<br /> �]E�E� R]E� ��.� ��. 7 �
<br /> �HE AUGUST�NE CO..�4B B'$-B•:S7 �
<br /> state of California )
<br /> )ss On this 22nd day of December,193�,before me,a Notary public within
<br /> County of Loe Ange7.es )
<br /> and for said Coun�y,pexsona].Zy came Amelia Brenning Turnbull
<br /> Draper,formerly Amelia Brenning Turnbull,and �filliam V,Draper,wife and husband and spouse of each
<br /> other,to me known to be the identieal persona whose are affixed to the above instrum�nt as grant4rs,
<br /> and severally acknowledged �he e�ecution of the eame to be �heir voluntary aet and deed for the
<br /> purposes there3.n expressed.
<br /> In �itness �Phereof ,I have hereurito subacribed my name a,nd affiaed my aff icial seal at Culver City,
<br /> California,on the date last above writt�n.
<br /> {SEAL) Hugh C.�uber
<br /> Ddy Commission expires Oet.5 ,1940. Not a�y Public
<br /> Notary Public in �,nd for the Cmunty
<br /> of Los Angeles�State of f;aliforn�.a.
<br /> State of Idgho )
<br /> � 8� On tnis 3o�j dgy of December,193�,before me,g ATote� y public within
<br /> County of Canyon
<br /> and for said County,personally came I�;aina Brenning McDannei gnd
<br /> �'illiam B.MeDannel ,wif e and hueband and spouse of each other ,to me known to b e the identical per-
<br /> i sone Whose names are affi$ed to the above instrument a� grantors,and eeverally aeknowledged the
<br /> execution of the same to be their voluntary act a,nd deed for the purposes therein expressed.
<br /> In t�itness Whereof,I have hereun�o eub$eribed my na�rie and affia�d �y official eeal a'� 1�amp�,,Idaho,
<br /> on the date lag� above written.
<br /> �Iy �ommis�i on eapires July 7,1942. t sEAi') O1�Nota,ryeF blie
<br /> :3tate of Nebra,ska,
<br /> ss On this �+th day of Jan�ary,1939 ,before me,a Not�y Public within
<br /> Re d 1�i1 low Count y
<br /> and for said County,perspnally came Lena Brennin� Newkirk and
<br /> A. Earle Newkirk ,wife and hu$band �,nd spous� of each other,to r�e known to be the identical persons
<br /> whose names a,re affixed to the above instru�nent as gra,ntors,and severally aeknowledged the eaecut-
<br /> ion of the eame to be their voluntary ac� and deed for the purpoaes there�.m eapr�ssed..
<br /> In 1�itness Whereaf,I have hereunto eubscribed my name and affixed my off icial sea,l at McCook ,
<br /> Nebraska,on the date la,st above written.
<br /> ( 9EAL) Frank M.�ol�}er
<br /> �dy commission eapires Jan.lo,1944. Note� y Public
<br /> StQte of NebrQska
<br /> ss On this '6 : day of January,1939 ,before me,a Notary Public within
<br /> ban�a r County,- .
<br /> and for said County�personally came Ruth Brennin,� Heist and L. C.
<br /> I� - Heist �wife and husband and epouse of each other ,to me known to be the identical per$ons whose
<br /> names are affixed to the above instrur�ent as grantors�and severally acknoRledged the eaeeution
<br /> I of the same to be their voluntary act and deed for the purpoees therein expressed, -
<br /> In '�itness '�hereof ,I have hereunto sub$cribed my name and affixed my officia,l seal at Lincoln,
<br /> �ebr�ska,on the date last above writter�.
<br /> ( SEAL) Ralph E. Connell ,
<br />� My comrniss�.on expires April 17,1942. Notaxy Public
<br /> �tate of Nebraska
<br /> $s On this 1�" day of January,1939 ,before me,a Notary public within
<br /> Clay County
<br /> and for said Cc>unty,p�r�onally came Kate Knowles �dcRenzie and
<br /> T. Earle MeKenzie,wife and husband and spouse of ea,ch other,to me known to be the identica7. persons
<br /> whose names are affixed to the above instrument as �r�ntors,and severally acknowled�ed th� eaecu�-
<br /> ion of the same to be their voluntary aet and deed for the purposes therein expressed.
<br /> In Witness �9hereof,I have hereunto subscribed my name and affiaed my official seal e,t Harvard,
<br /> Nebxaska,on the date Zast above written.
<br /> Ddy oott►mig���an expires Febr.23rd 1q44, t sEAL) Thos A. Si�o��y �blic
<br /> �tate of Nebraska
<br /> e,� �n thi.$ 13th day of January,1939 ,before me,a 1Qotetry publie within
<br /> Hall County
<br /> and for said Co�anty,personally came Helen Brenning Eaton Gillham
<br /> Qnd Verdon Gi11h�m,wife a,nd husband and spouse of each other ,and Esther Brenning O1Ben,also known
<br />