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<br /> "� ( �. .. : " ~-��v�,� -
<br /> TI I� MA1'4Y�.. .. . . . ." , . . .��•. �n. 11�.+.V'.r T µ.. __. -_.
<br />� sr"•� Y�1., .. • � a N►��•yW;r.Y�^..•�:,r,
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<br />::�= • . - 97� 1t)11'�1
<br /> �� . .
<br /> • ��. � princlpal amount at tha Indebtednees secured by thle Deed o1 Trust nat Inctudinp eume advanced to protect the securlry ol ihis Deed o}
<br /> �� � Trust,exceed th�orlfllnal pdncipel emount ststed hereln,or S 3dQ.000.b0 ,whlchevor le Qreater. _
<br /> � 18.Ml�a�l��nwu�Pravltion�.
<br /> (B)B�rrowu�lot R�luswf.Extenelon ot th9 Nmo for paymont or modillcntlon of amoRizatl�n o}tho aumo cccurcd by thls �-
<br /> �•�� ' Daed of Truot granted by LeRder to any euccessor In Intorest o!Borrdwer shell not oparate to release,In any manner,the Ilal�Ill• —
<br /> ��' ty of the orlpinal Borrower and Borrowor'e succeasors In Intereat. Lender si�all nol bo requlrsd to cotr�m�n�e praceed!nfls —
<br /> • . apalnst euch euccesaor or retu�e to extend time!or payment or othenvise modity amortlzatlon o1 the suma Recured by thle —
<br /> Dead ot Trust by reason o1 sny demands made by the orlpina!Aarrowerand Borroware successors In Interest. —
<br /> (b)L�nd�r'�Pow�n.Without RHectinp the Ilabltiry ot any other pereon Ilabte for the payment of any oblipetion hereln men•
<br /> M.".��. tlon9d,and wlthout attecting the Ilen or charge of thla Deed of'Prust upon any portidn of the PropeRy not then or theretotore
<br /> �� releasod ss secudry tor the tuil amount ot stl unpa{d oblipallo�s,Lender may,(ram timo to tlmo and r�ithout rtotico (I)relsase �
<br /> �,,,,-- any psrson eo Ilable,(Il)extand the matudty or nfter any ol the tertne o1 any such obllpeitlana,(III)prant other Indulpence�� (Iv)
<br /> �� reloase or convey,or cause to be releaeed or reconveyed at sny time at Lender'o optlon eny parcel, poMlon o►ali ot the
<br /> � Property,(v)take ar release any other or addltioruil secudry or reconveyed at any tlme at Lendera optlon any parcel,poAlon or
<br /> �-- all of the PropeRy,(vi)taka nr releaae sny other or edditional eecurlry for any obllgatlon hereln mentloned,or(v1i)make compo�
<br /> s(tions ot other arrangements with debtore in relatlon thereto.
<br /> ��, (c)Forb�ar�t�q by Lmd�r Not�WaI�K.Any(orbearence by Lender In exerclsing any right or remedy hereunder,or oth•
<br />:. erwise atlorded by appllcablo law,shatl not ba a walver of or preclude the exerclse of any such right or remedy.The proCUra �
<br /> Y., ment of Inauranco or the payment of taxes or other Iiena ar charoes by Lender ehall not be a walver or Lendere dpht to acce{er-
<br />`,t,;,,;t, ata the maturity of the Indebtedness secured bythla Deed of Trust
<br />..tib (d)Successon�nd Atsipni Bound;Jolnt�nd Ssvml LI�bUtty;Ceptlons.The covenants and agreemeMS heraln aon-
<br /> �:_.,� tainad shall bind,end the�Ights hereunder shall fnure to,the respective successore and essigns of Lender and Trustor. AI!
<br /> �y.� covenants and agreemente of Truator shell be Jolnt and soveral.Tho captiona and headings of the paragraphs ot thls Oeed ot
<br /> Trust are for convenlence onty and are not to be used to Interpret or deMe the provlslons hsreof.
<br /> ��� (e)R�que�t tor Notic�s.The partles hereby request that a copy of any notice of defauit hereunder and a copy of any not�e
<br /> ot sate hareunder ba mallcd to o�ch paAy to thls I?eed af Trust at the acldreas set forth ebovo In the manner prescrlbed by
<br /> "-^�°�'� appl�ab!e law.Except for any other noNce required under appllcable iaw to be gtven In another menner,any notice provided lor
<br />-°= In thia Deed of TNet shall be glven by malling such not�e by cer�tied mafl addressed to the other padles,at the address set
<br />:.:-�� torth above.Any notice provided for in thls Deed ot Trust shall be eHective upon malling In the manner deslgnated herein.If
<br /> —_= Trustor is more than one person,not�e sent to the eddresa set torth above shall be notice to all such persona.
<br /> (�In�p�ction.Lender may make or cause to be msde reasonable ent�lea upon and insper.tions of the Properly,provided
<br /> == that Lendor shall pive Trustor notice prtor to any auch inspection specityin�reasonable cause theretor related to lendere InSer-
<br /> est In the Property.
<br /> (g)R�conv�y�nc�.Upon payment ot all sums secured by thls Deed of Trust,LendRr shall request Trustee to reconvdy the
<br /> - Property and shall sunender this Deed ot Trust and all notes evldenciRg Indebtednesa secured by thls Deed of Trust to
<br /> Trustee.Trustee shttil reconvey the Property, wlthout warranty end without charge to the percon lepally entitled thereto.Trustor
<br /> shell pay ell costs a�ecordation,it any.
<br /> (h)P�nonal Prop�rty; 3ecurity A�reement. Aa additlonal secudry tor the payment o4 the Note,Trustor hereby prants
<br /> Lnndxr under the Nebraeka Uniform Commerclal Code s secudiy IMerost in all tl�ures,equlpment,and other pereonal property
<br /> used In oonnecflon wi4h ihe real estate or Improvementa locxted thereon,antl not otherv�rlse deciared or daem�d tv ixi n ya�i�
<br /> the real estate secured hereby.This instrument shall be const�ued ss a Secudty Agreament under satd Code.and the Lender
<br /> shall have all the dphts and remedtea of a secured pa►iy under sald Code In addition to the►ighte end remedles under fhis
<br /> parapreph shall be cumulative with,and In no way a Iimitatlon on,LendePs�ights and remedies under any other security agfee-
<br /> ment signed by Borrower or Trustor.
<br /> (i)LNns�nd Encumbeanc�s.Trustor hereby warrants and represents ihat theie la no defauft under lhe provlsions of eny
<br /> mortyaye,doed of truat,leaae or purchase contrect descdbtng all or any part ot the Property,or other contrect,Inatn�nent or
<br /> = egreen►ent consdtuUr�y a Iien or encumbrance egelnst all or any part o(the Properly(co��ectively,"Liens�,extednp aa of the
<br /> —
<br />