<br /> ]��E�E]C� �$�C��� 1��. � �
<br /> 18128—The Auguatine Co., County Bupp2iea, Qra.nd Island, Nebr.
<br /> TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, canvey, and convey, and confirm
<br /> unto I.R.Alter, his heirs and assigns, the following described real estate situated in Grand Island,
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> Lot six (6) in Block Eighty (�0) in the �riginal Town, now City, of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska. �
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the �remisea above described, together with a11 the Tenements, Hereditamenta `
<br /> and ap�urtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said I.R.Alter, his heirs and assigns,
<br /> And we hereby covenant with the said Grante� and with its ----- and assigns, that we are lawfully
<br /> selzed of said premie�s; that they are free from encumbrance,
<br /> That we have good right and lawful authority to sell th� same; and we do hereby covenant to, warrant
<br /> and defend the titie. to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br /> And the said grantors hereby relinquiah all right, title, claim and interest in and to the above �'
<br /> described premises. j
<br /> .
<br /> �ign�d this 31st day of August, A.D. , 1940. Y
<br /> witriesses: ( 11.00 . . tamps ) �ignatures:
<br /> R. C.Nonek � Cancell�d ) Pauline Campb�ll
<br /> H.L.Kemerl3.ng Robert Vi�regg
<br /> Edwin R, Comiskey Mae Viere�g
<br /> ��g Q,�os� John Vieregg � ,
<br /> , Rhea G.�vse Mary Vieregg `
<br /> Beatrice B�recoehea F�anz O.Roeser
<br /> Beatrice Berecochea Caroline Roeser
<br /> Beatrice Berecoch�a Arthur A.Roeser
<br /> L.H.Hartman Doro'�hy V.�eed
<br /> L.H. Hartman John M.Reed
<br /> V�rnon Rice Alma Keller .,
<br /> Vernon Rice Alfred J.Keller
<br /> Vernon Rice Emi1 H. Viere�g
<br /> �ernon Rice vernita Vi�regg :
<br /> Vernon Ri�� Oscar A.Vi�r��g ,
<br /> Vernon Ric� Eva Brasa Vieregg
<br /> STATE OF ILLINOIS )ss. On this 3 day of September, A. D. , 19�0, before me the undersi�ned, a
<br /> COUNTY OF COOR ) Notary Puk�lic, duly commissioned and qualified for and residin� in said
<br /> County, personally came Pauline Campbell, a widow, to me known to be the identical person whose
<br /> name is affixed to the for�going instrument as grantor and acknowledged the same to b� her volun-
<br /> tary act and deed. Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. ,
<br /> (SEAL) Ruth M.Bell
<br /> My Commiasion expires: Dec. 16, 19�2. otary Publie -
<br /> STATE �F ILLINOIS ) ss. On this 31st day of August, A.D. , 19�p, before me the undersigned, a Notary
<br /> C�'3NTY OF MeHENRY ) Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and r�siding in said county,
<br /> p�rsonally came Rob�rt Vieregg and Mae Vieregg, his wife, to me known to be the identical p�rsons
<br /> whos� names are affixed to the foregoing instrument as grantora and acknowl�dged the same to b� �
<br /> their voluntary act and deed. Witness my hand and Notarial Seal th� day and year last abov� writter�.
<br /> (S�A.L) Harold H. H�th
<br /> I
<br /> My Gommission explres : March 16, 1943 Notary Pub1Sc
<br /> STATE OF ILLINOIB ) On this 31st day of August, A.D. , 1940, before me the undersigned, a
<br /> COUNTY OF COOK ) $S' Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said '
<br /> Co�znty, personally cam� John Vieregg and Ma.ry Vieregg, his wif e, to me known to b� the identical
<br /> persons whose names are affixed to the �'oregoing instrument as grantors and acknowledged the same
<br /> to be their voluntary act and deed. Witness my hand and Notarial �eal the day and ,year last above
<br />� A
<br /> writt�n. ( SEAL) .K.j�B�
<br /> M Commission ex ires: Jan. 2� 1 4 . Notar P b
<br /> y A , 9 3 y u lic
<br />' STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) On this 5'th day of Sept�mber, A.D. , 1g40, before me the und�rsigned,i
<br /> as.
<br /> COUI�TY OF LOB ANGELES ) a Notary Public, duly commission�d and qualified for and residin in
<br /> said County, personally came Franz O.Roeser, widower, Caroline Roeser, unmarried, and Arthur Ag
<br /> Ao�ser, unmarried, to m� known to be the identical p�rsons wh�rse names are aPfixed to the fore-
<br /> going instrument as grantors and acknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed. Witnesd
<br /> my hand and Notarial 3ea1 the day and year last above written.
<br /> ( SEAL) Dell].ah �tey F'awcett �
<br /> My Commission expires: April 24, 1942
<br /> STATE OF ARIZGNA ) �S. On this 7th day of S�pt. A.D. , 1911-0, before me the undersigned, a Notary ,'
<br /> CQUNTY OF MARICOPA ) Public, duly commissioned, qualified for and residing in said county,
<br /> personally came Dorothy V.Re�d and John M.Reed, her husband, to me known to be the identical persons
<br /> whose names are affixed to the foregoing instrument �s grantors and aeknow].edg�d the eam� to b�
<br /> their voluntary aet and deed. Witness my hand and Notarial seal the day and year last above writ�en.
<br /> Louise Hartman
<br /> ( SEAL} Notary Public
<br /> My Commission expires� 1-3-4�
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 9 day of September A.D. , 19�+0, bePore me the undersigned, a
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) SS' Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in sald
<br /> County, personally came Alma Keller and Alfr�d J.Keller, her husband; Emil H.Vier�gg and Vernita
<br /> Vieregg, his wife; and Oscar A.Vi�regg and Eva Brass Vieregg, his wife, to me known to be the
<br /> identical persons whose names are affixed to the Poregoing instrument as gr�.ntors and acknowl�dget�
<br /> the same to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year 1.ast above written. �ernon Ric�
<br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public
<br /> My Commission expires : Oct. �0, 1941. __ :
<br /> Filed for record this 9th day of October, 1940, at 11:00 o ' clock A.M. ����� �
<br /> e�gister o��
<br />