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�: <br /> � . <br /> , <br /> . , „ , .. .��;t��� . <br /> 02�07�07 FRI 1S:S8 FAY J02 d83 8188 L'NIOV BANK COVt1. LOAN f�j00H � ` <br /> . . 97.� 109.1`�� , <br /> (d) Orantor h1��the rlq�t�nd fb duiy�uthonzad to oxeout�and p�AOrm It1 Obligptfone unuer thle l7eed of Truct anA thn�I�etlont do not�nd „ . _ <br /> ehnll n01 Con0iC1 with ths provlslons ot eny ot�tu:a.regulpUon,ordinanu,iul�o�Isw,eontrpct Or olh0i aDreOm�nt whiCh mey bu binding on <br /> Orantor�t�ny tims, ,- <br /> (e) No eat�nn ar prce�Wmg�8 Ot�htil po p�ndin{�or thre�t�n�d whlch mlght matufalry aBeot th�Prop�Hy;and ;, <br /> I (f) drontor hae not vloitt�d�ntl�hall nOt v101�t�eny etatute,rspularon.Otdlnanc�,rul�Of lew,con4rnot or othu npi��m�nt(Ineludln�,hut not ' <br /> I�mitW to,Mos�powrning Fi�t+�rd0u�N1�tsri�il)which miyht mat�rlally aH�Ct the PtOp�ity cr Ltnde r'e ilQhto or Intu�st In M�Prop�rty punuant <br /> t0 this pHd ci Trwt. <br /> � �. PPiIOp DElS�9 0�TAUST. brantur nprss�nts and warrant�th�t th�r�sr�no pnor dtedo ot trust�H�Ctinp I�ny p�tt 01 th�PrOp�Ry IxC�pt 1����t <br /> � fOrth nn Sch�dut�B smch�d to thi�Oeed of Tru�t,wh�ch firentor aprees to p�y and p�riorm fn�t�m�ly manner. it th�r�an any pno►d�rda of nuft <br /> then prantar npreee to pey ell emou�is owed,end petio�m ell obllp�t�en�r�qwrYtl.undar suoh d��ds ot trust and th��nd�btedn�u�etur�d th�roby <br /> �nd furth�r•Dna thRt a d�tault undor�ny pnor de�d of truat shall h�a d�llult u�tl�r th�b Deed ot Trutt�nd�hall�ntttl�Landu to dl H�Nto a��d . <br /> nm�dl��cont�un�d h�r�ln or In th�pbll9atlon�ta wh�eh L,�nd�r would b��n�11�d�n th��v�nt e(any oth�r d�f�ult. <br /> �. 4RANSFHRS 0�THC PROPER7Y OR BfiNE�tC1Al INTER��TS(N GRANTOFiS OH o011ROWER'. In th�w�nt Of�tYl�,e0nwY1���.��a0�. " -- <br /> eontrl�Ct fpr d��d or tnncf�r to l�y p�non ot Itll or any p1�R vt th�real prop�Ry d�serib�d in SCh�dule a or Rny mte�at thenin,or af all o��ny = <br /> - b�nsfltll�l Int�t�at�n 8orrowu or prantor(1}Dorrow�r or Grpntor�e not�nrturol pasen or p�noM but i1 t CorpoetUvn,lim�ted I�ab111ty cempany, <br /> hu�on Immtdsat�ly due�and p�yabli) A L ndor'�ipqwoS�Ci��ntor or�Borrowlr,t�th�ca,srm�y b�Ih�ll�lum�ah aQcolmpi�t�atPaitem�nt aettiny foAh <br /> nn ot it�etuekhold�n.m�mb�r�,or p�rtnera,ae�pproprltt�,and th��xt�nS ollheir reapect�ve ownushlp Intenat�. <br /> 8. ASSIOKMENT 01�pENTB. In COnud�ntion o1 the ObUp�Uono,which an I�Cured by thie Daed of Trust,Gnntor absolunly asa�gna to l,ender nll <br /> Grantor'��ftlt�,tight,idie,mteraat,olaim and d�mand now own�d or heteaRer a�qulr�d In ail eri�ting �nd futur0 lettef 0f th�Prop�rN(iacludinp :,�(;�,:Y.t. r. <br /> � �xhn�iana,nmwala and tubl��1��),��I sgrtements tor uae�ntf eeeupaney 01 the Froperty(Yil auch i�aus and apn�m�ntn wh�th�r wtttt�n ar pnf, , � <br /> �u�here�tt�r retsrnd to�s the"L�aN�`),�nd au yuaront�ae ot.ioau.s�puform�na under tho Leaave, together wlth th�Imm�dlab�nd earMnulnp � ' -'���a1°� <br /> • ripht to toll�ot and f�e�iw ati ot the renh,ineome,reodpts,r�wnu��,fl�u��,profiU nnd other Incom�of any Antun now or nsnaR�r du�(inelueJinp ---_ <br /> � any incomo of�ny natun com�np due durin8 sny red�mptwn period)undn ihe I.