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�� ,. .�. <br /> �r . <br /> �L/�y�����!�'�:+.. • . .. l •f..i�� !.. ..� <br />. ..,��7a��'�1IC /��l . .. •J_•�:�I"t+ti�L:1Y1.Y/+�'ritfll!'NM'thlr'�f..w�....... -_ .' __........... . .. ..:.'�45�� +�. <br /> .ii o .� <br /> � . ... .. � _ .. ."_ _ . ... . �" -� . : <br /> .. ,ww--,�yji.:r�'-�.�:: . . . . . . . .. . - . ' ___ <br /> �r_-.7. <br /> • � <br /> 9��O�.�C� . <br /> 3, Applicellon ut Peymenta. All payments rcceivcd by the Lender undcr the Noto or this S�ci!rity <br /> Instrumenl shnll bc nppHeJ by thc Lcndcr to tl�c T�lote or Morlgngc In sue6 otder af npplication ns lhe L.endcr mny <br /> : dctennino. . <br /> ; 4, Llen�. Trustor ahnll promptly discherge any lien which has prioriry ovor�f�is Security lnatruinent �nless ' <br /> � 1'nistor: (n)eRreea in writin�to Qie pnyment oF the obligntfan secured by the Ii�n In a mnnncr accepteble lo Lendcr,(b) <br /> • conicats in good fnilb thc lia�by,c�r dcl'cnds ngninsl cnlirrcemenl of Ilic Hcn in� Icgnl prucccQings which in Ihc I.cnder'S <br /> ;;,w..�" ► opiniun aperale ta prevent lhe enforcement o(lhe lien;or(c)secures frrnn lhe holder�f the lien nn egreement sa�isfaclory <br /> •--.�• �''�' ' lo Lender subordinating the lien to ihis Security I�istrument. If Lender delerniines that nny parl of the 1'roperly is subject <br /> to a lien wh4ch mny attafn prioriry over this Security Instrument, Lender may�ive Truslor o notice identifying thc lien, <br /> ` Trustor shall satisfy the Ifen or take one or more of tlie nctio�is set forth above within 10 dnys of Q►e giving of notice. <br /> ,. � 5. Hezard or Pro�erly In�urnnce. Trustor shall keep the imQrovements now existing or hereaftcr erected .:�.;1'.;: <br /> ` � on the P�operty insured egainst loss by fire,hazards included within the tenn"extended coverage"And any other ha�ards, �• <br /> ��� including tloods or tlooding,for which Lender requires insurance. 9'his insurance shall be mnintained in the amminisand �f,_,-: <br /> � for the perfods that Lender requires. The insurance carrier providing tlie insumi�ce sl�all be chosen by 1'rustor subject to -- <br /> Lcndcr's approval which sh�ll not be unrcnsonably withheld. li"I'rustar teils tomaintain coverage described ubove, Lendcr �� <br /> � may,at l.ender's option,obtnin coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Propedy in accordance wit��parAgreph 7. --� <br /> �� <br /> All insurnnce pulicies anJ renewals shnll be acceptnble to Lender and 9hnll include s stnndnrd mortsage cl�use. �r_. <br /> Lender shail hnve the right to hold the policies and renewals. if Lendcr requlres.Tiustor shall promptly give to I.ecider all <br /> receipts of paid preiniums end renewnl notices. In Ihe event of loss,1'rustor shall give prompt notice to the insurnnca _ <br /> � canier and Lender. Lencter mny mnke proof of loss if not mnde promplly bv 1'rustor. <br /> , . Unla�Lcnder nnd 1'rustor otherwise agree in writing,(nsurance praueds shall bo applted to restoration or repair <br /> of Ihe Property dameged,if ti�e restoratlo�t or�epalr I�economicnlly feasiblo nnd l,ender's security i�uo�le�sened. If ti�e <br />' ��• realornlion c�r repnlr is nnt economicnlly fensihlo or I.enJer'�securiiy would 6e I�ssaned, d�o insurnnce prnceeJ� �nay. nl <br />__ it�e olition of the I.ender,be npplied lu U�e sums secnred by U�is Sccurity lustr�nnenl,whetl�cr or nut then due,witli uny <br /> �F"�" `�� ' exces�p�id lo'frustor. If'Trustor nbandm»�I►e Propeiiy,or daes not Answer�vitldn 3U unye a noticc irom t.enJcr inat ii�o <br /> � �, , b»urnnce canier he� offered to setUe n clnim,Qten L.ender mny collect tlie insurnnce procceds. Lender mny use the <br /> prc�ceeda to repnir or restore the Property or to pny swns secured by this Sece�ri�y Instrument,whether or not lhcn dua'i'he <br /> � �-� : ,, 30-day period will bcgin when the notice is givcn. <br />==�:.,,:�;;':. <br />:��r�?�:;•-•� <br />-::�a'•{`;p;.�r�: Unless l.ettder,Trustor and Borrower otherwisa agree in writing,enyepplication of proceeds to principel shell not <br /> �.,.�,_.:.. <br /> � extcnd or postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred ro In paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the emount o t o <br />�-s.