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<br /> ., � .. '..
<br /> .... .._ ..« _... .._ . .
<br /> � •
<br /> + 0�-13-199�' DEED OF TRUST 9?.� Pepe b
<br /> Lo�n(do 411959 (Continued) ��}1��� �
<br /> I possssslon of Ih� Propsrty a the collectlon,receipt and eppllcallon of renls, Issues or profils,Trustoo or Lond�.r sh�ll bo ontitled to :--
<br /> 6zCrCl:,o Cvyry r!qht provlded for In Ihe Note or lhe Reieled Documents or by law upon the ocCUrrence of eny event of dbfault,Includirp the
<br /> rlqht to�xKClra ttw powe ol aaN; �
<br /> (b) Commmc�an�oNOn b torsclose Ihl9 Deod of Trust es�mortgepe,apPolnt e recelver a apeciNCally entorce any of the covenanW ..
<br /> h�noh,�nd
<br /> (o) ONlva to TriatN�wrltl�n d9Cltrallon o}default nnd demand(or eale end a wr►tten not�s of dofault and N�ctlon lo causs Truslor'e W
<br /> Int:rc:l In iPa ProF:.riy lo ba oo:d,elh:ch natico Trust��shnll causa So be duly filed for record In Iho npproprlate ofBoes o}the Counly In
<br /> ' i which IM Prap�rty b loCat�d;and .,
<br /> I (d) Wlth r�s(HCt to aN a�ny part of lhe Pereonel Property,Lender shall have all lhe rlphb and remsdles of c.aecured party under lhe
<br /> ' � N�bruk�Unftam Cammerclal Code. _-
<br /> � For�cbsun by POwM of BaIl. II Lsnder eiects to toreclose by exercise ol ihe Power of Salo hereln Contained,Lender shali noti}y Trustee and _
<br /> � ahall d�po�ll wlth TrustN lhis Desd of Trust and the Note nnd such recelpls and evldence of expendlturog made and secured by ihls Qeed of
<br /> Trust u Trustw may nqUits. •• �
<br /> (�) Upon r�p t ol suCh nodC�hom Lender,Trustoe ahall cause to be recadod,pubUshed and dellvered to Trustor auch Notke o}Qefaull -
<br /> �nd NuHc�of SeN as lMn nqulnd by aw artd 6y lhls Deed of Trust. Trustx�shall,without d�mtnd on Trustor,att�r auch Hmo u may � ,_
<br /> 6•
<br /> 1Mn b�nquind by kw�nd after rscordation of such Notk:e of Defaull 6�nd after Notice of Sab lu�ving been piven as requlred by law,sell
<br /> Ihe Proputy at th�tirtM and ptace of aaie ftxed by II In such Notke of Sale,either es e v�hoN,a in separale lots or parce►s o►items as y� ,,._,_�
<br /> • Trus1N sfwM dNm�xpWNnl,and In euch ad�►es e may dotermina,�t publb aucHon to the hlphsst blddar Iw Cash In IawfW maney of _-
<br /> Ih�UnIMd StatMpayabN at tM Urr�ol caM. Trustee aha11 deNvar to suah purchaser or purchaswe thenof fts pood and auMclent deed or ..
<br /> d�sds conwylrp tM propNty to sold,but wilhout any covsnant or w�iranty,express or ImplNd. Th�redtab�n such deed of any m�ftero ____
<br /> : a hcis ahall b�Condusfw proof of the huthfutness thereof. Any person,Inctuding without Iimltatlon T►ustor,Trustee,a Lender,may �
<br /> Ftuclwse at euch salo. k„
<br /> (b) As may be pannittsd by law,atter deducHnfl all costs,tees end expenses o}Trustee and of this Trust,Includinp costs ot evldence oi t � ��
<br /> � dtlo in Conn�cdon with 6ak,T�ustee shall appEy the proceeds of sale to payment of (q all sums expendod und�r lhe terms ot ih(s Deed of ,,r�1',�;�.,:-��
<br /> Trust or undK th�term�of tha Note not then repaid,includiny but not Ilmited to accrued Interost and tate ch�rpes� (Iq all other sums then � �}{•__ __
<br /> s�cund h�rWy,and pA)t1w remalnder,If nny,to the person or persons lepally entilled thersto. ', , _-
<br /> � (o) Trust�s rt�y In ths manner provided by law postpone sale of sll or any portion of the Property. "A�'- �-
<br /> � R�mWNs Not F�cCiusiv�. 7ruslYe and Lender,and eaCh of them,shail be entitled to enfwce payment and performance of any Indobtedness .
