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<br /> � *xe�ucusnxeeo._�4663-6-97 •
<br /> with the said grantee, that at the making of thie instruraent it is well eeised oP the said premisee
<br /> as of a �ood and indeYeasible estate in fee, and hath good right to sell and corErey the aame, and
<br /> that it wi11 WARRAPIT and DEFEND the title to said premfses unto the eaid grantee, her heirs and
<br /> assigns Porever againet the laW�ul claims of all persona whomsoever.
<br /> EXCEPTING, HO�EVER, all taxea and assesamPnts levied upon the said premises siace the 27th day of
<br /> July A.D. 1��0, �.nd aZso alI the 21ena and ineunibrancea created or imposed thereon by the said
<br /> J acob D.Ellis and Corodon D.X.Gibson, or either oP them or their aseigns,
<br /> AND �1HEREA5, said [Snion Pacifie R�.ilroad Company did, on the sixteenth day of April, A.D. 1�67,
<br /> exeeute ' and deliver to Cyrus H.�cCormick, of the C ity of New York, and John DufY of the City of
<br /> Boston, a certain �lortgage Deed of that date, rvhich deed is recorded in the office oP the County
<br /> Clerk .of Hall County, in the State oP Nebraska, wherein said Company conveyed to the said Cyrus H,
<br /> �deCormlck and John Duff, as Trustees Por the usea and purposes therein mentioned, among others the
<br /> lands hereiMbefore deacribed; and whereas the said Cyrus H.�deCormick did on the tv�enty-eighth day
<br /> of June, A.D. 1�73, by a proper instrument of writing to that eZfect, resign his place as Trustee
<br /> under said Mortgage Deed, v�hich reslgnation r�as on the fifteenth day of October, A.D. 1�73, accepted
<br /> by the Union PaciPic Railroad Company, by its Baard of Direators, at a, meetin� thereoP held on that
<br /> day_ in the Ci'ty of Boston and State of �agsachusetts; and whereas, on the fiYteenth day oP Oatober,
<br /> A.D.I�73, Frederick L.Ames, oP Easton, in the State oP �assachusetts, was duiy nominated by the re-
<br /> maining Trustee, John Duff, as succes�;or to said Cyrus H.McCormick, whlch nomination pas, on the
<br /> same day, a.pprovPd by the Board of Directors oP the said Union Pacif ie Railroad Company�' and Whereas
<br /> by such nomination and approval said Frederick L.Ames did upon his acceptance there<�f, thereafter
<br /> become �ested with the same estates, powers, rights and interests, and charged with the same duties
<br /> and resposibilities, as if he had been one oP the original Trustees named in, and executing, said
<br /> �o�tgage _Deed; and whereae said remaining Trustee did by a conveyance, proper and ePPectual for
<br /> that purpoee, da�ed on the trventieth day of October, A.D. 1�73, at the City of Boston, vest the
<br /> Same in sueh new Truatee �ointly with hir�, the eaid John DufP; and �vhereas the said John DuPf did,
<br /> on the Y'ourteenth day oY February, 1�77, duly resign his said trust whereby the said Frederick L.
<br /> Ames became the sole Tru�tee; and v�hereas the said Union Pacific Railway Company with the consent
<br /> oP the Trustees for the time being, hereinbefore named, hane sold and conveyed, as above set Porth,
<br /> the Real Estate hereinbefore deacrlbed unto the said �tartha D.Ellis Por and in consideration of the
<br /> sum of r�ifteen Dollars, to it in hand paid by the said E�artha D.Ellia, whieh said sum of money has
<br /> been paid to said Frederiek L.Ames by said Company in his capacity as Trustee, or to eaid John Duff
<br /> and said �'rederick L.Ames, Trustee, or to eaid C�trus H.1�cCormick and said John Duff, Trustees, for
<br /> the usea and purposes ln said Mortgage Deed mentianed.
<br /> NO@�, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL �9E�d BY THESE PRESEI�TS, That I, the said Frederick L.Amee, remaining
<br /> .
<br /> Trustee, in the aPoreeaid Mortgage Deed, ln eonsideration of the aforesaid premises and payment as
<br /> atoresaid oP eaid aum of Fifteen Dollara, so paid by said Company to eaid truet Pund, of which I
<br /> am the remaining Trustee, for the uaes and purpoaes aforesaid, do hereby REMISE, RELEASE and for-
<br /> ''� ever �T3IT-CLAIM unto the said �iartha D.Ellia, the Real Est�.te degcribed aPoresaid, to be heZd by
<br /> her Pree and exe�pt Prom all liens, ineumbrances and charges of said Yortgage Deed, but sub�ect,
<br /> ho�ever, to_ all the reservations hereinbePore aontained.
<br /> IN �IITNESB �VHEREOF, the said �rantor, �he Union Pacific Railway Company, hath caueed these presents
<br /> to be eea].ed with its eorporat�e seal,. and to� be signed by its Vice-President and Treasurer, and
<br /> counterai�ned by its Land Commissioner and its Auditor, and the eaid Frederick L.�mes,Truetee hae
<br /> hereunto set his h�nd thi's Ilth d.ay of May A.D. 1��3.
<br /> E.Atkins, Vice President
<br /> IN PRESENCE OF ( CORP) Henry MeFarland,2raasurer
<br /> Frank D,Butrick � ��L) Fred L.Ames,Truetee
<br />' Cvunters igned,
<br /> �eav3�t B�r�nham L d Commissioner.
<br />, M���r��. . ��;.. Audi�or . . ,
<br /> ;
<br />