<br /> ���E� �t�C ��3� �1�. 7 �
<br /> �XE AUG USTI N E CO..�486�-8-$7 ,. �
<br /> or ha� had out of a transaction in 1925,wherein a deed was placed in eecrow by Frang M.�escoatt
<br /> to be delivered to John A.Wade upon completion of a contin�ent contract.John A.Wade,being unable
<br /> to complete the contingent contract,gave up aIl right and interest that he had or should ever
<br /> have,in the property Iisted herein,and has made this quit-claim deed ae a rscord thereoP,
<br /> To�ether with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belong;
<br /> TO' HAVE AND TO HOLD thP above described premise� unto the eaid �rank M.Wescoatt,hia heirs and
<br /> asaigns; .
<br /> IN �JITNESS WHEREOF,The said parties oP the fir8t part have hereunto set their hand the day a�nd '
<br /> year firat above written.
<br /> �ohn A.Wade
<br /> Signed,Sealed and Delivered in Presenee of �
<br />� Y Re�ina Wade
<br /> C .S.Hoekstra
<br /> Sybi]. Wade
<br /> State ot' Nebraaka, )
<br /> )�s. On thSs l�tk� day oP August A.D.�939�before me, C.S.Hoekstra,a Notary
<br /> Coun ty o P Fial l � ,
<br /> PubZic,duly qualif ied for and residing in said county and �tate,
<br /> personally came the above named John A.Wade,and Regina Vdade,H & W, who are persanally known to
<br /> me to be the identical per�ona deacribed in and who�e names are atfixed to the foregoln� Deed ae
<br /> grantors,and who have severally acknowled��d the foregoing inatrument to be their vo2untary act
<br /> and deed Por the }�urposes therein stated.
<br /> Witness my hand and Oft'icial Seal,at Wood River in said county, on the date Iast above mentioned.
<br /> (SEAL� C.S.Hoekstra
<br /> Commiasion expires h7arch 9,�945 Notary Public
<br /> Filed Por record this 22 day oP August,1939,at 9_ o ' clock A.M.
<br /> �,�-c�u�l �Jdti,c�e�'�i
<br /> Regis ter oP Deed— s'--
<br /> —O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—fl—O—O—O—
<br /> WARRANTY DEED. . . . . � . �
<br /> TNIS INDENTURE,��ade this �.2th day oP Augu+st A.D. ,1939 between The Equitab].e Building & Loan Asaoc-
<br /> iation o�' Grand Island,Nebraska,a corporatSon organized and existing under and by virtue of the
<br /> Iaws of the State oP Ptebraska party oP the Pirst part,and George E.Beyer�dorf and Katherine B�yers-
<br /> dorf,husband and wife,and as ,�oint tenant8 and not as tenants in common, of the County oP Hall,
<br /> and State oP Nebraska,parties of the second part, �'ITNESSETH.`j'hat the 8eid p8rty of the firet part
<br /> Por and in conelderation of the sum af One Dollar and other good and valuable considerations
<br /> Dollara in hand paid,receipt whereof is. hereby ackno�rledged,hae aold and by these presents doea
<br /> grant, convey and conPirm unto the said parties oP the eecond part,as �oint tenants and not aa
<br /> tenants in comman, th� �ollowing deacribed prem3ses, situated in Hall County,and State of Nebraska,
<br /> to-wit: Lot One (I) , in Block Nine ( 9) , ot Qilbert's Addition to the City of Grand Ialand,Nebra�ka,
<br /> as the same ie surveyed,platt�d and recorded.
<br /> ��t��b�ing the intention oP all parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of said
<br /> aranteea, the entire fee simple title to the real eatate described herein shall ve8t in the
<br /> aurviving 4rante�e.
<br /> TO HAVE Ar�D TO HOLD the premises above described, together with all the Tenem�nt�,Hereditamenta
<br /> and Appurtenances thereunto belon�ing unto the said Grantees as �oint tenants and not aa tenants
<br /> ln common,and to thPir aesl�ns,or to the heirs and assigns oP the survivor of the�u,
<br /> And the eaid The Equitable Building & Lo,�n Asaoci8�ion for itself or its succeseor�, do hereby
<br /> eovenant and agree to and with the said parties of the second part and the3r h�irs and assigns,
<br /> that at tYie time af the execution and delivery oP these presenta it ie Iawfully seized oP said
<br /> premiaes;that it has good right and lawPul authority to convey the same;that they are Pree from
<br /> encurnbrance and does hereby covenant to vrarrant and defend the �aid premi�es against the lawPul
<br /> claima of aIl persons nvhomsoever. . �
<br /> � IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said The EquitabZe �3uilding & Loan Association has hereunto caused its
<br /> � corporate seal to be aff ixed and these preaents to be signed by i�s preaident the day and year
<br /> first above written.
<br />