<br /> �� '� or obYpatlorts secund by thla Deed of Trust and to exercise all rfphts and powers under this Dead of Trust,'undar ihe No4e,under any of the � ' ,
<br /> RMaNd DocurtNnb,a�undK�ny othw�praement or any laws now or FwreaRer In torce;notwithstandinp,sortw o+tll of such Indobibness
<br /> �.., and oblipations s�und by t h b O w d o(Tr u s!may no w o r h e r e a fl e r b e o l h e r wi s e secur6d,wheth�r by mortpays,desd ot trust,pbdp�,Iien, ., .ti ,
<br /> ass{ym►wnt a othawh�. Nefth�r tM�captenca of thls Ueed of Trust na Ib enforcement,whethsr by couA actlon ot purouaM to Ihe powar of
<br /> � saN a other powes cont�InM In this D�ed of Trust,shaN preJud�e or In any manner aBect Trustee's a Lendars ripht to reaYas upon a 4r:;.� ; .
<br /> enfores any othar Ncurity now or Mrsattor held by'frustae or Lender,it belnp ayreed that Trustee tnd Lender,and�ach o}them.eNll be •:�y;; �
<br /> enUtled to entora thkt Ds�d oi 7rus1 and any otMr cecurlry now a heroaAer held by Lender a Yrustee in such ader artd manrwr ns�heY a ' i�, i
<br /> -°-_— - '' .
<br /> - -- dfiwr oi ii�m may in inwr ibsbiuiiw u�ai�'us doSe�"t�ts�. P:o t:sr�i C:`rl�twl iinnn �v raserwd to TruStae or Lender,Is IntBRded lo be ,{k!�•. "I _
<br /> wcc�uslvs o}sny ott�rortwdy In this Dwd ot Trust or by law provided or permlRed,but each shall bs cumulaUw and shau ba In atld�non to ,
<br /> wc
<br /> �tiwry other rortNdy plwn In thls DMd of Trust or now or hereatter exlstlnp at law or in equity or by atatuts. Every pow�r a romedy piv�n by the �
<br /> ,�,'• Note or any of th� Related Oxuments to Trustea or Lender or to wh�h ellher of them may bs otMrwls�ontllled, may b� exerclsed, •
<br /> concurnntly or Irtd�pmdsntty,hom Urrw to lime and as oflon as may be deemed expadient by Trustse a Londer,and eithsr ot them may
<br /> � punu�InconMsbnt nm�dta. Ndhinp In this Daed of Trust shall ba construed as prohibitinp Lender hom saeicirp p deflClenoY ludpment ,i
<br /> apalnst tTw Trusta to ths wct�nt euch action Is permitted by law.
<br /> il R�quat For Notk�. Trustor,on boh�lt ot Trustor and Lender,hereby requests lhat a copy ot any Notice of Oefsult end a copy of any Notice
<br /> tk
<br /> , of Sd�undor thb M�d of Tnnt b�mtl�d fo them at the addresses set tor�h fn the flrst pa�apraph of this Qeed at Trust.
