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r ' <br /> I, ��� . . ' . . <br /> ��E�� �.�EC��� N�. � 1 <br /> t _ �� <br /> 18129—The Auguatine Co., County 8upplfea, C}rand Island, Nebr. � ��� � � � ��-� -� �- ����-- ' <br />', .. . . . . � . � . _.:. � . � _.. . __._.. ... ._. . � .._ �: <br /> '�TARR.ANTY DEED -VESTING E�3TIRE TITLE IN SURVIVOR� <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEi�TS, Tha_t we, Albert Stehr and Lillie Stehr, husband and wife, in con- <br /> sideratian of One DOLLAR�, in hand p��id, do here'�y ;;rant, barg�.in, sell, convey and confirm unto <br /> Otto Mathiesen and Anna Mathiesen, husband and wife, as JOINT TENA�ITS, and not as tenants in common, <br /> the following described real estate, situate in the Caunty of Ha,_ll and State of Nebraska, to-klit: <br /> Lot Three �3) in Stehr Sub-Division, according �o the plat thereof recorded in Book �1 of Deeds at <br /> page �-15 in the office of the Re��saer of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraskp, being a part of the West , <br /> Half of the South�aest Quarter (W W ) of Section Eleven �11) in Townshi Eleven tll) North,Range <br /> Nine �9� j'�est of the 6th P.Y�. <br /> to�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and at�purtenances to tne sams belonging, and all <br /> the esta.te, title, dower, right of homestea.d, elaim or demand whatsoever of the �rantors, of, ; <br /> in or to trie same, or any part thereof; sub,ject to encumbrances oP record. <br /> �T BEING �THE INTENTION OF ALL PCyRTIES HEFETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> GF�ANTEEa, T�E ErdTIRE FEF SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREII� SHALL VES`� IN °FHE SUR_ <br /> VIVING 'urAVTEE. <br /> TO HAVE A�JD TO HOLD the above described premises, with .the appurtenances, unto the s�id gr�.ntees <br /> as JOTNT TE�JANT�, and not as tenants in common, and to tneir assi�ns, or to tne heirs and assi�ns <br /> of tne survivor of them, forever, and the grantors named herein for them a.nd their heirs, executors, <br /> and administrators, do coven�nt with the grantees named herein and with their assigns and with the <br /> heirs and assi�;ns of the survivor of the�, t��at ti�e are lawf�ally seized of said premises; tha_t they <br /> are free from incumbrance except as stated hez�ein, ar,d t�iat we t'rle said grantors have good right <br /> and la.wful authority to sell the s�me, ar�d th�t zae will and our heirs, executors aiid administr�tora <br /> shall warrant and defend t"rle same unto the grantees n�med Yierein and unto their assigns and unto <br /> tn.e heirs and asQi�ns of the survivor of them, forever, against the lawful claims of al1 persons <br /> whomsoever, excluding tne exceptions named herein. <br /> IN VdITNESS ?�JIiE.�EOF, we h�ve rlereunto set �ur hands this 30th cta.y of December, A. D, l��.p� <br /> In presence of Albert Stehr <br /> Herbert F.Mayer Lillie Stehr <br /> ST�TE OF ;JEBRASKA ) On this 30th d��y of December, A.D. 1940, bef'ore me, a Notary Public, in <br />' ) ss. <br /> COUNLY OF H.ALL ) and for sa_id County, personally came the above named Albert Stehr and <br />� <br /> Lillie Stehr, nusband and wife, who are personally kno?an_ ta me to be t'r�e identical persons whose . <br /> names �.re affixea to the above instrument as gra.ntors, and t��ey acknowledged said instrument to be <br /> �heir voluntary act and deed. <br /> ��ITI�rESS my hanc? and Notarial Seal the date aforesaid. <br /> Herbert F.Mayer <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My commission expires on the 17th day of 1�2ay A. D. 19�-�. <br /> Filec for record this 30 day of December, 19�I-0, at 11�40 b � clock A.I�. , <br /> � <br /> •�egister of�s <br /> ��-o-o_o_o-c-�_�_o_:�_o-c-c-o_o-o-o-a-o-o_o-c-o-o-��-o-�-c_��_�-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-o_o_c-o_o-o-o-c-c-c_o- <br /> SHERIFF'S DEED ON FORECLOSUFE OF MORTGAGE . <br /> �`�, r , <br /> � <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY T?iESE PR�SENTB. <br /> That �iJhereas, in an action in tne District �ourt of the Eleventh Judicial District of Nebraska, . <br /> within and for Hall County, wherein H�me Owners � Loan Corporation, a corporatian, is Plaintiff, <br /> and Emma M.Lederman, et al. are DePendants, it was Uy said Cc��rt at the February Term thereof, <br /> A. D. , 19�0, to-*ait, �n the 20th-.da.y. of -Februar;� A. D. ; 19?�p, considered,, ad��d�;ed, and,.decreed, <br /> _ _: _ - . ; . . , , <br /> I, _ : <br /> tna.t in default of the payment to the Clerk of the District Court of the costs of action <br /> a.nd to the plaintiff the s�zm of �219g• 57 Taith interest thereon at tne rate of 6� per annum from <br />' February 20, 19�-0, within twenty days frorn the date of such �judgment and decree, that the equity <br /> of redemption of each and all of defendants in and to the lands and tenements hereina.fter <br /> described be foreclosed and forever ba.rred, �,nd that the Sheriff of said Hall County cause the <br /> lanc�s and tenements hereina.fter described to be advertised, and sold according to law; and whereas <br />� _ _ <br />