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�� <br /> �]E�� ��EC��� 1�T�. � 1 <br /> 18128—Tha Auguatine Co., County Suppliea, C}rand Island, Nebr. <br /> WARRANTY DEED VESTING ENTIRE TITI.E IN SURVIVGR � <br /> KP10W ALL &IEN BY THESE PRESEN�.'S, Th€�� Gertrud� R�cLau�hlin, singl.e, in consideration of One Dollar ! <br /> and othPr valuablP consideration DULLL�RS, in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, �ell, convey and <br /> I conP'irm unfo M�,rian Thompson and Robert R.Thompeon, wife and husband, as JOII�`� TENAPJTS, and not a� <br /> tenants in c�mmon; the follov�in� described real e�tate, situate in the County of Hall and State o�' <br /> Nebr€�.sk�z, to-wit : <br /> Lot Five (5� in Block Eleven (11) , Ori�inal Toarn oP Cairo, as surveyed, platted and recorded. <br /> tngethPr with a1Z the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the samP beZon�ing, and aII <br /> the estate, title, dower, ri�ht of hom�stead, claim or demand wh�tsoever of the eaid grantor, of, <br /> . : b � t <br /> art thereof sub ect to the Z939 taxes and alI su s quent ax�s. <br /> in or to the s�.me, or any p , ,� <br /> IT BEING �''�iE TNTENTIOr1 C7F ALI� PARTIES HER�T�, THAT IN TH�� EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHFR OF SAID <br /> • <br /> GRANTEES, ,�`I'HE EATTIRE FEE SINIPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCR.IBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE SUR- � <br /> VIVIDIG GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the ab�ve de�cribed premises, with the appurtenanees, unto the �aid granteee <br /> as JOIPd2' TEI�iANTS, and not ae ��en�,nts, in common, and to their assigns , or to the h�irs and assign�; <br /> of the survivor of them, forever, and she the grantor named here�ln for herself and her h�irt�, exe�u- <br /> tors, and admini�trators, do coveriant with the grantee� her�in and with their aseign� and <br /> v�ith the helra and ae�igna of the survivor of �hem, that she is lawPully seized of' said premises; <br /> th�.t they are free f'rom incumbrance except as stated herein, and that �he the eaid grantor have <br /> good right and lawful authority to sell the same, and that she will and her heirs, �xecutore and <br /> administrators ahall v�rarrant and defend the �ame unto the grant�es named herein and unto their <br /> assigns and unto the heirs and assigns of' the survivor of them, forever, against the Iaw�'uI claim� <br /> of all persona whomaoevPr, excluding, the exc�ptions na�ned herein;. <br /> IN WITNES� t'VHEREOF I have hereunto set my ht�.nd this 20th day of December, A.D. 1939• <br /> In presence of 5(� I.R.Stamps ) Gertrude �IcLaughlin <br /> Glenn l�f�geon � Cancelled �) <br /> ��A'PE OF NEBRASKA ) On this twentieth day of December, A.D. 1939� before me, a Notary Public <br /> )ae , ; i <br /> COtTNTY OF DOUGLAS ) in and for said County, personally eame the above named Gertrude MeLau�hlln <br /> single, who is per��nally knov�rr� to me to 1�e the identical person whose name is affixed to the abot�e <br /> instrument as grantor and she acknowledged said instrument to be her voluntary act and deed. <br /> WITNESS my h�,nd €�nd Notaria.l Sea]. - the date last aPoresaid. <br /> Glenn P ri�eon <br />'� ( SEAL) Nvtary Public <br /> My commission expires on the 2nd day of January, A.D. , �g�3. , <br /> this 2�th <br /> da of December 1 at :20 0 �clock A.pti. �J(.-�-��-�-_� �, <br /> Filed �'or record y � 939, 9 <br /> Register of Dee/� d�s! <br /> 0--0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-C�-U-0-0-0-U-0-U-0-U-U-0-0-U-0-�-0-0-U-U-U-U-O-U-�-0-0-U-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> DEED . � Property #�003. � /J <br /> _._.__..._ <br /> TFiIS INDENTURE, made thiR 15th day of December, 1939� .between THE PRUDENTI�L INSUt�ANCE COMPAN� <br /> i OF A�iERICA, a corporati�n organized and existing under the law� oP the State of New Jeraey, w�.tl�.- <br /> ita principal office at Newark, New Jersey, the party of the first part, and HALPH L.MOORE and <br /> VERS�iA MOORE, his vaife, ae ,�oint tenants and not as tenant� in common, with right of eurvivorship <br /> in the surviving �rantee, the parties of the second part. <br /> �IITI�3E85ETH : Thr�t the snid party oP the first part for and in conaideration of the sum oP FOUR <br /> �'HUUSAND and 00/100 DOLLAHS (��,000.00) to it in hand paid or secured to be paid by the parties o�' <br /> the second p�,rt, the receipt whereoP ie hereby acknowled.ged, part of said conslderation being <br /> repre4ented by a first purcha�e money mortgage Por TWO THOUSAND FIVE HiJNDRED and 0�/100 DOLLARS, <br /> �2, 500.00) oP even date herewith, has hereby granted, bargained, sold and con�reyed and by these <br /> presents doea �rarrt, bargain, s ell and convey unto RALPH L.D��URE and VEt�SHA Ii�00RE, hie wiPe, as <br /> �joint ten�nts and not a� tenanta in common, �vith ri�ht o� survivorahip in the surviving �rantee, <br />� the s�.id party of the second part, and to their heirs and as�igns P�rever, all that certatn tract� <br />� <br /> a <br />,�, <br />� 0 <br />