<br /> � WaIvM;ENcHon of q�nwdNi. A w�►wr by�ny parly o(•a breoch of l provlsion of thls Oeed of Trust shaN not conatitute a walver of a
<br /> n�- pnJudin�tM pnys riphls otMrwiN lo dtmand strict compllance wllh that provislon or any othet provlsion. Hlectlon by Lender to puraw any
<br /> rom�dy provldW In thfs D�W of Tnnt,lhs Not�,In any Rslnted Documenl,or provided by law shall not exclud�punWt of any other romedy, ���
<br /> and tn N�cHon to mak��W�nditirK or to taka action to pertam an obYpatton of Trustor under this Deed of Trust attK t�Nun of Trustor lo
<br /> � pertorm ih�N not afhc!L�nd«'s ripht to dadaro a defauit and to exera'se any of ib remedles. ��.'�
<br /> Attorn�ya'F�sa;E'xp�n�u. N L�nder IiuMtutas any aWt a action to enTace any ot Ihe terms of tlsis Deed of Trust,L�nde►shaN bs�ntided to
<br /> ��.; ncovK auch sum u IM caxt may ndJudpa re�sonabie as attaneys'lees at irlal and on any+�ppoal. Whether or not tny court�ctlon b =
<br /> " '�r Invdv�d,�li rNSOru4M expsruas InCUrred by Lender wh�h In Lender's opinlon are necessary a1 eny Ume fa the protection of Its Interesl or the ___
<br /> � enforartwnt of fb rfphb Sh�ll bacortN a put of tM Indebtedness pay4bte oA demand and shcA bear Interrst at the Nots rata kom the dat�of ��
<br /> '�,' sxpmdNun untll nptld. E�nses Cowred by this parnprnph Include,wilhout Amllation,howsver aubJoct to any Nmib under�ppMcAba aw,
<br /> _�: Lond�r's attonwyra'taes wt�ther or not the�e Is o lawsult,includinp attorneys'tees ta bankrupicy proowdlnps pncludlrp oftmrts to modiy or `:__
<br />__ - vac�M any�utomario eiay a injunciiin�}, :vGiwr and :ny an�MF^.tad p�t-juC;men! cN!°-H�n s,,.�^.M.!�, tp. ��vaf ot wrcNng r�cords. _ __
<br /> � pbWninp tlfN npprb(Inctudinp foreclosun roparts),surwyors'repats.appraisel tees,teia lnsurana,snd fees tor the Trustw,to th�exlent ��r�i�_�--
<br /> ° parmitNd by appNCabN Itw. Trustor�Iso will pay any couA cosb,in additlon to ail othe+�sums providod by law. --_
<br /> - Ri�ts ef TruNN. Tnta1N sha8 haw a.N of ths rlphb and dutles ot LenWr as 6et forth In thb seCUon. i
<br /> �•+. � - POWF3iS AND OELIqAT10N8 QF TRUSTEE. The toNOwinp provfslons relatlnp 4o the powera and obWp�tions ol Trustae are ptA of 1hls Deed of
<br /> - . . Truat. �Y'.' . ,�`e ,.
<br /> 4 •p/tit, ,
<br /> t. PowKS W T�ttNN. U�dditlon to W pow�rs of Trustee�dslnp as e maHor of I�w,Trustoe ahall havs the poww to tak�ihe followinp�cticns 4K� � ,��.
<br />• wNh ntp�ct to lM Ptop�rty upon 1M wriN�n roqwst ot Lender nnd Trusta: (a)Joln In preparinp and AIlnp a m�p or plat of the Real Prop�rty, , �,•.;�, � .�
<br /> `"�' � Indudinp lM d�dicatlon ot stnste a othe►rlphb lo Ihe pubNc; (b)Idn in qrantlnp any easement or c»tUnp a�y resir�tlon on tha Real Proparty; ;r� �f.,..;: :. �. `•
<br /> :.�.�..,. :,: r ^r.:,,,.
<br /> � ;,'�� and(c)Jdn In�ey suba�dinatlon a other iQreement a(tecihiq thla Deed ol Trusl or the Interest ot Lander under thls Deed of Trust. _ . : -;:,;?;,�
<br /> Tru�. Trus1N shaM rt�t aN qual�Acations requked tor Trustee under appiicable lew. In addtUon to the rlyhts and remadios set fath above, _ ,
<br /> - ' with nsp�ct to eN a�ny pa�t of tM Properly,the Tnrsteo shail have the ripht to torecloso by nottce and salo,and Lender shall have theripht to � ,,:`�
<br /> , forocloss by Jud�kl toroClosuro,In Nlher case in axord8nce with and to lhe fuli extenl provlded by appi�abio law. ' ' .
