<br /> ���� �$�EC��$� N�. � �
<br /> 18128—The Augustine Co., County Supplies, 6rand Island, Nebr. '-
<br /> ___ �
<br /> and every one of them ehall by these presents be excluded and Porever barred.
<br /> IN WITNESS V�iEREOF, the said party of the P�.rst part has hereunto set his hand and seal the day
<br /> and year above v�ritten. .
<br /> SS�ned,aeaZed and del.ivered in presence of ,
<br /> HsroZd A.Prince Auguat Jacobsen �
<br /> State of Nebraska )
<br /> )ss. On this 21et day of January,A.D.1941,be�'ore me, the undersi�ned
<br /> Ha11 County )
<br /> Harold A.Prince a Notary Public,duly commiseioned and qualiPied for
<br /> and residing in said county,pereonally came Au�uet Jacobsen to me known to be the identical pereon
<br /> whose name is affixed to the faregoing in8trument ae grantor and acknoa�Iedged the same to be hi�s
<br /> vo2untary act and deed.
<br /> Witne�s my hand axid Seal the day and year Iast above written.
<br /> Harold A.Prince
<br /> (SEAL) Notary public
<br /> My commiseion expires the 16th day of Apr2I,19�+.
<br /> Filed Por record thie 22 day of January,19�Fl,at 1 :30 o 'clock P.M• ����� �
<br /> Regieter oP Dee s���
<br /> -0-0-0-O-O-A-O-�'J•-p••p.•q-O-O_p-O-p_p-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O--O-O-O-O-U-O-O-(3-�-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-O-O-p-O�•p
<br /> `�s,Y�ARRANTY D,_,EED
<br /> KNO�t ALL fl�EN BY THESE PRESENTB; �hha,t The �iethodist E�iacopal Church of Grand �sland,Nebraska,
<br /> a corporation,now known and described as The A?ethodist Church af Grand IsZand,::Nebraska,in oon_ '
<br /> sideration oP the sum oP Twenty-Yive ihoueand Dollars ( �25,O�J0.00) in hand paid by James �lebb,
<br /> oP Grand Island,Nebraska,doPe hersby grant,bar�ain,sell,convey,and conYirm� unto the said Jamee
<br /> t�ebb the Po7.lawing described real estate e3tuated in Ha11 County,Nebraska,ta-�vit:
<br /> AI1 �t' Lots One (1) and Two (2) ,Block Sixty-two (62) , 0�' the Ori�inal Town,Now C3ty of Grand
<br /> Islanr�,
<br /> together with a�l thP tenPmen�s,heredit�t�ments and appurtenances belonging to th� same,
<br /> TO HA�rE A1'1D TO HOLD said pre�lses unto the 8aid James Webb,and to his heirs and assigne forever.
<br /> The sa�.d �rantor hereby covenants with the said grantee that it holde said real estate by good
<br /> and perPect titZe,that it has �aod right and lawPul authority to sell the sarne,that the^al
<br /> .a�.�-
<br /> estate is Pres and cl.e�x of Iiens and incumbrance8,and the,� grantor covenants to w��rant end defend
<br /> the sa�d premi�ee against the lawPul claims oY all persons whomsoever. ' '
<br /> Dated this 17th dr�y of January,19�1. .
<br /> �Vitness : _-__-___-_.�_________ GRAND IsLAND,NEBRASKA,A CORPORATION ,
<br /> C.F:.rronin ( �27.50 I.R.Stamps ) By Ear2e G.Johneon
<br /> �„ Cance�.led � Claude A.Davis
<br /> G i�'ax�Ies Eatou�h
<br /> �ilo L.Gollaher
<br /> VPil�lam A. eutl in�er +
<br /> A.J.Denman
<br /> C. a Ga.tes
<br /> nelpha �I.Taylor B ard H.Paine
<br /> EE
<br /> Sta'Ge oP Nebraska )
<br /> )ss : ATow on this 20 day of January,1941 before the underai�ned,a Notary`
<br /> County of Hall )
<br /> Public,duly commissioned and qualifi�d for and reaiding in said
<br /> aounty,pereonally c�me Ear2e a.John�son,Y�illiam A.Reutlinger, C.Ray Ge.teaTNiilo L.aollaher, Char2ee
<br /> �atough,Claude A.Davis,and A.J .Den��n, to me personally known to be membera of the Bo��rd of
<br /> � � ,
<br /> Trustee$ oP T�ie �ethodiat Episeopal Church of Grand Island,Nebraska,a corporation,and known to
<br /> me to be the pereons whoae names are affixed to the Poregoing instrument,and they severa.Ily
<br /> acknowled.ged the exscution oP the same to be their voluntary act and deed for the purposes 'Gherein�
<br /> expressed,and the free and voluntary act and deed of The b�ethodist Episcopal Chureh of �rand
<br /> Island,�ebraeka,a corporation.
<br /> �►itneas my hand and SPal the day �c� year Iast above written.
<br /> Clinton E.Cronin
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Public
<br /> Ma
<br /> ommisaion ex Sres the 2 da of Z �
<br /> �qo p 7 y Y 93
<br />