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,�;, . <br /> -raw�it , <br /> � . <br /> .,�,. • „ ' <br /> .�.� . �� <br /> ...�,. ..,�..w....�.,.. _.. ......... ... � _..---._"�� . , . <br /> • �� <br /> ....., . <br /> .� �..W�_ _/.n......._.. _ . . . . . . . .. ...�, ... ... ._... . . . 'S?!� �n. <br /> . �, <br /> � ��.e.�. <br /> *"4:, <br /> • i r <br /> ���� ��Z��� <br /> lp, 6le�qrdo���Sob+lnnes+. "I'rustor shnll not c�nse or pennit lhe presence,use,disposnl,sturnge,or relenso <br /> af eny I lau►rdous Substances on ar in the Property. Trustor shall nut do,nor nllow anyone else to do,anytl�ing Affecting <br /> . lhe Properly Ihnt is in violntion of any[invironmen�nl l.nw. The preceding two senlences shall nol npply lo the presence, <br /> �' use,or storage on tlie Property of smtdl qunntiUes of I IA�.nrdous Substnnces thnt nre generally tecognized lo be nppraprinte <br /> , lu norm�l residential uses nnd tc�main�enance of the I'roperry. <br /> ,, t <br /> _ Trustor shall promptly give Lender written notice of nny investigation,clalm,demand,lawsuit or otl�er action by <br /> , ,;�,,;::..:«r: any govemmentnl or regulntory agency or private party involving the Property nnd any Nezardous Substanco or <br /> . �"� • Environmentnl Ls►w of which 1'rust�r hns actual knuwledge. If Trustor Iearns, or is notUed by nny govenunenlal or <br /> .�,.,; regulstory authoriry, that nny removal or other remeJiation of any Ilazardous Substance affectinb the Property is � <br /> i .' : necessary,Trustor shall promptly take all necessnry remediel actions in accordnnce with Environmentnl Law. • <br /> :- �. '� ...•.�� <br /> . E As used in this purngraph 20, "Hnzardous Substances" are those substonces defined as toxic or hazardous <br /> ` substnncea by P.nvironmental Ln�v and lhe following subsianees: gnsaline,Icerosene,other ilemmnble or taxic petroleum - __ <br /> products,toxic pesticides and herbicides,volntile solvents,�nalerit�ls conlnining nsbestos or formnldehyde,nnd rnJionctive '� '�^i <br /> �` nmterinls. As uscd in tl�is pnragrnph 2U,"Environmentnl Law"means federnl Inws nnd Inws uf lhe jurisdiclion wherc lhc <br /> � �� Property Is locnted lhnt relato to health,safety ar environments►I protecllon. — <br /> �� NON•UNIFOItM COVL'NAN'1'9. ?'ruetcir nnc�l.cnder tlrrlhcr covcnmri nnd ng�cc ar folluws; �;,� <br /> � _ <br /> , 11. Accdar�llon; Itemedlea. Ltoder�+l�ell Rivo notice ln'1'ru+tnr end porrower priur tu ncceleraUo�� _ <br /> folinwl��g �ny brench af�ny coven�nl nr egreement In the Nolo or Ild� Sccurlly Inefrument (but not prlor lo <br /> ° accclerellon under pnra�repli 17��ules9 eppllenhle In�v provlde�nl6erwi�e). '1'6e uotice+hnll apeclfy:(n)Il:e defnull; <br /> ' . (b)ibe ecltan rcquircd 1��cw•c Ihe defnult; (c) n dnle,no1 thau 30 dwys frunt the date Ihe nolict 1� glvcu,by — <br /> whlcb the dcfeult mu�t l�e curc�l;end(d)Ihnt fnllurc lo curc Ibc Qcfetdt on or beforc lbc delc speclllcd in l6c nuUcc <br /> : mny re�ult In nccelernUoro of Ihc rum+accured by thb Securlty QisU�oment end eale nf the Property. 'fl�e notice <br /> • , .' �I�ell furlhcr Infor�n ll►c'IYo�lor m�d Itorrower of IUc riRhl lo rcluatAle nflcr acccicralinn and Ilrc ri�;l►1!o brin�n <br /> cuurl wcliun lo nsscrl tlie non-calstence n�n defeult ar wuy ollrcr defcusn lu ecccleretfun nnd snle. If lhe ilefi��dl (� <br /> ro�cn:t�!:.n a:!s�inr�!!se��te•=��sfncd In�hc noticc.I.CIIdCP.Al(l7 Op1I00�Ultly PCQQICC(qIt1ICtIIAIC�lAYI1lCilf III GtII <br /> � • of tlie Notc end All othcr yume securcd by lids Security In�irumrnt witl�out furtlicr dcmen� nnd may Invnkc Ihc <br /> � ��' power uf sale c�nd Any other remediea permltted by appUceble Inw. Lcnder shnll be entitled to coUect ell expcnses <br /> � incurred in pureuing the remcdtes provlded in tl�b paregrnph 21, including, but nut linilted to� reasonnble <br />°':��':fi„.