—The Augustine Co., County 8upplies, (irand Isiand, Nebn
<br /> ; 3tate oP Nebraska� }
<br /> )sa. Now on this 21st d.ay oY January,l9�-1,1�ePore �he undersigned,a Notary
<br /> ' County oP Lancaster )
<br /> Public,duly commi�sianed and qualif ied Por and residing in said
<br /> `,..,._ �
<br /> ' eounty,persanally came Bayard H.Paine, to me personally known to be a member of the Board oP
<br /> Trustees o�' The �Iethodist Episcopal Church oP Grand Island,�ebraska,a corporation,and kr�own to
<br /> ; me to be the pereon wh�se n�e is afPixed to the Poregoing in8trument,snd he acknowl�edged the
<br /> execution of the same to be h1a v�luntary aet and deed for the purpoees therein expressed,s,nd
<br /> ;
<br /> the free and voluntary act and deed of The �dethodist Episcopal. Church of Grand Island,Nebraeka,
<br /> a corporatlon.
<br /> V�itnees my hand and Seal the day and year Iast above written.
<br /> (5EAL) Delvha �.�'aylor
<br /> ? My commission expires the 20th day oP July,19�2. Notary Public
<br /> CERTiFICA2E
<br /> STAT� OF AIEflRASY�A )
<br /> )sa. ��ilo L.�`rollaher,being firet duly eworn on his oath, depoaea and says
<br /> HALL COUNTY ) .
<br /> that The Methodist Epiacopal Ch�r.tsh of Grand Island,Nebraska,grantor
<br /> in the foregoing instrument ie a corporation organlzed and exiating under the Iawe of the State
<br /> of Nebraska,and that lt ia now known and described as The �dethodist Churoh of Grand IS1and,Nebrae�a,
<br /> and that th� Board oP Trustees of said corporation consiats oP the Pollowing pereons:
<br /> ; Ear1e G.Johnson,William A.Reutlinger,C.Ray Gates,9�ilo L.Go}.laher,Bayaxd H.Paine,Charlea Eatough,
<br /> ° Claude A.Davis and A.J.Denraan,and that aPfiant 1.s 9ecretary of said Board of Trustees.
<br /> Aff3ant turther says that on �Jover�ber 10,November �.� and November 24,194(7,at regular church
<br /> s�rvices of the said Church at 11 o 'clock A.�. ,upon each oP said Sunc�ays, the Pollowing Notice_ , ''
<br /> ! was duly read to the membere of se.id Church present at said services,to-wit:
<br /> '� NOTICE
<br /> On �unday, December 1,1944,at the morning church service at ll o'clock A.M. ,in the church build- ;
<br /> ' ing oP this Church,the Pollowing resolution will be presented and voted upon by a11 membera
<br /> pre�ent : ,
<br /> In ths matter af the sale and convey�nce oP rPal estate belonging to The D�ethodist Church in
<br /> Grand �e].and,r�ebraska.
<br /> BE IT RESOLVED by The D�ethodist Church oY Grand Island,Nebraska,Pormerly The �4ethodist Episcopal
<br /> , � Church of Grand Island, that ita Board o� Truetees be,and they are hereby,authorized to sell and
<br /> dispoee oP the �ollowing described real estate for the sum of �25,000.00,and to �ake, execute,
<br /> � and dellver to Jarnee Webb of a��nd Island,Nebraska,�urchaser thereof,a good and suPficient deed �
<br /> oP conveyance, conveying ta him all .oP Lote 1 and 2 of Block 62,of the Original Town,noa Citq,of
<br /> 4rand Island,Hall County,Nebraska,and ta do and perform all things nece�sary and Froper to the
<br /> ' completion of eaid sale.
<br /> Signed: Earle G.Johnson
<br /> � ; Pre8ldent oard of
<br /> � Trustees."
<br /> � AYPia�nt f'urther eays that thereafter,on December 1,1940,at the time and place described in said ;
<br /> ` notice,and at the re�ulsr church eervice oP saicl Chureh, the resolution above set forth was duly
<br /> presented before the membera oP said Church and thst the adoption of said resolution was duly
<br /> • '` moved, sPCOnded,and carried by the unanimoue vote oP all members preeent.
<br /> �
<br /> �dilo L.Gollaher
<br /> Subecribed in my preaence afid aworn to before me thie l�th day oP January,19�+1.
<br /> ( SEAL) Clinton E.Cronin '
<br /> �!y commiselon expires the 27 day oP &�ay,z9�3 �Totary Public
<br /> Filed Por record this 2� day oP January,l9�l,at 10:10 o 'clock A.�. ;
<br /> - C,��:��.��
<br /> ��
<br /> Register oY e�5 ed+a� '
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