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<br /> , - - �- ,_ - - � � .92=-. _soeosg � � � ---
<br /> 7� �� �aM�t. aqzees�. aat �to discriaiaate sq�inst� or deny `��.,.�> -�--�
<br /> occiipancg`tia`�any-teAant�os psoapectiva tatisnt �by reasop of. , �"� �� �-
<br /> tAefr secfipt of, or,rii�ibility �oz, honsiuq ,assiataace, � < `��.��'���.�
<br /> - uad�ir ang bederal, 8tate or locai honsfng asaist�ace proqra�; - --.=°-:`;;,��<<:���<��
<br /> _� aud stot �o. �li�scsiainate aqainst or deny oecnputrcy to any' ����
<br /> ��I - tens�� o�c prospact�ve tanant by season that the fienant has a - ��. �_;,
<br /> � _ _
<br /> :,�� __ - --- -_ _.. _ .- :ait�as�cli�l�ar`ch3Tdien v�o v�il�ie-rea�iaiag-vtCh--th� , _ — .-:
<br /> - - - - .,.-;.
<br />_ � �' nnl�ss the pROJ�C?�be one zeaesved for aldesly tenaata. - - � = -
<br /> �`�=:� ; — " - 8) ?he tera Qf thfs if��a ahail be until the balance 8ue is _-_ - ---- -
<br />=-r�,�"�:� �~r� paid in fuii or �or a �iriod eo4t�nq on the ffrat Aay of the
<br />- �:,�:. .
<br />,�.�. " ���s°,, : =onth, #irat ocaurring ten t 3Q} �e�xs aftes the coapletion o� - --- ---- --
<br /> � �'�`� the PitOJiC? rrAabfiftation, preservatfoa or enhance�t �' �^ ?^ �
<br /> :v�:; ,. .. •:i: '.
<br /> � �:��r'�� activftiea tinance8 in .rnole or fn �aGrt by the def��ts� � ` � f'�'�
<br /> ;,�. �x. . . ;�,�.., , ` `�f�{�.
<br />� ` �..F. '� � . . .... ent loan evidetsced��ti thfa .l f.e�.::;•�:��nlcaa ra ��.�'�� ;.;�:` ��;i St'{ry 4:•
<br /> _ _ � ��= ;r:t;�;:,. �n Y Q r� ;.`t�`'�j�;� �`
<br /> �� "� ��,� ,,�t�:,-;`,�:; - foreioaed, thia �ien a�all 6� sa� . ,�'� an� 6e �b'�� �TY � - � ���-t`��� f - ..
<br /> �� r� �..° ". � :the LElIDBR ari��:Che -flsst day :of.:�g'��s.� 2��l�;:, f';t" . , , �t�'�'�,� :;�:<
<br /> = �'+�� � '�.;:: #. �� .
<br /> �: g�` `<; annivereaz'y"of this lfca sha13����tc.,��;`�lat' cs�,;,i�� , .:, ',�'�}'��''� -;,lfo�:�'�c"�
<br /> �!J c .T'r.y .�. �.� , , 1�� t iN.—_
<br />:r�=:_• � �.«. �--` :in�eae� yeas f�ilavtnq the :cai����►i�•tii�•���i���ei�°:;���3ihsxt�: _ ; :r.x-:�; '���_ ��
<br />`����`�� - � by�t1►t� aefe=red paytent `loaa�+i�v���`sia�.:by �� ��.`���; � ',;.` � ; ` �`�-� �,;;;: ����=
<br /> �. 1l�.` a'a r. , '' g�
<br /> ��. _(' �( r _ ' ! �i . itl. �.1.`�.t y �2.t•• - ,�I. tl '{�.f � i[ ._..
<br /> . �.G! ���' r_" . .'�. . " ';•' ';�tfl��l�'''%`i. ����'��it'1i;� ��xp Sy - : 't` ,•���` `�' ��...