�aie�or}rOm or u��mg out ot the Prvperty�noludinp minimum �";��= <br /> nnt�, tdditional renta,poro�ntaga nnte, parking or COmmon Rre�maint�n�nc�eontrlbutleM,t�x and�n�urtnes eontributivn�,tl�tiG�ncyr rOnri, ��-�: <br /> ; Uquitlsted damspa failowing default m �ny Leaso, ail prooeeds p�yabl�under�ny poliGy vf mnurenoe oovs�ing losa ot nnts nsultlnp from ;,_ <br /> unt�nsntability cau�od by destruotion or dama8�to th�Prop�rly,�II proceada paysbie as e rosult ot a Isa�e�'�exsr�fae ot an oppon to purthit�th� ;�� <br /> �� Property,ell prooeeds de��ved�rom th�t�tmi��tion vi re��ot�on ot any Uu�In a bankruptey or other inevlvency procetdiny,and�II proc��dt frpm . . V-v— _ <br /> �. any riOht�and cil�ime of any kind whloh(inntor may hwa agafntt I�ay INp�und�r th�leas�s ar¢ny oecupant�ot the Prop�rty(�II et th�abow aro ___- <br /> ' s n���after coll�oNv�ly nf�rnd ta st th�'Rentt`), 7nld�sli�nm�nt is subj�ot to th�ripht,pOw�►and ituthonty giwn to the L�ntler to oolt�ct antl�pply �'�'s�.��+r <br /> th� i�nte. Thii I�ISipnment le reoordsd In aeeordanu wlth�ppliW�bl�staU law; the ilen ersatW by thi�as�ipnm�nt i�intrnd�d to b�Ip�Clfle, _ <br /> ' p�rttCt�q,and ehol�t0 upon the record�ng ot thls D�sd of Trust,all 1��provfded Dy apPiioabt�st�t�iow�a am�nd�d trom tlm�to tlrn�. M iong�� =� <br /> - � th�re is no detaWt und�r yl�QbGQ1�ti0n�Ot th�a Deed o�Trual.Und�r grantl Gr�nto�p revocable license to oolleot ell Renh from th�Uas�s wlien - <br /> > dw and t0 uN suah prooesdc In pranter'� bu�ineo�op�rl�Uon�. Howev�r,l.�ndu may at any Um� nqulrs Gr�mor to d�poslt�II R�nts Into an . �• ___ <br /> noeount mRifltl�iAOd by Grantoi or Lender at Lendn'e initituGO�. Upon dOt�ult In the p�ym�nt of,er In the p�rl0rml�n6�Of,Rny ot th�ObNgtUont, <br /> , � Lender may�t Rs optlon t�k�pOt60t1ion o1 the Propeity nnd haw,hold,mintg�,I�lt�v�nd operate the Prop�ttyr on t�rma tnd tor a plrlod of qm� ' ' <br /> , that Und�t d�ema prop�r Lsndsr miy proe��d t0 C011eCt And reoeivs �n FMnte from the prop�rty. �nd Lander ahait have full pow�r to make "'.'�"� _. <br /> all�raUOns,nnov�Uon1,tep��r�or replaoemont�ta th�Propaty u Lend�r m�y dwm proper. l.ender may ipply all R�nts In L�nd�r'��ot�dilor�tion � <br /> ,t •'� to p�yment of th�Obilpationa or to tn�pRyment of the oost of auch aR�ratlonl,renovl�tiom,np�irn end replaotments�nd any�xp�ns�e Inald�nt to , •�- <br /> . takinp antl fot�inin0 poaa�es�on of th�Prop�rty p��lodically pnd the msmycmtnt and opn�tlon o1 th1 PrOplrty. Und�r msy kNp th�Prop�rty �:�. <br /> �' properly inaured�nd may diaet�uge�ny tuces.chsrp�s,chima,as&essm�nn and other Ii�n�wh�ch rnny soorue. The expensa nnd cort of theee ?;� <br /> � , aetion�may b�paid irom the R�nta neNvsd,and any unpud�mounte shall be added to th�prineip�l o�ths OGiiql�t�om. Th�H tmvunt�,topeth�r , <br /> witd othu costs,shall b�cam�put ot the ObtipRbane xcured by thie Oud of Tru�t. � + <br /> � 1 ML 1 M 4�_ I IM { ';: <br />—_-- _—___= o. Ccw�w wiii'i�iricn AL�iR�c:.iii.Tw �aiwi�Yt;t:t, r,t;= ....:Gi!:!. ..L..' •n; e-.4er.Whlc!! �+_u r����w m o�rmit t►tr UrminttiOn Ot th� .:c;'`.