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<br /> ���� �.����� ��. � �
<br />, 15128—The Augusttne Co., County Suppllee, Grand Island, Nebr.
<br /> sin�le, who is personally knoT�rn to me to be the identica�. person whose na.me is affixed to the abo�re
<br /> instrument as grantor and she acknowledged said instrument to be her voluntary act and deed.
<br /> WITPIESS my hand and Notarial. Seal the date last af'oresaid. A.J.Luebs
<br /> (SEAL) Not�xy Public
<br /> I�y commission expires on the bth day of July, A.D. 19�-�
<br /> Filed for record this 4 day of January, 194T, at 9:30 0 �clock A.I�i. ����,�v✓
<br /> I � � ,
<br /> Kegister oP II�
<br /> , , n �
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<br /> That Whereas, i�n an action in the District Court of ti�e Eleventh Judicial District of Nebraska,
<br /> within anc� for Hall County, ?�herein Home �wners � Loa.n Corporation, a corporation, is Plaintiff,
<br /> and Herbert O.Rodenbaugh, sometimes known as Herbert O.Rodenbough, et al. are �efendants, it was
<br /> by said Court at the Februa.ry Term thereof, A.D. , 19�-p, to-wit, on the 20th day of February A.D. ,
<br />' 19�-0, considered, ad,jud.ged, and decreed that in default of tne payment to the Clerk of the District
<br /> Court of the costs of said action, and to the plaintiff tne s�_�m of �63�+. ?6 with interest thereon
<br /> at the rate of 6� �er annum from Februa.ry 20, 19�-0, within twenty days from the date of such �udg-
<br /> ment and dearee, th�a.t the ea_uity of redemution of eacn and all of' said defendants in and to the
<br /> lands and tenements hereinafter descril�ed be foreclosed and forever ba,rred, and that the sheriff �
<br /> of said Hall C���.nty cause the lands and tenements hereinafter described to be advertised, and sold
<br /> accordin� to latia; and whereas the sa id def endant s h�.ving made default therein, Daniel sanders, as
<br />� v t th rd r f id C t h d
<br /> Sheriff' of s�.id County, under and by ir ue of e o e o sa our to im irected, did, on the
<br /> 27th day of Decetnber, A. D. , 19��0, at t he north door of the Court xouse in the city of Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska, in said County of Ha11, ( the same being the place wherein the District C�urt was last
<br /> held in said County) , having first given due and legal notice of the time and place of said sale,
<br /> for not less than thirty days vrior thereto, in the �rand Island Daily Independent, a legal news-
<br /> paper printed and in general circulation in said County o�' Hall, sell the said premises at public
<br /> auction to Home Owners � Loan Cvrporation, a corporation, (it being the highest and best bidder
<br /> ' therePor) for the sum of Seven-hunc�red five & 79�100 DOLLARS, which sa,le was afterwards at the
<br /> September Term of said Court, A.D. , 19�0, examined and confirmed, and the said Daniel Sanders,
<br /> as Sheriff of said Ccunty, w�,s ordered to execute a deed of said �remises �o the said Home Owners �
<br /> Loan Cor�oration, a cor�oration,
<br /> NOJT, THE�?EFORE, I, the said Daniel Sanders, as sheriff of Hall County, TJebraska, in pursu�nce of
<br /> the order of said Court, as aforesaid, in consideration of the premises, and by virtue of the
<br /> powers in me vested '�y law, do hPreby give, grant, and convey unto the s�id Home Ownersi Loan
<br /> Corporation, a corporation, and assigns, the nremises sold as aforesaid, to-wit: '
<br /> .
<br /> All of Lot Four (�-) of Lambert ' s �ubdivision of a part of the Northwest Quarter of the southeast
<br /> Quarter (NW4SE�,) of Section,, Ten (10) , �ownship Eleven �11) North,Range Nine �9� West of the 6th P.�I.
<br /> Grand Isla.nd, Hall County, 1Vebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded.
<br /> with all and singular the apburtenances thereunto belon�ing, to have and to hold unto i� the said
<br /> Home Owners � Loan Cor.;�oration, �. corporation, and its assi�ns forever.
<br /> Ii� WITNESS ti°1i:EREGF, I have, as such Sheriff of Hall �ounty, Nebraska, hereunto set my hand this
<br /> 3rd day of January, A.D. , 1941. Daniel Sanders �
<br /> Executed and Delivered in Presence oP Sheriff of Hall �ounty.
<br /> Marg�,ret Vick
<br /> THE STATE OF ivEBRASKA ) On this �r�d day of January, A.D. , 1941, before me, D.O.Beekmann, a
<br /> ) ss.
<br /> HALL COUN'FY ) Clerk of the District Court duly elected and qualified for said Co��nty,
<br /> personally a���eared Daniel sanders, Sheriff of said County, to me known to be the identical person
<br /> described in and who executed the foregoing instr��nent fts grantor, and acknowledged said instrumeaat
<br /> to be his voluntary act and c?_eed as such Sheriff.
<br /> I�V Zt�ITNESa ��THErEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal at Grand Island, Nebraska, in said
<br /> �ouizty, t��e day and year last above written. D. 0. Beckmann ,_._
<br /> ( �EAL) Clerk of tlle Distric Court.
<br /> Filed for record t�.is 4 day of January, 1941, at �:30 0 'clock A.M. -�.ac�
<br /> ,_ e� s. er o�
<br />