<br /> _�=�: ��` r� � ;°� �9) tJNcsa accelesated pusaei�:ai��•�c�,�ara9ra�;��1��,'�� ��a?,�?�a,:`� ' ,�y�f �F
<br /> ��� _1.-- �� ; annivessuy date h� �balan�i�;• `e' he�t �S ` '� ''�;';' " '�����' ,'`'
<br /> - � ��+� ��er � �•�� �c�C w. �
<br /> � - �" `.,�f by tea pesceAtu� tl¢i) of the osiqix��. asount `of,�',�gferre� :����� " -
<br /> ,`__ � . , �..,� ...,;.. �t���r �s�
<br /> � panCAt '1Q3A�' ' .°Y`.,,-.,., r�< << ,:A --
<br />_ ' --��._'_' - � ' ;., . . , . , .,.r., �. .. . - ., �.:'�:.��`;r • . -. - � 4�is�� r 3�p�•:
<br /> . � J ;F��ir, _'_�,: `:��,. 10) Dusing���Ae tesa of thia lien the HOR1t0iiS�.: ahap�l .aalce n�;, , • ;���h�l;,' ��� {`
<br /> :;�� Yy7�r` - r , -: L�Ysents'of principal oz ir►Casaat, P�OVIDFD :K�AEVB�L�;�i�a� i�l ,. , < <�j��`` � ,.: �,�
<br />: � �. . �„�y ,*�z:-: � �- , . `. the BORROflER shail be in default of:�a�y of t&� tess� t�::. � ��f��; �, E ��',_
<br /> .
<br /> �j" ``� �` � ,: , �:'` conditiona of thia lien then the unen�id aac�.•ztaain'�t��ie , ,. . � < <�'��,''� �2�,`;,�,_�
<br /> �s .;rN �., , • / i^� '7 . . . y .
<br /> � . .t;l;���;; . - `�` . '�'�:� balance ahaZ� becoae iaae8iately due an8 pa��le upon de�s��: � . �^ ` ��;�� �"�
<br /> :.t.�z' .,t�.. ,'�•�:� b the LEND�R: ,;, - , ; J�� ` . -
<br /> �.,;. ��s�:
<br /> ��;" :, :;:= Y �: '' �';: �!r
<br /> ;...
<br /> �%� ,�� '.iA;. ;., � . �,'; . -
<br /> %�t�'��.�f , q���, :f�: `.t • i �; �iifr` . £
<br /> �. f � �� �� 11) The defer�Led paysent loat� evidenced by tfiia lita:�iNay��be �,., � `
<br /> � • ��` aasigaed andlQS asawned; PRCVIDED, that any and a1�.,���Eeraa and ,°° - ���
<br /> � " ' i; .� � conditiona �iaall reaain in full fo=ce an8 effect £oic any __ ;;��;,,_�_. �I_,__...__ �
<br /> _ - ':`�'���-"- aasignea o�-s�ccessax to t�ie 80RROiiBR ano-sucH arss iqaee or -- _
<br /> t�'' �ts��}`' ` � aucceaaos ahall aaawte all du�iea anA obli ationa of the ���� '`
<br /> i . '•a�y at g � � .
<br /> � �� �,;;...,�,'' 80RRC9ER aa deacsibed hesein�. . ' �`"�`. � . . -`
<br /> ,�.:,, .
<br /> . ,, • , . :i>�,�'.� '' -:'-
<br />��,�,, : .'.; .,. ,�f
<br /> rr ', . . : ,. . . i ks , r
<br /> ��'•; ir' '4.;' � - . 1Z) �D�ny aubordinatiore, `o# t�L� lien �ar�-additional liena os - . S�f;� -
<br /> r ==:;fiu)f� � eneuabraneea�±�# the a�a�,g�i:e� as sa�e�aos .ka the SORRONER '`�•. '.,:�;�:s���'� . �
<br /> ; ���t�;;�i'F� -- .- '.' . .. , S�'+�i,. r__
<br /> ,, '` 1,1a�,��;,�:; . :� ahall be onB,x,--�uqon #��C��,wa��t��. �ons��c�:o£ �ie LENDER. � Su�h� ,=` t� �` t
<br /> f��f,.�: ;j���..�c�, � ;� additional �l'd���r �r,�di�'�ct;�ux�irari�as s��l extena to and i��1� ����,t��s jF:y�};4�h�'� `-
<br /> r, . , any contract for de�p���and contractf;�os othes agreei�e��.: ��,�,;� ,� l��x:vny7,t
<br /> • ��� , betveen the BORAOf��:�nd hia auccea�6r or asaignee.� �i��a.'i,. ,s�;•{�`t�,;,���`��t�:�' .