�`� __ <br /> withholding o4�ny paym�nt in eonMCtion with�ny I.��ee cr other�pnim�nt("Apr��m�nt'f p�rtl�infnp to th�Proportyi. In addition,Ciuntor,withaut _ <br /> °� Unda'i ptlor writt��Cvnwnt,ahall not� (a) eeil�a any moni��p1�y�bl� undcr�ny/1yreement mon thtn on�month(n tdvanrA; (b)madity�ny <br /> �.• Agr�em�nt; (o) attl0n or�Ilow a livn,qcurity fntonat or oth�r�ncumbranc�to b�ptao�d upan Orantor's riyhta,tltl�and Int�wst In snd fo any - <br /> r. Apnsm�nt Or the smounta pay�bl�th�r�und�r;or(d)f�rminat�or oancd any Ayreement�xwpt ior the nonptymsnt oi�ny aum or oih�r mat�rinl <br /> ` br�aCh by th�othu paRy thsr�to. It duuttor rece�vee at any t�m�any wrltt�n eommunlCOtlon Rrierting e detnult by Orentor undar an Apr�em�nt or , <br /> purpoRinp tv t�rmm�te or wneN any ABroement. G�antor �h�ul prompfly forvrard � eopy of euch eommunleaUon (and any�ubtlqu�nt ` <br /> �, eommunlp�UOnt telating theretol to Lender All aueh Agre�msntt Rnd the+�mounb due to Gnntor thuwnder an h�nby asslpn�d 10 L�nd�r�a <br /> 'r'' � additional a�ourl}y}ot ih�Obllp�tlon�. <br /> ' ; � 7. GOLLECTION OF INOE87'iDNESS FAOIuI THIRO PARTV. ��nd�r�htll b�entitled to notHy or requln G►antar to notNy�ny Mlyd psity(�neluelln�, i � <br /> but nat IImR�d to,I�tcN�,ItC��rnmental wthoritles�nd Insu►ana wmpani�t)to p�y L+endet sny indebt�dnu�ot o611patl0n ov+ing to <br /> '' � Gra�rior with resprc2 to th�Proporty(eumulRtively�'Intlebt�dnese')vrhether or not a d�faun sxista und�r thfe Deed ot Trun. Gr�ntor�hUl diliq�nty �-- <br /> ea�I�et th�Indebtedne�a awin8 to Cirtntor 8om th�s�thlyd piKlst until tho pfvin pf wCh notHicatlan. In M��Wnt th�t�rantar postssfn or reoslves � <br /> p04aesaion ot any InttrumsnM ot othe�remitt�utCe�wit11 retpeat to the Indebte�n•ss rouow�ng th•gi�ng ot•ueh no�r�aUon or�f�+�In�trum�nts or �--- <br /> oth�r nmlttMCES CCnititute th�prepayment of any Ind�bt�dmzs or th�p�ymOnt ot I�ny insunnce or condemnation proc�ed�•Orantor sh�ll hoW r :� <br /> euoh Instrum�nts tnd other r�mitt�nc�e fn truat 1ur Lender epart trem Its oth�r proputy,�ndora th� inet�umsnts+�nd othet r�mittaflCN to L�ttO�r. � <br /> and Imm�df�Uly provlde Lender wtth poss�sc�on o}th�In�uum�nri and otha remlttanc�s. Lender ehall bs�ntltled,but not requlred,to colltat(6Y <br /> I�gd proDNdlnpc or oth�Mrii�J,0xtend Ut0 Um@ for pryment,o0mpromis�,�xehtng�or ni�u��ny obilgor or colUt�r�I,or oth�tWlp��tt��any of <br /> t!u Indebtedn�ss wh�thu or not 1�n ev�nt of detl�ult exi�t�under th�a 1lgreement. Lend�r ah�ll not t�II�b4 te Orantor tor any aotlon,Krer,mist�k�, <br /> ' omlulon or d�lay p�d�ininp to th��otlons d�ne►Ib�d In MIs partpraph ot any dl�m�p��rvtultiny thtr�lrom. Notwlthatandlnp the fvripalnp,nothlny � <br /> hersin ehdt caus�l.�nd�r t�b�d��m�d R mortqAyeran.poawaeion. <br /> . " , tl. U�E AND MAINTENANCE OF PROPERTY. G��ntor snall tak� eli antlons�nd m�k� �ny apiSr�nNtl�d to m�nt�ln th�Rropaty In good <br />___ _ _ pnnd�en �?nntnr ah�ll net cammit ar pnrmd eny wute to b�oommltt�d wlth mp�ot to tN�P�OpPAy. C3rMtor phRll uN NY ProUi�Sy lolely In _T��---— <br />