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<br /> 18128—The Augustine Co., County 8uppliea, Grand Island, Nebr.
<br /> ' TO HAVE At?D TO fiGLD tYie above dPSCribed premises, with the appurten�.nces, unto the s�.id grantees
<br /> ' as JOINT TE�IANTS, an��. not as tenants in common, and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns
<br /> of the survivor oP them, Porever, and we the gr�ntors na.med herein Por ourseives and our heirs,
<br /> executors, �.nd �,dministr�.tor.�, do covenant with the grantees named herein and with their as�i�ns
<br /> and with the heir� and asaigns of the survivor of them, that we are lawfully seizec�. of said prem-
<br /> ises; th�.t they arP Pree from incumbrance except ag stated herein, and that we thelsaid_ grantors
<br /> have good ri�;ht ar�d Iawful authority to sell the 8ame, and that we will and our he�r�, executors
<br /> and administrators sh�.11 warrant and def'end the same unto the �rantees naxned hereir� fand unto their -a
<br /> ' as�i�ns t�nd unto the heirs and assi�ns oP the survivor of them, forever, against t e lawful claim�
<br /> of alI persons �homaoever, excluding the exceptions named herein.
<br /> IN �ITP1��S WHF:R?�OF', we have herF>unto set our hands this 15 day of December, A.D. 1 39.
<br /> In presence af �1.00 I .n.St�.mps ) J .A.Harri
<br /> C.E.Grundy Cancelled )_ Eunice 0, arris
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASK.A ) On this 15 day of Uecember, A.D. 1939, before me, a Notary Public, in
<br /> )ss
<br /> COtTN�'Y OF HALL ) and for sAid Coun�y, peraonally c€�,me the above n€�med J .A.Harris and Eunice
<br /> O.H�,rri�, each in their o�n right, and as Husband and WiP.e, who are personally known to me to be
<br /> the identical per�ons �vhose names are aPfixed to the above instrument as �rantors, ar.d they ack-
<br /> nov�ledged s�,id instrument to be their voluntary act a,nd deed.
<br /> IAITNESS my hand �.nd Notarial Seal the date last aPoresaid. C .E.Grundy
<br /> Notary Public
<br /> (SEAL)
<br /> ' ltgy commisgion expires on the I� day of June, A.D. 19�+�+.
<br /> Filed for record this ZSth day of �e.�emb!��,1;39, at �:00 o'clock P .M. �j����
<br /> �,�r
<br /> e�giGter of D�ed:
<br /> o-o-c�-o-a o-o-a-��-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c�-o-o_o-c�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o--
<br /> QUIT CLAIft7 DEFD � � - - ��� „/
<br /> THI� IrTDEP1iURE, B�adP this 15th day of December, in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty
<br /> ` nine between Cora A.Waite, a wida��, of the first part, an�. Opal M.Piersol of the second part,
<br /> WITNESSETH, that the s�.ic� party of tlie first ptzrt, in consideration of the sum of One �.nd No/100
<br /> � DOLLARS, to me duly pa3.c�, the receipt whereof is hereby acknovrledged, ha.ve remised, released, and
<br /> quit-claim, and by these pre�ent� do Por myself, my heirs, executors �.nd admini�trators, remise,
<br /> rele�se a.nd Pc�rever quit-claim �.nd convey unto the �aid party of the second part, and to her
<br /> heirs and assi�;ns forever, all of my right, ti�le, interest, estate claim and demand, both at
<br /> , law �,nd in equity, of, in �.nd to all -
<br /> Lot Number Four ( 4) in Block Number Tv�aelve (12) in Mount Pleasant Cemetery situ�.ted in the
<br /> North East quarter of Section Twenty-six ( 26) Tovmship Twelve (12) North,Range Tvaelve (12) West
<br /> oP the 6th P.M.
<br /> To�;ether v�ith all and singular tYie hereditaments thereunto belonging.
<br /> , TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises unto the said Opal M.Piersol, her heir4 and
<br /> i, assi�n� ; so tha.t neither I the said Gr�.ntor, or any_ person in my name and behalf, shall or avill
<br /> hereaPter claim or dem�nd any right or title to the said premises or any part thereof,but they
<br /> and ev�ry one� of them, shall by these present� be excluded ar.d forever barred.
<br /> IN V�ITT11�S8 G�HER�'Or, the s�.id party of the first part ha.s hereunto set her hand and seal the day
<br /> and year above written.
<br /> Cor�a A.Waite
<br /> Signed, se�.led and delivered in presen�e of
<br /> Richard Buenz .
<br /> STATE UF NEBRASKA ) On thig 15th day, of December, A.D. 193°, before me, the undersigned, a
<br /> ) ss Notary Public, duly commissionPd and qualified for and re�iding in said
<br /> H LL COt7N'"Y couf�:� eraonall came Cora A.�'aite, widow, to me known to be the iden-
<br /> A ) Y, P Y
<br /> Qon who�e n .e is ffixed to the fore oin instrument as rantor and acknowledged the
<br /> tic�.l perti � a g g g
<br /> same to be h�.;r. voluntary act and deed.
<br /> Y�itness m hand �.nd Sea1. the d�, and Par l�. t above writte,r�. (�EAL) Richard Buenz,Notary Public
<br /> Y Y 3�
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> My commission expirea tYie l�+ day of July, 19��.
<br />' ` Filed for record this 15th d�.y of Deceinber 1939, at 2:2� o 'clock P .M. �-�-�--1 �� ��-.�.-
<br /> e ..
<br /> i __ �
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