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<br /> �ID�E�E� �.�E���� �T�. � �
<br />� 18128—The Augustine Co., County 8upp11ea, Grand Island, Nebr.
<br /> boundary .Iine of' said lot;thence Eaet along said North botzndary Iine twenty-two and eight tenths
<br /> (22.�) feet to the place of beginning.
<br /> Lo� seven (7) fn Blook Pifty (50) in the original town,now City of Grand Island,Nebraeka,except- �
<br /> ing thr�t portion ot' said lot conveyed to the Chiaago,Burlington and quinBy Railraad Company by
<br /> Deed,�ated April 26,1916,desarlbed as followg;Beginn3ng at a point in the division line bete+een �
<br /> r w
<br /> an Pv n on the Southe 1 line oP B2o�k Pift 0 hich oint is one hundr d
<br /> � Lots six (6� d e , e (7� Y Y �5 � . P e
<br /> �
<br /> and thirty-two (132) feet Prom an iron p.igE at the Southwest corner of Bloc� PiPty (54) thenca �
<br /> Northerly a7.ong said -divieion line a +df.stance oP thirty-iive and three tlsa�hs (35•3� feet to an
<br /> lron pin;tY�ence in an Easterly direct3.on acroes Lot seven (7� a dietanee ot sixty-eight and a2ght
<br /> tentha (6�.�) feet to an iron pin in the Southerly line of Lot aeven ( 7) ,Hlock P3Pty (50) ;thenee
<br /> along said 3outh line of Lot seven (7) in a 1�eaterly direation a distance or Pifty-nine t59) �eet
<br /> h o -�n
<br /> i o tainin ten undred P rt e 1f341 e uare feet mor or
<br /> to th lace of' Ue inn n c n � e le�es.
<br /> e Y )
<br /> r � E� i � � ►
<br /> A portion of Lot Pive ( 5) in Bloek PiP'ty � 50) beginning at a point in the Weet line of eaid Lot �
<br /> fi�e ( S� ,Blook PiPty (50) ,which point ie de�ignated by a one half inoh (1/2) �as pipe and be3ng
<br /> one hundred nineteen and four tsnths (13.9•�) feet No�therly Prom ths �outhRest corner of said
<br /> " Lot f3ve ( 5� ,deslgna�ed by a one (1) ineh gas pipe,thence in a Northerly directton elan� the
<br /> �e�� line of said Lot �ive (5� ,a dietance ot twelve and six tenth$ (12.6) feet to the Northweat
<br /> corner of Lot tive (5) , thence-Easterl.y along the Northerly line oP Lot five (5) a distance of
<br /> sixty-six (6b) feet to the division line bet�+een Lote five (5) and six { 6) ,th�nae 9outherly along
<br /> eaid divielon linP a distance of forty-Pour (�+) Peet ta an lron pin,aaid iron pin be3ng eighty-
<br /> eight (��) Peet ATortherly from the Southerly Iine oP Bloek fiYty t50), thence Northaeeterly acrose
<br /> Lot �ive (5� a distance of sPVenty-three (73) feet to th� pl.ace of beginning,containing e2ghteen
<br /> hundred sixty-eight (1�6�) squsre feet,more or lees.
<br /> A portion of Lot six (6) 1n Blook PiPty (5�) of the ori�inal tor�n of Grand Island,d�soribed as
<br /> follows,to-wit: Be�3nning at a po2nt 3n the division 21ne between Lotg Pive (5) and six(6) ,eaid
<br /> point being an iron pin e2ghty-eight (��) feet dletant Yrom the Southerly Iine of B1ock Pifty (50!) ;
<br /> thenoe along eaid division line in a Northerly direction forty-Pour (�4) feet to a point in the
<br /> � Northweet corner ot Lot Six (6) ;trienee Easterly alon said Northerly line of Lot six (6) ,siaty-
<br />� 6b t to th divi ion line betrveen Lots six 6 and s�ven � •thence South r
<br /> eix ( � fee e s � � �7 , e ly in said
<br />� iv io a i t e oY i ht -nine and �even tenths � . feet to an iron in b
<br /> d is n line d s an e e � 9 ) ein Port -
<br /> � Y 7 p
<br /> S Y
<br /> two and three tenthe (42.3) feet Northward Pror� the Southerly line of Blook fifty (�0) ; thence : •
<br /> Northweaterly across Lot eix (6) ,a distance oP eight� y and three tentha (�0.3) Peet ta the place
<br /> tw v 2
<br /> of be innin aontsinin Port -four hundred el e +�41 s uare feet more or Iesa
<br /> g 8, b Y � � q � �
<br /> A portion of Lot Three (3) in Block FiPty (5�) of the original to�,nop city,ot Grand Island,Ha11
<br /> County,Nebraeka,more particularly described as PoliowetBeginnin� at the northeaet corn�r oP s�id
<br /> Lot Three (3) ,thence south along the east line of said lot tpenty-four and Pive..tenths (2�F.5) r�e�
<br /> to a point elght and five-tentha (Y�.S) feet west at right anglee from the center line of the rre�t; �
<br /> eide track of the Union Pacific Ra.ilroad Company, tnence in a northwesterly direetian parall.el and
<br /> everywhere diatant eight and five-tentha (�.5) P�et Prom the center line of said side track to
<br />; the narth line b��' =said Lot Three (3� , thenee east thirty (3�) Peet along the north boundary �line o+l
<br /> th ac b nnin
<br />�
<br /> ea,id Lot to e pl e ot egi g.
