<br /> ���
<br /> ���� ������ ��. � �
<br /> 18188—The Auguattne Co., County Supplies, Grand Island, Nebn
<br /> heirs and assigns, forever, all his right, title, interest, eatate, claim and demand, both at law '
<br /> a.nd in equity, of, in and to the following described real estate, situated in Hall County, and State
<br /> of Nebr;��ka, to-srait:
<br /> A certain triangular t_�act in the Northwest Corner of the Southwest Qu�:rter (��4) of the southeast
<br /> Qua.rtPr (SE4) of Sectien `�hirty-one t31) , �ownship '�en �10) �orth,rlange l��►elve �12) West of the 6th
<br /> P,M. described as be�inning at the Northv�est (NW) Corner of the South��est Quarter of the Southeast
<br /> Quarter ( SW4 �E,��) of said SFction; running thence south 7. � feet; running thence Northeasterly (NE)
<br /> at an angle of 6� degrees �1 mir�utes, 16. � feet to the North ].ine of said �0 acres; running thence
<br /> West (V�T) on trie lorth line of said 40 acres, l�.l feet to t�r�e place of beginning.
<br /> Together Tn�ith all and sin�ular the hereditaments and a,�T�urten�nces tnereunto belong; TO HAVE Ai�D Tb
<br /> HOLD the above c�escribed premises unto �n.e said Hall �ounty, �ebras'�a, its hei rs and assigns;
<br /> IN WITNESS `^THER�'CF, The sa,id party of the first ��a.rt has hereunto set his hand the day and year f irst
<br /> above written.
<br /> Signed, SP�.led arld Delivered in Pr�sence of G. E.Hutches
<br /> ST1�TE pF �t�TN�1ES�TA j ' On this lOth. d�y�: ef June, A.�. 1939, before ne, Bert Karon, a Notary Public
<br /> _ _ ) ss7
<br /> C^UNTY OF ST.LOUIS ) duly qua.lified fer and residing in said county and state, personally came
<br /> the above na.med G.E.Hutches' ,�aidower, who is pe�°sonally �nown to me to be the i�.entical peraon des-
<br /> cribed in and ?�hose name is affixed to ti�e fcregoin�• Deed as grantor, and has severally acknowledged
<br /> the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein stated.
<br /> T�IITNESS my hand and Official seal, �3,t Duluth, St.Louis, county, on the da.te last above mentioned.
<br /> (SEAL) Hert Karon
<br /> Notary Public, Ht.Louis County,Minn.
<br /> My Commission Expires April 23, 19�+0
<br /> Filec� for recor. d this 6th day of January, 1941, at 2:15 0 � clock P.M. ������ �f
<br /> �/���`.�-��____
<br /> egister of eeds
<br /> �_i'1 � r� , r' ._.�, , n n (� n rv _`'�_(', � -, '1 (', n � n !1 rl n '� _'�_'1 , ,;. r n �� Q
<br /> �I�j� J.�. �O.�J� '.J� ��'�J.��.J� �.� /�I�jr�j�Q��,J� �k��..�r�rl�� .�.`.J.��'.,����.�Iy�..I�..J�� -•J�r.l ��, ���J�n.��.�U�u��J�.Cj�
<br /> !
<br /> '��'
<br /> T:I� �ND�NT�R�, i�ade �h�s l�th day of December, in the year one thousa.nd nine hundred forty betwee�
<br /> Nebraska Conference As^ocia.tion of the Seventh Day Adventists, a Corpora.tion, of the Pirst part, and
<br /> Hall County, Nebra.ska, of the second t�art.
<br /> WITNFSSEI�H, Thai, the s�:id part;; of the first part, in consideration of tne sum of One Dollax and
<br /> oth�r valu?ble consi�leration Dolla.rs, �o it duly pa�id, t_�e receipt whereof is hereby acknowledoed,
<br /> granted, conveyed, remised, released and ql�it-claimed, and by tnese presents do gra.r�t, convey,remise,
<br /> release, anc' f'orever quit- �laim ur�to tne said t�arty of t?-�e second part, �.nd to its heirs and assigns
<br /> forever, all its right, title, interest, estate, claim and denand, both at law and in equity, of,
<br /> in and to tile following described real esta.te, situated in ----- Count�r, and State of Nebraska, to�wit:
<br /> A certain tract or part oi t�e Eas.t Half �E�� of Section `�hirty-one �31� , 'lownship Ten �10) �orth,
<br /> R?n�e Twelve �12) ti�est, being uniformly �0 feet �aide, the center line oP which tract is described
<br /> as be�innin� �.t a point of 32.9 feet Nortn of tne East Quarter Corner of said Section; runnin; thence
<br /> SouthT�resterly at an angle of 63 degrees 0� minutes, 2.1 feet to a ;�cint on the East and West Half
<br /> Section line throu;h said Section, s�.id poin� being �4. 3 feet West of said Quarter Corner; contin-
<br /> uing trlence on the s�me course 1612. 7 feet; running thence 0 degrees 53 minutes Right, 126�.5 feet
<br /> to a ,�oint on the North �nd South xalf Section line through said Section, said terminus T�oint being
<br /> 20. 4 feet North of the southt�rest Corner of the North Half of the Southeast �uarter of said Section,
<br /> and said last described course ma_king a Northeasterly an�le of 63 degrees �jl minutes with said North
<br /> and South Half Section line;
<br /> Together with all and sin�ul�.r t'_�e heredit�.meizts and a���urtenances thereui�to belong; TO �iAVE A�D TO
<br /> HCLD the above described premises unto the said Hall County, Nebraska, its heirs and assigns;
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said party of the first �a.rt has hereunto set its hand the day and ye�.r
<br /> fiMst above written. Nebraska Conference Association of
<br /> (CORP) the �eventh Day Adventists, a Corpor-
<br /> Signed, Se�led a_nd Delivered in Presence of �S�L� ation,
<br /> B.�. Clark By O.T.Garner,Pres.
<br /> L.R.Alexander, Sec 'y.
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 26th d��.y of Dec. A.D. 19�J, before me, B.G. Cla.rk, a 1��7otary
<br /> , �J•
<br /> COUNTY OF LANCASTER ) Public, duly qudli�'ied for and residing in said county and state,
<br /> personally came the �bove na.med O.T.aarner, , who -- person�.11y known to me to be the ic�entical person
<br /> described in ^.nd e�rhose name -- affixed to t�ze foregoing Deed as gr�ntor, and severally acknowledged
<br /> the foregoing instrur�ent to be --- voluntary act and deed for the purposes t�lerein state.
<br />