<br /> ���� �.��: � �� ��o ��
<br />, 17b06—The Auguatine Co., County SupBltea, Grand Islund, Nebr.
<br /> FROl�'I 1 I hereby certify th,at this instrument was enterec� on Numerical Index and
<br /> �
<br /> Anna �.x8I'd�..-&---.�1LlSb-------�--•----....... i f ilecl f or record this...--�.................�-.22................................. day of...........�.�Y'.C�.............----....
<br /> ...................................••••--•------......._...._.
<br /> �
<br /> • � I A. D. �g...��---.., at.......---�----------------�-----------------��---.....---��--�-----....o'clock.----...P..1�'I.
<br /> ....--�--��---�-------�.................................To-----�-------...........-�------------�-----........_... � Warranty �;-�����.�!�
<br /> Deed
<br /> ......................................... ..............:........................�----..................--�--�--- ----..............
<br /> Registe�eds,
<br /> ........--��--�--...---..��rz'Y...Grimminger..----------�.......................
<br /> IBY.....--�...................................................�-��---�--��---�--�--��--�--.........
<br /> -----•---�--...--��--�---�.........................................................�--��---..........--���-��---..... i Deputy.
<br /> �!C�t�r�r tt1I ��ert br� ���e,��e �x����n��:
<br /> I THAT Anna �.Hardy and Gale L.Hardy,lPiPe and Husband
<br /> of the County of x&1�. ancl state of Nebraska ('irantors , in eonsic�eration
<br /> of tTie sum of One Dollar and other consideration DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, A1VD CONVEY unto Harry Grimminger
<br /> of the County of H81.�. anc�State o}' Nebraska , Grantee , the f ollowing
<br /> c�eseribec�premises, situated in the County of Hall and State of 1Vebraska, to-wit:
<br /> Lots 230, 231�, 232, 233 and 23�+ in VYest Lawn,an Add3tion to the City o� Grand Isl.and,�lebraska
<br /> (�1.10 I.R.9tamps )
<br /> (Cancelled )
<br /> Togetlier with aII the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances, thereunto belonging, and alI the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower,
<br /> r nc� either o them o in or to the same or an art thereo .
<br /> Curtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoeve of the said Grantors , a of � , f, , Y P f
<br /> (�1�t �'IttbP Mttd #� �Iul� the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee and to hi8 heirs
<br /> ancl assigns f orever. Ancl We do hereby eavenant with the saic� Grantee that �e hoid said premises by
<br /> _ gooc� and perf ect title; that �e have c�ood right and Iawf ul authority to sell and convey th.e same; th,at th.ey are f ree
<br /> and clear of aIl liens and incumbrances whatsoever
<br /> And we covenant to warrant and def end the said premises against th.e lawf ul claims of all
<br /> persons whomsoever
<br /> Dated the ��h day of August A. D., �939 ; .
<br /> WITNESS:
<br /> ..................................................A...?:1n..a.....A��.����1y..........................----...........
<br /> . .................................................Qal e.--.L.,.��r.4�,Y.........................----............
<br /> .............��-----.....-------�--.T..F.�.�.underm,e ier._.....................--�---..........--
<br /> ---�................................L eola...Aii el_s en.--•----...._........................-•------... ..........-----..........--�----..............-----�--��----...............---�--...........-•-------�---....................--�--..
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA �ss. On this 4th day of Au�st A. D. �
<br /> g3� , bef ore me,
<br /> Ha.11 �,'ounty,
<br /> the undersignec�, a Notary }PUblic within and f or said County, personally came A21I18 �.H�'dy 8rid C�&le
<br /> L.H�rdy,WiPe and Husband
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person 8 whose name S aI'e af f ixec� to the
<br /> (BEAL)
<br /> above instrument as grantor S , and th�y severally aclznowleclged tTie same to be th81T
<br /> voluntary act and deed f or the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITIVESS WHFREOF, I have hereunto subscribecl my name and af f ixecl my of f icial seal at
<br /> G�'a�d I$land in said county on the date Iast above written.
<br /> T.F.Sundermeier Notu..►�y Public.
<br /> u
<br /> 1�'I commission ex ires �Ct 21 I. � i9
<br /> Y P � �
<br />; I
<br />