<br /> 0 o t ffi o B oak F3ft 0 of the ori ina to� oq
<br />� A rt3on of L t Ei h t' 1 � 1 n n cit of aran
<br /> p � ( ) y 5 ) g , y. a z$iana,xa�.l
<br /> County,Nebr�aka,more particularly described as Pollows, to-wit: Begiflning at the northeast corner
<br /> of said Lot Eight (�) , thence eouth Porty-three and four-te��he ��3.�) Yeet along the east line -
<br /> of said Iot to a point eight and Pive-tenths (�.5} feet west at right an�les from the center Iine
<br /> � '� of the west eide traek of the Union Pacific r�ailroad Company, thence northwest paralZel and every_
<br /> where dietant ei�ht and five-tenthe (�.5� Peet Yrom the center Iine of said �ide traek to the
<br /> north boundary line oP $aid" lot;tl�ence eaet along said narth boundary line trventy-t�ro and eight-
<br /> tenths (22.5) feet to the place oP be�innin�. •
<br /> That art oP Lot Fourteen (1�4) ot' the County Bubdivision of the West Ha1P of the Southwest quarte�
<br /> (W�w�j or 3ection Fifteen (15) in Township Eleven (11) North,or Ran�e Nine (9) �'est of the 6th
<br /> P.M.lying South of the Belt L3ne of the Chica�o,Burlington & q,uincy Railroad Company,and abutting
<br /> on the weat line of Lot Eighteer� (1ffi) oP Koehler Subdivision,�ore partie�larly described as folloue,
<br /> to-wit: Commencing at the Northeast corner of the intersect2on of P3ne 9'�ree� and Bismark Road
<br /> in the City of t�rand Island,Ha�11 County,Nebrasi�a,running thenee East along the no�therly line ot'
<br /> Biemark Road 2�.� Peet, thence at right angles North 39.5 Peet to the Sou'�herly line of t�e Right-
<br /> of-�Yay of said Belt Line;thence a.long the 8outherly lir�e of the Right-of-�fay of eaid Belt Line - ,
<br /> 27.� Peet to a point on the East Line o� Pine Street 2�.6 feet l�orth oP the place of beginning,
<br /> thenee 9outh to the place oP beginning.
<br /> Lot Six t6� in Block Thlrty-tive t35} in Charlee Waemer'� Addition to the City of Grand Island
<br /> with complementary f'raction in Charlee l�a8mer'e Second Addit3oM to the City oS' arand I$land ,
<br /> saaording to the surveys and plate nox on �'Yle�. ' ' � �
<br /> A part of Lot 13 oY the County Subdivision oP the South HaI,P of the South Eas� quarter (S�SE�)
<br /> oP� Section 16 in Township 11,N.of Range 9 VYeat oP the 6th P.�. ,more particularly deacribed ae
<br /> Pollows,vix:
<br /> Commencing at a point in the easterly boundary line �oP said Lot 13,172 feet northerly from t�e
<br /> aoutheasterly corner,then�e �+esterly st r�.ght anglee,par�llel� with �he�`eoutherly boundary of Lot
<br /> 13,for Q dSstance oP 71.75 feet,being the real place of beginning of th� tract 3ntended to be
<br />� � � �onveyed;thenee in a southerly direction,pa"ra11el with the eaeterly boundary Iine ot
<br /> � sa3d Lo� Ij,for a d3stanee nf 1� Peet,thence in a Wester�y dir�ation parallel wi�h the $outherly
<br /> boundary �ine og said Lat for a distance of 33 Peet,thence in a northerly �ireetion,parallel with
<br /> the ea,sterly boundary line of eaid Lot Por a distance of 2� Peet, trience in an easterly direction
<br /> pQra21e1 with the southerly boundary line ot eaid Lot 13 for a diatance oP 33 feet to the plaee o#'
<br /> , beginning.•
<br /> Part of Lot Two (2� in Block Twenty TYiree (2j) in Ruasel Wheeler'e Addition ta the City of Grand �
<br /> Island,Nebra�ka more particul�rly de�cribed aa follow�:Commencing st the Southeasterly oorn�r of �
<br /> eaid Lot �'wo (2� and runnin thence northerly on the easterly baundary line of ssid Lat Two (2� .
<br /> for a diatance oP E3ghteen �l�) Peet,running thence weeterZ�,parallel with the eoutherly bound�,ry �
<br /> line oP said Lot for a distance of taenty six (26) feet,running thence sautherly,parailel �ith
<br /> the easterly bounda.ry line ot eaid Lot f'or a distance oY eighteen (1�) Pec�t,running thence east-
<br /> erl�► on the $outherly line oY said Lot trvo (2) ,f or a df.stance o! taenty six (26� Peet to the
<br /> place of beginning. � �
<br /> Part of �'ract3ona2 Loz Three {3) in Fraetional Bloak Twenty-Six (26) in Wasm�r'e Annex to P'irat .
<br />_
<br /> _ _ _ _
<br />