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<br /> 15128—The Augustine Co., County Suppliea, Grand Island, Neba
<br /> ,. _-. :
<br /> STATE OF NEBFASKA ) On t�"lis 7 d�.y of January A.D. 19�+1, before me, Walter Augustin, a
<br /> ) ss.
<br /> COUNTY OF' H�LL ) notary public, in �nd for s�id county person�lly came J.A.Wortman,
<br /> as President of the Doniphan Cedar VieUr Cemetery Association, to me, k►ell known to be such a,nd
<br /> tne identical person who signed the foregoin�; deed as President, and acknowledged the execution �
<br /> of the said instrument to be his voluntary act and deed by aut'rlority of said Association, for the
<br /> purnose therein expressed.
<br /> In testimony �ahereof, I have hereunto set my hand and officia.l seal on the day last above written.
<br /> Walter Augustin
<br /> (SEAL} Notary Public
<br /> My commission ex�ires sept. 10 19�-ZI-.
<br /> Filed for reeord this 9th day of Januar;�, 19�-1, at 9:00 o ' clock A.M. /��i�� �`�1
<br /> �l[ Ll�
<br /> egister of ee s
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<br /> That tahereas, in an action in the District Court of the Eleventh Judicial District of Nebraska,
<br /> within and far Hall �ounty, �tiTherein Home Owners ' Loan Corporation, a corporation, is Plaint3ff,
<br /> and Mabel B.Krapp, et al. are Defendants, it was by said Court at the February Term thereof, A. D.
<br /> 19�-0, to-T�rit, on the 20th day of February A.D. , 1940, considered, ad,judged, and decreed th�t in
<br /> default of the payment to the clerk of the District Court of the costs of said action, and to
<br /> the plaintiff the sura of �1�73.36 with interest thereon at the rate of 6� per annum from Februa�y
<br /> 20, 19�-0, within tti:renty days from the date og such ,judgment and decree, that the equity of re-
<br /> demption of each and �11 of said defendants in and to tne lands and tenements he:�einafter des-
<br /> cribed be foreclosed and fo rever barred, and that tne Sheriff of said Hall �ounty cause the lands
<br /> and tenements hereinafter described to be advertised, and sold according to la*�r; and whereas the �
<br /> said defendants h�ving ma.de de�ault tnerein Daniel �anders, �s Sheriff of said County, under and
<br /> �y virtue of the order of said Court to him directed, did, on the 27th day of December A. D. , 19�,
<br /> at the north door of the Court House in the city of Grand Island, Nebraska, in said County of Hall,
<br /> ( the sa.me beind the place ��rherein the District Court was last held in said County) , having first
<br /> . iven due and le al notice of tne time and I�lace of said sale, for not less tnan thirty da.ys
<br /> � �
<br /> prior thereto, in the Grand Island Daily Independent, a legal newspaper printed and in general
<br /> circulation in said County of Hall, sell the said premises at� pu'olic auction to Home Owners � �
<br /> L C rt tion a cor��oration �it bein the highest and best bidder therefor) for the sum of
<br /> oan o �ora g
<br /> . , _ ,
<br /> Two-thousand five & 70/100 DOLLARS, wYiich sale vaas aftert�rards a'G the SeptPmber Term oP said Court
<br />,
<br /> A,D. , 1.9�-0, examined and confirmed, and the sa.id Daniel �anders, as Sheriff of said County, was'
<br /> ordered to execute a deed of said �remises to the said Home Owners ' Loan Cor�oration, a corpora-
<br /> tion,
<br /> NO.a1, THEREFORE, I, the said Daniel S�nders, as �heriff of Hall �ounty, Nebraska, in pursuance
<br /> of the ordPr of said Court, a.s aforesaid, in consideration of the �remises, a.nd by virtt�e of the
<br /> powers in me vested by law, do her2by give, grant, anrt convey ��nto the said Home Owners ' Loan '
<br /> Corporation, a cor��oration, and assi�;ns, the preMises sold as aforesaid, to-�ait:
<br /> All of Lot One �1). Block �'wo �2) of Arnold � Abbott � s Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br /> Hall C�unty, �ebra.s'�a, as surveyed, platted and recorded.
<br /> with all a.nd sin�ular the ap��urtena.nces thereunto belon�ing, to have and to hold unto it the
<br /> said Home Owners ' Loan Cor���ra.tion, a cor?.�oration, and its assi;;ns forever.
<br /> IN Tr1ITNESS ��iFREOF, I have, as such Sheriff of hall County, Nebras�a, hereunto set my hand
<br /> tnis 9th day of January, A. D. , 19�1. �
<br /> Executed and Delivered in Presence of Daniel Sanders
<br /> Marga.ret Vick Sheriff of Hall county
<br /> iHE STATE OF P�yB�ASKA ) S�. On this 9th day of January, A. D. � 1941, before me, D.O.B�ckmann, a
<br /> HALL COUNTY � ) Clerk of the �istrict Court duly elected ar�d qu�,lified for sa.id
<br /> County, personally �ppeared Daniel Sanders, Sheriff of a�id Goun�y,� �
<br /> ,
<br />