<br /> ' -- 'r<i ;.� � , -;�.,';.,,.�:. ..�;.
<br />�-� �� � eonsent to subosdin�te ahall not be unseaaonabl vithhe�d��a� r4•:+�„_:,��;� , . .
<br />_� t�+�. y : . ��``:::��,,�
<br /> �:; ��,ah� lon a� LL+NDER haa the aaaurance, seaaoreable to the LEHOEit� � - ��s��'�'t}�'� , � '
<br /> - ,��.. 9 %�:: .,.,�.^�. ,.
<br /> $,cixr , , •..
<br />��f:z,�,e;,, r�!°' '�`.�;�- • . . � that the psoviaion� of tbia lien reaain en�o=ceable and axe •� � .�,Er;'f'�'' ' ` ��.,
<br />.r=�t�sw:,; :,��,���' _ � = adequately se�ured by, the proiect . . �`� ��1'���'_�
<br />�f?;�.��':;�.; � � :�:. ' - • , ''s'i•��:
<br /> i�i� +,}i 1�,a�F{�i', ; . �'. . .�..'�' ri. ; .:5�;;,�� .
<br />�r,.;'1 � .1'! 1 - i . . � .�_ , .
<br />- :j����•it, {��'�;�� � � . - 13) To aas�t�..���r�d protert�i�'� sighta 3n thi�s`;�ien and the �, --� � . � ������
<br />,: �l '.hy, •j , • � ' • .
<br /> '' �. ,� �`. . , . PROJECT, t�ie�-°�bENDER shaZi fia+Ve righC o� aer�s�:and inape��fa� � •, ��<;�'��
<br /> :�'��x,,, r• .
<br /> i,,. • .,€,y•}5 -+'� t .
<br />_ ,; � � ��'jj;w,�s�;�°'` ,� � o� the BRe;�BGZ',at seasonabie �kimea and v���;i�asonab�� �a` �; . ,:�'z,�.'"
<br /> ��!r�r. f�E,I�,�.+,��•` �O tt�.t� ���(�i'�� . f:•' � `� _ � � ,'� j,��y'
<br /> ��S 1i� . �`6 ii�i•. . i , yt � . . ., � . �
<br /> �� � i r? `h.:;e • ',._ ' :'; ' ',•,' {
<br />� ;t., � {� . qS-� . • .. ,.- ',���..�;n r -
<br /> , � 1 f� ,�`�` . ��� ` ;��a:k�f�sance b the t�BH.�ER wit$� r �iL' to � ' �• ` �:,`
<br /> . , N), r�� � . ,.F �]�'.'� Y . �i��. � �ra�- r�ff, 1�t�e:,. , ,:,, ��,
<br /> ;;f�{���.�,:<<.�. � � � �terArr1i�l�:i��`:c�i�r�3tionn of th�ts�:�.��n 3n no v�,� �:�enr�stftv�����,�,�. . , �• _ , �.;�
<br /> , ' r;i;;ir#�r�..��:. . ' ' vaiv�:ivl�,�ag of the LENDEL�"g �ig�h�; r��� g�t +�it��egee '.�����:fr��'.'� ,,' . � ' �'' '
<br /> i� c:;ilil:• '' • ��• .... ��^ � .'��,
<br /> t':C�`� ', :t, , ;� here���e�. . . .:� ,. �ti �.; .f « �, ;
<br /> �Nf , :'..� , 'y � ;: �` : `!,�' ,. �,,�!��`.� � ,4 � �
<br /> `�`J : '=ti' � ' 15� �i�iji notice of one pazty to the �<a��er shall tr��`-�m"�rriti�i�;':;:'. � !
<br /> r�.;: �.;t". ,. � �
<br /> "����������'� 'r+:;�%� to the f�arties as follovs: • • '
<br />�+.yP.a�li,i i<°.:.����. � r �. . � ; �
<br />'��;�;iti��lr :: � • � ,
<br />;,,�.���= :'.+_:,` . �•.�� ?he LEIiD$R - THE CITY OF GRS11D ISLEIID, I�EBR�Kb,, a anniCipal ,-
<br /> r�F;�;'S� . - -._ Corpozation. -.- - - - . .
<br /> �� �,
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<br />, . � � j�. .
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