<br /> ���� �.�� ��� �T�. 7 �
<br /> I �XE AUGUETINE C0.-�4BB3•B-:I% �
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> KNOW ALL R�FN BY '�HESE PRESENT�, th�,t I, PALiLINE SCHUESSLER, a widoar, of Hall County, Nebra4ka,
<br /> grantnr, f or �,nd in consider�.tion oP v�.luable con�id.eration a� hereinafter get forth, do hereby grant ,
<br /> bai���.'4.n, �ell and eonvey unto FRIEDA KAI3ER and GUSTAV K1�ISER, grantees, as ,�olnt tennants and
<br /> not ae '�enanta in common, the follo�Ting described real estate s�tuated in Hall County, Nebra.sk�,,
<br /> ta-wit :
<br /> AI.l of my intere�t in �.nd t� the easterly thirtePn feet and Pour inches (E lj ' 4" 1 of Lot Five ( �j)
<br /> �.nd t}-�P v�esterly thirty-nine feet (t� 39 ' ) and eight inchea (��' ) of Lot Six (6) , in Hlock Four (4) ,
<br /> Arnold �.nd Abbotts Add_ition, and trieir complements, tr?e easterly thirteen feet and four inches
<br /> ( E 13 ' 4'i ) in fr�ctional Lot Nine (9) and the westerly thirty-nine feet and eight inchee (YV 39 ' �'� )
<br /> of Pr�.etion�l Lot Six ( 6) in Block Thirteen (13) , of k�:;llins ' Adrition to the City of Grand Island,
<br /> Ha11 Cc��anty, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recordpd.
<br /> To�eth�r ��ith alI the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenancee thereunto belonging, and all the
<br /> estatP, ri�;ht, titl.e, interest, do�rer, courteey, elaim, �,nd demand whatsoever of the said grantor,
<br /> of, in, or to the ��e or any part tliereof, sub�ect however to liens and incumbrances of record and
<br /> to unnaid taaces and s�ecial asse�sment�.
<br /> IT IS THE INTENTIORI oY all ttie partiea hereta that in the event of the death of either of the
<br /> gr�.nteea, the entire fee simple title to the real estate described hereln shall vest in the survi.v-
<br /> in�; �;rantee.
<br /> � PROtTIDED HO��EVDR, and the�e pre�iises are upon the expres� condition that the said grantees and each
<br /> oi' them, their heirs, assigns, gr�.ntees, administrators, and succeQsors in title oP them or either
<br /> of then, care for and supx�ort the said PAULINE SCFiUE3SLER, grantor herein, making a home for her
<br /> and p�.ying for aII of.� her necessary expenses for and during the term of her natural liPe a.nd paying
<br /> her Puneral expenses after her death and the said grantees for theuiselves and eac,h _of them, and for
<br /> their heirs, grantees, adminiatrators,� assi�ns and aucce�Gors in title, and those of each of them,
<br /> do hereby covenant vT�.th the sa�.d grantor that they anc� each of triem ,vrill a�ell and truly perform
<br /> the s�id conditi�n; t�iat they �ancx e�.ch of them, their heirs , gr�.ntees, administratore , a�si�nQ and
<br /> suceessor� in title and those oP each oP them, will cai•e for tYie sai.ti PAULINE SCHUESSLER, making a
<br /> ' =�ome f'or her and p�.yin� �.I1. of her necessary expenses for and durin� the term of her natural life
<br /> �.nd payin� for her funeral expenses aPter her death. It i� agreed by and between all of the part�.es
<br /> hereto €�r��. b� and betv�een eacY� of them with each of the others that this covenant runa with the land,
<br /> during the Iifetime of said PAULINE SCHUESSLER and in the event of a breach o� this coven�.nt during
<br /> ' the lifetime of' thP saSd P�ULTNE SCHUESSLER by the �aid grantees , or eith�r of ther.�, theii� heir�,
<br /> assi ns ran�ees administrators, and succe��ors in title, or triose of either of thern, then and
<br /> g � g �
<br /> in that evPnt the saic� premises shall revert fcrthwith to the grantor.
<br /> �'0 H�1�IE Ah'�) TO HOLD the above describec� premises with the appurtenances unto the said grantees as
<br /> ,�oint tenn€ints ane�. not �s ten�nts in comn�on w�th full right of �urvivorship and to their asQigns,
<br /> or to tY�e heirs anc� assigns of the survivor of them �orev�r, but e��_b,�ect however to the aforesaicl
<br /> coven�.nt to c�.re for �nc� suppart tYie said PAULINE SCHUESSLF'R Por and during the term of her natural
<br /> life �.nd to p��.�T her funer�.I expenses aPter hPr death. Anci the br�ntor hereby covene.nts with the
<br /> gr��ntees th�.t srie holds s�,id premlaes by good anci perPect title ; that she has gaod right and law-
<br /> ful �.rzthority to se11 the s�.me, and th�t they are free and clear of all liens arid encumbr�.nces
<br /> except Iiens ot' record, unp�.id t�.xP� , arid spPCial a�sega�er�ta . And ahe does coven�,nt to warrant
<br /> �.nd defend the s�.id premises �.gain�t the l�.v�rful claims of aIl pers�na whomsoever.
<br /> D�.ted this 5th d��.y of Jan. 1939•
<br />' y1ZTNr�S; Pauline Schuessler
<br /> Ed.na St�tes
<br /> .
<br /> STAlE OF NEBRkSKA ) NovJ on this 5th d�y of Januarv, 1939, bePore me, a Notary Publie, in an�. for
<br /> HALL COUNTY ) �� saia CountJT, per4onally came PAULINF SCF�UESSLEn, a wido�, to me person€�lly
<br /> known to be the ic�.Pntical per8on whose signature is af�'ixed to the foregoing Deed as grantor, �.nd
<br /> �.ekno�aled�es s;�,me to be her vc�Iunta��y act ancl deed for the purposes tt�erein set forth.
<br /> IN WITNESS W�iEt�Ef�F, I h�ve heret� aff ixed my signature and official s eaI �.t Gr�.nd IQl.and, in said
<br /> County �,nd State, the day and year last �.bove written. ( SE�L) Edna States,Notary Public
<br /> M cor�mi�sion e e
<br /> L
<br /> y xpir s ec. 5, 1942. j�
<br />� Filed for record thie �th day of January, 1g39, at 1 :45 o 'clock P.�. �J��-�-� � •
<br /> egister of Deeds �
<br />