<br /> Sueeessar 7nutN. I.�ndw,at Lendor'a opHon;may hom time to tlme appolnt a successa Trustee Io any Trustee eppdnted hereunder by�n
<br /> , Instrument uacut�d�nd acknowbdgod by Lender ond recordetl In the ofllce of the recorder ot FIAI.I Counfy,Nobrasks. The Instrument shall
<br />- � conlain,in odGiJOn ta rdf o�ts�matt�roqulred by statg law,the nAmps oi the origlnal Lender,Trustee,and 1'rustor,tho book and pflpe(w
<br /> compulK sya,t�m rohrenoe)where thFS Doad of Trust Is recorded,and the name and address of ihe successor trustee,and the inshument shall
<br />- be exeoubd�nd acknow(sdped by aN the beneflctar►es under the Deed of Trust a their s�xxessors�n Interest. 7he sucCessor hustee,without .
<br /> - . conwyana of the Prc�p�tty.shall aucc�d to ail the tiile,power,end dutles conferred upon the Trustqe In R�IS Qeed ot Trust and by appKcabk
<br /> , t�w. Thh groadun tor subalttuUon Of hustee sh�Jl povem to the exCluslon of all other proNslons tor�ubsNtuHon.
<br /> t NOTIC�S TO TRUSTOR AND OTNER PAATIES. Any notVice under Ihis Ueed ot Trusf shall be In wdtirp,muy be be sent by telefacsimllle,Ind sMN � "!
<br /> � . ,,,,e.��,ht����.in. nr If maliod.n1W1 hA deamad effeCllw when `
<br /> ..... .... ....:....._ . :.. . . ._' __�.._u.�_u._�.a _...i__��__�u�J..JiL r�ll�wwll...awnnavsil
<br /> . _. -..__ •-'— 00 RP1GY1l�wtl�l�iGt{Itq�tlwtll�ttH�V�v��mt wyvaavu ma.o.sav..v.q.....ry..�+�"-�._�•••'--"-.•-• -. - • _.. . .. -.`_: ' . .�-..
<br /> - depoSiNd In ttw Ur�it�d 5tr11as mW flrst dex1,cerlilled or replsttxed m8i1,poslage prepald,dlreCleG to the nddresses shown near the bepinn{np ot — '
<br /> � thls D�ed o}Trust. Any perty may chenpe its address for noNCes undor thls Deed ot Trust by yivinp formal wdtion notfce lo the other parlias,
<br /> specltyArp that the purpasa cf tM notta Is to chanpe the part�ls address. All coples af notices of toreclosure from the holder of any Iien wNch hts
<br /> priority ovor this D�d ot 7nnt shaA ba iw�t to Londer's Qddresa,as shown near the bepinninq of thls Ooed of Trust. Fa notbe purposes,Truslor
<br /> aqreas lo keep Lsnder and Trus1M{nformsd at all timas of Trustor's curtenf address. •
<br /> ••_ IAISC�.LAltEOUS PROViStON3.Th0 foMowlnp m!scellaneous provtslons are t pa�t of this Deed ot Trusk . .
<br /> _ Am�ndm�nls. 'fhls Deod of Trusl,topett�with any Retaled Documenb,eonstitutes the entlte undorstandinp and agreement ol the perties as ' .
<br /> - to Ih�matlaa eN(a�th In fhts Qeed of Trust. No dleratlon of a amendment to Ihis Deed of Trust ahaH be eNecllve unfess ylven in w�us►9 and
<br /> _ sfpn�d by Ih�perry a`pastl�toupht to be chnrQed or bound by the alteralion a smendmenl.
<br /> Appik�bN I.ew.•Thls DH+d of Yruq has biee�detivered to Lender�nd�ccepted by Lender In the State ot Nebnak�. Thia De�M ot Truat
<br /> ahW W powrned by md conttrub{n�ccordance wlth the laws of 1M1S State of Nebraaka. � ,� ? ' . �
<br />