� nttorneye' kes end co�t�of tille evldence. <br /> ' Lf the power of aale i�invoked,Trustee ehsll�ecord a notfce ot det�ult In each county In wldch eny part of <br /> ^�`�''�'���"'"� lhe Praperty I�loceted nnd ehell mell copies of auch nntice in the mAnner prcacribed by eppNc�ble Irw to Trustar <br />-r�::;;:�..,�a�: <br /> ,,..,,;�;�, and to the other person�prescribed by nppiiceble la�v. Atter tlie tfine required by nppUceble lew,Trustee shall give <br /> _! ��'<-- publir notice of salc to the persona aud in ll�e mnnncr prescribed by epplicable lew. Trastce,without dcmend on <br /> __.r �l:.w�..t <br /> � 'fruslor or lio�ruwer,�I�all sell lhe Property et public�ucllou lo lbc highe�t b1alJer et lhc limc end placc eiul un�cr <br /> --- .;:�_�{;�� <br /> ��.;�;+•ti�; . �, Qie term�dcslRnetcd in the notice of+�Ic In one or more pnrcel+end in eny ordcr Trnslce detcrmb�c�. Trustcc mny <br /> -,,� ,n���� <br /> _ •••.. hr_., pnslpunc anlc uf ell or Any pArccl of tl►c 1'ru�icrly by public announccmcnl at tl�c lhnc pnd plecc uf nny previuusly <br /> ��rt:�t'::�',:�� sche�uled sale. Lcnder or its designee n�ey purchase the Property et eny snlc. <br /> __..,:F��.�r� <br /> '__wr4..t" <br /> �_°_;��` Upon r�cefpt of pAymeut o[lhe price btd, Trustee sB�ll dcliver to the purc6ascr Trustee's decd conveying <br /> ---�`'������. the Property. The recilel�M thc Truslee's dceJ ahnU be prlme fncte cvidence of thc truth of tlic stetemenl�mnde <br /> `''��`����!�=�' lhere6n, Tru�tce shnll apply ti�c proceeJ�of lhc enle in tlu following order:(n)to all cosls nnd expenses of eaercising <br /> '_,s� ll�e power of sale,tlie sele,h�cl�dinq the ppyment ot lbe Trustce'��ca ectuelly Incurred,nol to exceed % <br /> �';—��-�� of tBe princlpnl emount of Il�e Nute et lhe lime of the Jeclnrxlton of defeult. and ren�onAble ►�tlorney�' fces p� � <br /> -__ - ----- permlllcd by Inw;(b)lo ell sunte sccurcd by Qld�Secnrlly In�lrtuncnl; xt�d (e)�uy cxccsa lu Il�c person ur persnns <br /> -_r��'��., �,,rt� . Icgwllyeulit(cd to it. ---- <br /> I-c�s:, �•- <br /> �.`;:.:, --- <br /> .�-_��'±�'-;^= 22. Reconveyanee. Upon payment of all sums secured by tl�is Secu�ity Instrumeut, Lender shall request =-_ <br /> - - �+•� - <br /> - � •• Trustee to reconvey the Property and shall aurrender this Securiry Instrument and s�ll notes evidencing debt secured by thls --- <br /> . Sscurity Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey ll�e Property witliout wannnty nnd without charge to tl�e person or =— <br /> �::• �. ' , persons Iegnlly entiUed to it. Sudi person or persvns shnll pay sny recordation costs. -- <br /> �.• -- <br /> Z3. SubsHtu4e Tru�tea Lender, nt its option, may from dme ro time remove Trustco and eppoint s !`�,' <br /> ' ' '� � � successor lrustee Co any Ttustee appofnted hereunder by en instrument recorded in the counry in which this Security �:: <br /> .#,, <br /> -w,�: .,, Instrument is reeorded. Without conveynnce of the�roperty,thc successor trostee shnll succeed to nll the tide,power end <br /> " � dutics confcrred upon Trustec hcrein and by npplicable lew. � <br /> � <br /> .' ;�.� Z4. Requeat for Notices. 'I'rustor requesls that copics of tl�c notices of default nud salc bc sent to 1'rustur's � <br /> _.�.�� __?,�_ addres�which is the Property Address. <br /> . �.. __ -----_ <br /> e <br /> '� ' �� � 25. Rldere to lhf� Security In�lrumenf. If one or more rtders are executed by Trustor nnd recordecl <br /> togetlier with this Security Instrument,lhe covenants nnd egreemenls of ench such rider sliall be incarpornted into nnd shnll <br /> � nmcnd end supplemcnt U�e covenants nnd ngrecments of this Securiry Instrument as if thc ridc�is) wcrc n part of tl�is <br /> , Securfry Instrument. <br /> ._ �Check ap�licnble box(es)J <br /> �� �AdJustable Rate Rider �Condominiuen Rider � 1-4 Family Rider �,,. <br /> ,.; � , <br /> .. _. . . ._ - — .._..W--=-�- --�,.��---=�r - -----_ _ <br />