��..'r=_�""", payments. If under parn6reph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender,Trustor'�riglit to any insun►nce policies and proceeds <br /> '^'-'"";""� resuiting f�otn J�mnge to the Property prior to Q�e ncquisition shall pass to Lender�o the exteut of Qie sums secured by this <br />-.,-;,r.,._�.. <br /> v� Security Instrumau immedietely prior to the acquisition. <br />-----:;3i;:•:,: • <br />-=.�.,� <br /> -"""'°"'—— 6. Occup�ncy, Preservat3on, Mrintenauce �n� Protecllon ot thc Property; Trustor'� Lonn <br /> _:"�';��� AppllcaUon;Lcaschald�. 1'ruslor eball occupy,eslablisl�,nnd uso thc Propcdy ns Trustnr's rasiJcncc and sl�nll cu��tlnua to <br /> _,r_.,:�� . occupy the Propeny es Trustor's principal residence for at Ieast one year af3er the date of occupnncy, unleas I�nder <br /> – �� otherwise egrees In writing,which consent shall not be unre�sonably withl�eld, or unless extenuating circwnstnnees exist <br /> __..,�,;,a:�—■ whlcl� ere beyond'Trustor's control. 'fn�stor shell not destroy, dam�se or impnir tl�e Property, allow the Pre+p�ny lo __ <br /> "--=t=��':��11•� commii wnste on the 1'�operty. 'Pruslor shn11 be in defnult ifnny furl'eiture action or proceeciiug, �rhetf�cr <br /> ei_��,k.�,:�s civil ot cr3minal,is begun that in Lender's good faith Judgment could result in forfeiwre of the Property or otherwise <br /> �•;,, p, meterially impair Aie lien created by this Securfty Instrument or Lender's security interest. Trustor mey cure such a default <br /> _::ti;:,_ <br /> =-����':' end reinstate,as provided in parngrapl� 18, by cnusing the action or proceeding to be dismissed wi�h n ruUng�hnt� h� <br /> '_�,�� Lend�r's gaod faith determinntion. precludes forl'etwre of thc Trustnr's interest in the Property or other materinl <br /> '�"� impairtneiet of the lien cteated by this Security Instrwnent or Lender's security interest. '1'rustor shall nlso be in deflult if � <br />.,�_�'.�`4��_:_.'�. <br /> "R'"°'°'"� Trustnr,during thc loan opplication process, gnve materfally felse or innccurate infonnation with respect t� ihis Securfty _ <br /> – ,��;_ - <br /> :�G;;,;•`;...ti,':,� . lnstrument,such as false representations conceming Trustor's occupancy ofthe Property es a residence. <br />::��.:.. <br /> .�: r�f� ' 7. Protectlon of Lendcr'e Rlghta In the Property. If Trustor fafls to perfonn thc covenams nnd � <br /> - ..,.. <br /> , �greement�contatned In this Security Inatrument,or there ts e lagal procceding that may signific�nUy nffect l.ende�'�rights - <br /> `�.,:�� , in lhe I'roperty (such as n proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnntton or forfeiwre or to enforce laws or _ <br /> - � �•�, re.gulutlm�s),tl�en Lender mey do end pay for whntever is necessery to protect the value of lhe Praperty flnd Lendcr'�rigliLs �_ <br /> • , in the PropeAy. Lenders nction�m�y include paying any su►ns secured by e licn which hns priority over tliis Securily __ <br /> .��. ...;. '. Distrument,appNnring In court,puying reasonable nttonieys'fees and cntering on the Property to make repairs. Alihough �;.,' <br /> •.-�R ° "� l.cnder moy tnko aclion under tft(s pnragrc►pli 7,Lendcr does not have to do so. " <br /> ` " �,;�• r Any emounW disbutscd by I,ender undcr C�is pnrng�aph 7 shall buomo additional debt secured by thls Seaurity ' <br /> �.--- . . . .- . . . w ..� ."_'""_""..�_..L_IIL�__'_�_�_� lv���L� J��� - <br /> ....,w��� ..__.-_� . <br /> . Instrument. Unless tlie'I n�stor nna Lenaer ngrea co o►ner iernis oi paymem,mesa unw���.����a����p� �uic�w� uvo��n�> an�c E---. <br /> • . . of disbursement nt the Note rete c�nd shnll be peynble, with enterest, upon notice from Lender to Trustor requesting E <br /> paymeiit. <br /> " <br /> 8. Mortgnge Insurauce. Lender has not required morigage insurance ns a condition of mt�king ihe loan • <br /> � ' - secu:ed by this Security Instrument. <br /> . �; <br /> • 9. ln�pectlon. Lender or its o6ent mny mako reasonable cntrics upon and inspections uf the Property. <br /> Lender shnll givo Trostor notice at tho time of or prior to nn inspec�fou specify ing reasoneble cause for tlie inspection. <br /> ti <br />