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<br /> _ 18129—The Auguetine Co., County 3uppliea, Grand Island,rlebr. :
<br /> Addition in �h�e City ot Grand Ir�land,Nebraska,mor.e particularly described as follorvs,to-wit:
<br /> Commeneing at the Southeasterly Qorner of said Fractiona2 Lot Threl (3) in Fractional Bloak T�enty�-
<br /> . , Six (26� in Wasmer s Annex to First Addition in the City oP arand s1and,Nebraska,running thenae
<br /> ' wester�.y on the southerly boundary l�.ne of eaid Lot Por a diatance of PiYteen (15) feet,running thence
<br /> � northerly para12e1 Aith the easterly boundary Iine of said Io�,Yor a distance of Twelve (12) feet,
<br /> running thenee in an easterly direction,parallel with th.e aoutherly boundary line oY eaid 1ot,
<br /> for a distance of Yifteen (15) fee�,sunning thence southerly upon the easterly boundary line ot
<br /> _ said Iot,g dietance of twelve (12) feet to the place of beginning,all as aurveyed,platted and '
<br /> recorded.
<br /> TtJ HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above deacribed,together �ith alI the tenements,h�reditamenta
<br /> and appurtenanaea thereunto .belongir�g,or in any way appertaining,forever,unto Northwestern publie �
<br /> � � 9ervice Oompany,a corporation, its suceessors and a$signe.
<br /> And �entral PoRer Company,for itselP,its succeasors and aesigns,and each of them,does hereby
<br /> ' covenant,prom28e and agree to and with the Party oP the Second Part,Qnd its successora and aseign�J,
<br /> that at the time oP the execution and de23very oP these presenta,it ie la�fully seized in PeP simpTe
<br /> � of aIl oP the above granted and described pre��bee>with the appurtenances;that it has good right
<br /> � and lawful authority to sell and convey the same;that they are Pree,cleax and unencumbered of a�nd
<br /> from aIl other grant8,titlee,chax�es,eatates,�udgments, taxes,saseasmente and eneumbrancee,of every
<br /> kind phatsoever,except and sub�eet to the compensation �award and �udgcient in favor oP Roy C.Rick�2;1,
<br /> and Central Power Company does hereby Qovenant to warrant and dePend the said premiaea,r�ith the
<br /> appurtenanees,againgt the Iawful claina oP alI peraone whomsoev�r. .
<br /> ''� IN �fI�NE88 �7HEREOF th� eaid Party of the Firat Pax�t haa caused this deed to be aigned in its name
<br /> ' and on its behalf by its president, thereunto duly authorized,and to be atteated by ite Secretary, ;
<br /> and has oaused its eorporate seal to be hereunto afPixed by due authority,the day and year Iaet
<br /> � above written. -
<br /> In Presenoe oY: . (SEAL� By V.Hd.Johnson
<br /> � ------ ----- -------- Preaident
<br /> John C.Hoge ( �10.k5 I.R.S�ampa ) By Howard I{yle _
<br /> ( Cancelled ) Secretary
<br /> ' State of Nebraska. )
<br /> as BE I�T RF�E�BERED,That on thie 15th day of January,19�l,before me the
<br /> County of Hall ;
<br /> . undersigned,a Notary Publics in and for the County and State atoresaid,
<br /> ,
<br /> oame V.�.Johne�on,President of CentralJPo�er Company,a cQ�poration,duly organized,inaorporated
<br /> and existing under and by virtue oY the la�►s of the etate of Delaware,and Hcrrard Kyle,�ecretary
<br /> of eaid oorporation,who are personally known to me to be suoh officers,and who are personelly
<br /> `known to me to be the sane pereons aha executed,aa suoh oPficera the withln instrument ot priting ;
<br /> on behalf' oP said corporation,and such persons eeverally duly acknoaZedged the execution af the
<br /> - aame to be the act and deed of said aorporation,Central Power Company.
<br /> IN TESTI�OPIY WHEREOF I have hereunto set ray hand,and a�'�'ixed my 8ea1 the day and year laet abov�
<br /> � mentioned.
<br /> (SEAL) Vera L.Bauman
<br /> My Commi�esior� Expires Febr.17,1945. Notary Pu lia
<br /> �'iled for record this 15 day oF January,l9�Fl,at 4:50 o'clock p.M. ±
<br />� � � � �,���c. �J�J �
<br /> -!� Register oP Deede � —
<br /> -p-O-O-O-O-Q-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-Q-O-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-Or-0••O-Q-O-O-O-Q-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O•• '
<br />����' f�j,,_UIT CLAIAd DEED � � r'�'�
<br /> THIS INDEPITURE,�ade th3s 14th day of January, in the year one thousand nine hundred and Porty-one,I�'
<br /> �
<br /> t Mi an H eband and Wife oP the firat art and r n
<br />, b e t w e e n A l e x a n d e r �c�i 1 1 a n a n d E l i z a b e h M c 2�. u , a a d
<br /> , P
<br /> ,
<br /> Ieland Trust Company,a corporation of the second part, V�ITNESSETH, that the eaid parties of th�
<br /> � firet part,in coneideration of the aum oP One Dollar and other valuable considerations Dollare,
<br /> ,
<br /> ,
<br /> to them duly paid, the receipt whereoY ia hereby aaknowledged hane remiaed,released,and quit-claim;;,
<br /> and by th�se pr�eents do for ouraelves our heira,executors and administrators,reffiiee,reles�ae
<br /> and forever quit-claim and convey unto the 'said party of the second part,and to ite heira and
<br /> . assigns Porever,a].I our ri�ht, title, interest,estate clalm and demand,both a,t lsw and in equity, i
<br /> - j
<br /> of,in and to all oP the l�esterly thirty-thres (33) feet of Fract�.ona� Lot 9ix (6} in Fraotional ;
<br /> ,
<br /> � � _ _ ----___ __+_ ___..
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