�C.d� �
<br /> ���� �����.� ��. � � ;
<br /> 18128—The Augustine Co., County Bupplies, Grand Island, Nebr. �,
<br /> 3ay of Au�ust,Iy�Q,at 2:00 o 'clock,P .A�. ,after sa3d sale had been held open one hour,we sold said ,
<br /> real estate at public auction to JoYin A.4�'�bel and Ell.a F.Wabel,husb�,nd and wlPe,as �oint tenaf��s
<br /> an3 not a$ tenr�nt� in cornMOn, they Y�ein� ttle highe�t bld;�ers therefor; that sald sal.e was there-
<br /> upon reported to �aid Judge of the District Court and by him in aIl things conPirmed on the 218t
<br /> da,y of September,l9�-O,and we vrere ordered to li1AkP, a deed af said premises to sa�d purchasers.
<br /> NOV�,THFRFFORE,v�e fienrick I�.Ptzine and Ira E.Paine, ,�oint guardians oP SVilliam E.Gardner,an incomp-
<br /> ��s�t, in eons3cleration o� the premise�s anci the sum oP Three Hundred SevPnty-Plve and no/100ths
<br /> (�375•�0) :%olla,rs, s� bid and �aid by the satd John A.V'�abel and Ella F.�Iabel,husband �.nd ��rife,
<br /> and by virtue oP the powers yntrusted in ue by said order and proceedinga' do by these presents
<br /> grant, sell and convey unto the said Jo�n A.WAbel and Ella F.�tabel,husband �nd wife,ae ,joint tenants
<br /> and not as .tPn�.nt� ?.n coMrnon, it being the intention of aII parties hPreto, that in the event of
<br /> the death of either of s�id grantees, the entirP fee simple title to the real estate de�cribed
<br /> herein shall ves� in tt�e surviving grantee, and to their heirs and asaigns, the real estate describ^
<br /> .
<br />� ed as Po3lov�s, to wit: Lot Four (�-� in I31ock YEl.even (11) and the South ht�.1P (8�) oP Lot Three ( 3)
<br /> in Block Eleven (ZI) ,aII in the ViZlage of �airo,Hall County,l�ebraska;
<br /> with a11 the appurtenances thereunto belon�ing �o �.ave and to hold the same unto them, the said
<br /> JaY�n A.�'�abel and E].1� F.VJabel,husband and wife,and to trieir heirs and assigna forever.
<br /> IN ti'IITNESS V�fiEREOF we h�,ve fZere��nto set our hands this 2l.st day of September,19�0.
<br /> In presence of:
<br /> Eileen Do�ad __________________ Hene��;�k B.paine
<br /> � (�. �5 I.R. Stamps ) Joint Guardia.n oP the Eatate oP
<br /> Mill.iam E.Gardner,Inconpetent
<br /> Ba�rr�rd H.Paine Jr. � Cancelled � Ira E.Paine
<br /> oint Guardian oP the Eatate of
<br /> William E.Gardner,Incompetent
<br /> State of r?ebrAS�a )
<br /> )es. On thia 21st day oP September,?940,before the undersigned,a tTotary
<br /> County c�'� Hall )
<br /> Fublic in and for said County,per�onally appeared Hendrick B.paine and
<br /> Ira E.Paine, ,��int �;uardians oP �'lillia� E.Gardner,an incampetent,in the case referred to in the
<br /> Poregoing deed, the same being Cuse r1o.y233, to rae personally known to be the ident3caZ peraons
<br /> whose na�PS are subscribed to the Pore�;oin�; deed as grantors,and they �ointly and severally acknoV�-
<br /> led�ed th.e ex�cution tYiereof to be their t•oluntary act and deed as sa1 d ,joint guardians �'or the
<br /> . .
<br /> purposee therein expressed.
<br /> ti'VITNESS my hand r�nd notarial Aeal the day anc� year Zast above v�ritten.
<br /> ( SEAL) Ba.vard H.Paine Jr
<br /> Commission expires July 23,1942 Notary Public — �
<br /> Filed for record this �+ day oP January,1Q41,at 1 :15 o 'clt�ck P.&2.
<br /> ��=c�� �-�-����
<br /> • � Register oP Deede '
<br /> ,�o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o
<br /> `QUIT CLAIM DE�'D
<br /> THIS IN�ENTURE, �ade this 3rd day of January, in '�he year one thousand nlne hundred and Forty-one
<br /> betT,�een Herbert F.Mayer and Linda R.Mayer, nis taife, of tne first part, and Pearl S.Mayer and
<br /> Helene M.McCullou�h of the second part,
<br /> WITPIES�ETH, that the s�a_id parties of the first part, in consideration of the sum of One DOLLARS,
<br /> to us duly paid, the receipt -�t�ereof is hereby ac�nowledged have remised, released, and quit-claim
<br /> and by these present5 do for ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, remise, release
<br /> �nd forevPr quit-claim and convey unto the said parties of the second part, a��d to t:�eir heirs and
<br /> assi�ns forever, all our right, title, interest, estate claim and demand, both at law and in e quity,
<br /> of, in �nd to a.11 of our undivided one-h�lf �112� inte est in and to The `�lesterly one-halP (WQ)
<br /> of the Ea terly tt.ao-thirds (E 2/3)of Lot Six t6) in �lock Fifty-five (55) of the Original `1'own,
<br /> r�oTf� City ;�of Gr. and Island, Nebr:aska, accordino to the recorded plat thereof,
<br /> ,
<br /> "�ogether T�rith a.11 ��nd sinoul��,.r the hereditamPnts thereunto belonging.
<br /> 10 'riA'I�' A:��D TC� �C?LD the a'aove described premises unto the said Pearl �.I�Iayer and Helene M.McCullough
<br /> _ _ _
<br /> �
<br />