<br /> ���� ��� ��� ��. 7 �
<br /> � •HEAUCUSTINECO._�,Qg6$_8..�']
<br /> unto Em1I Holling the following described real estate situated in the County or Ha11,State of
<br /> ��braeka,eub3ect to any existing highw�,ys,eaaements and s�ny reservationa in the United 5tates and
<br /> State gatents, to-wit: North One-ha1P of the Northeast Qu�rter (N� NE�) and North One-half of the
<br /> $outh One-h�I.Y oP the Northeast Qu�rter (N� S� NE�) of Section Four (4� ,Township Nine t9) North,
<br /> R�.nge Elevsn (I1) �est of the Sixth (6th) Principa]. �eridiAn;excepting and reserving one-half
<br /> �-�) of all o1l,gas and miner�l righta therein,�hich are expressly reserved and retxined byGrantor,
<br /> together with all the tenemente,hereditar:ients and appurtenances to the same belonging,�nd all
<br /> th� eatate,title, elaim �nd demand whateoever of the said �'ederal Farm Mortgage Corporation,of
<br /> Washington,D.C. ,of, in or to the same or any part thereof.
<br /> This conveyance ie made sub�ect to a Iease oP said premises between the Grantor,as Iessor,and
<br /> �arold Yorty,as lessee for the term March 1,1939 to February 2�,1940.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises,with the appurtenancea,unto the said Emil HoZlir�
<br /> and to hie heir8 and assigns forever.
<br /> And the said Federal Farm �dortg�.ge Corporation hereby covenAnte with the said E�QIL HOLLING,his
<br /> heirs and asaigns, that it is 1�wfully seized of s�id premises;that it has a good right �.nd IAwful
<br /> Quthority to se11 the above deseribed premises under and by virtue of Section 2 of the �'ederal
<br /> �'arm Mortg�,ge Corporation Act,approved January 31,193�+, (I2 U.S.C. ,9ection 1020-a) .
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF,The Federal Land Ban� oP Omaha As Attorney-in-Fact tor the Federal Farm �iort_
<br /> gage Corporation,has c�used thes� present$ to be executed by its Vice Preaident A,nd its corporate
<br /> Bcal to be aff ixed hereto this 2'j day o� �ay,�.939• - •
<br /> Attorney-in-FACt for the
<br /> w.B.Schmidt (CORP) FederAl Farm k�ortgage Corporation
<br /> (SEAL) Hy Leo E.�danion
<br /> ice president
<br /> Attest W�,yne E.Smith
<br /> Assista�it Secretary
<br /> State of Nebraska )
<br /> )ss BE IT REI4IENBERED that on this 27 day oY ��y,�939� before me the under-
<br /> County oP Douglae )
<br /> signed,a Notary Public duly commissioned qu�liPied for and residin�'
<br /> in the County of Douglas,State oP Nebraska,peraonally appeared Leo E.�anion,Vice President of The
<br /> Federal Land Bank of Omaha,a corpQration,of Omaha,N�braska, to me personally known,And known to be
<br /> sueh officer oP said corporation,and who,being first duly _eworn by me,on his o�th,did say that he
<br /> is Vice Presiden� of The Federal Land Bank of' Omaha, that said The Federal Land Bank oY Omaha is
<br /> the duly constltuted,�u�IiPied s�nd appointed Attorney-in-Fact of the Federal F� �ortga�e Corp-
<br /> oration,the grantor named in the above and fore�oin� inatrument, that the s�al aYPixed to said
<br /> instrument is the corporate seal of The Federal Land Bank of Omaha And that �aid instrument wa�s
<br /> signed and eealed on behalP oP the said The F'ederal Land Bank of Omaha as Attorney-in-Fact for
<br /> the r�ederal Farm �ortga�e Corporation,by authority oP the BoArd of Dlrectors oi e�id The Federal
<br /> Land Bank of Omaha,and the said Leo E.�Ianion acknowledg�d said instrument And the execution there-
<br /> oP to be his voZuntary act and deed,and the voluntary a.ct and deed of the said The Federal Land
<br /> Bank� of Omaha as Attorney-in-Fact for the Feder�l. Farm �ortgage CorporAtion,and he acknor�ledged
<br /> the said inetrument and the execution thereof to be the voluntary act and deed of the Feder�,1.
<br /> Farm Mortgage Corporation.
<br /> IN WITNESS YJHEREOF,� have hereunto aet my hand and aPfixed my notarial seal this 27 day of May,
<br /> �939• (SEAL)
<br /> helen Herren
<br /> My commission expires August 23,1944. Nott�ry Public
<br /> � Filed for record this IO d�y oP June,1939,at 11. o 'clock A.�d.
<br /> �ti,� ����
<br /> Register oP Deeds
<br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o.-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-
<br />