<br /> ��'�
<br /> ��E�� R.�E� ��3.� �1�. 7 �
<br /> �XE AUGVSTINE CO..�4B B.3-S•.S7 '
<br /> KNOW ALL �I�N BY THESE PRESEt�TS, tha.t whereas, in an action oP partition,pending in the D3strict
<br /> Gourt �oP HaII County,RTebraska,Case 1Vo.��29,wherein Clara M.Scott and B�ary E.�agnuson are plaintlft's
<br /> and Arthur E.Marsh and Emily �iarsh,his wiPe,Cl.arence W.�ar�h and Pearl �darsh,h3s �3fe, Clarence W.
<br /> Marsh,as administrator oP the Estate of Carroll �.�arsh,deceased,and A.G.Abbott are defendants,
<br /> it uvas among othere things, f'ound,ordered,ad,�udged a.nd decreed as follows;that said Clara M.Seott,
<br /> �ary E.Magnuson,Arthur E.�arefi and Clarence 9V.Marsh are �enarits in common in Yee simple of the
<br /> Poilowing described rea� estate situated 3n Hall County,Nebraska, to-wit:FractionaZ L�'� T'�o (2) ,
<br /> and Lot Seven (7) in Practional BZock Slx (6) in Kernohan & �ecker's Addition to the City oY
<br /> Grand Island,Nebraska,each ownin� an undivided one-fourth (1/�+) interest therein;that all 02' the
<br /> above named p�rties in said �.ction have entered their appearances therein or have been duly �erved
<br /> with �ummone 'thereln;�hat the sharea and interests of the above named tenants in common were duly
<br /> conPirmed in the real eatate above de9cribed and O.A.Abbott was duly appointed rePeree to make
<br /> partition oP the�p emises; And whereas,said rePeree,ap�ointed by said court to make partition o�
<br /> said reQl estate,having qualifi.ed,made report in writing duly signed, eetting forth that partition
<br />� oP said land eould not be made without great pre�udice to the owners thereof,which report was
<br /> duly examined by said court and the � court,being eatisfied therewith,conPirmed the same and there-
<br />, u on mac�e an order and caused the same to be entered, directin� me as referee to eell said premises �t
<br /> P
<br /> as upon execution to the hi�hest bidder Por �ash in the manner provided by larv; and 2n pursuanee
<br /> of sald order,said referee caueed a notice ta be published in The Grand Island Da1Iy Independent,
<br /> a newspaper publ.�shed and in general circulation in said Hall County,that I would ofPer eaid �anda
<br />�
<br /> Por sale at the front door oP the Court House in C}rand Island, In HaZI County,RTeUPaeka,on the PiPth
<br />� da.y oP Decernber,193�,�,t tvno o 'clock in the agternoon o�' eaid day and at the 'Gime and place stated
<br /> I in said notice and after said notice had been published more than thirty daya, said rePeree o�Pered
<br /> said lands a� public auction,as a whole and by separate parcele and sold all oP said lands above
<br /> described sub,�ect to generaZ taxes and special asseasments and administration expense in the estate
<br />� oP Carro].]. l�.�darsh in the County Court oY sald H�.II County due to A.G.Abbott in the sum oP �101.62,
<br /> poasess�on to be given January 1,1939, to John Toicpey and LiZlian �'orpey,ae �oint tenants with
<br /> right o� eurvivorship,Yorthe sum of Nine Hundred� Thirty Dollars (�93o.C10) in cash, they being the .
<br /> hi�hest bidders therefor and their bid Por aII of said I.ands exceeding the aggregate bids Por said
<br /> Iands when offered by eeparate parcels. And afterwards and on the l3th day of Decemi�er,l93�, the
<br /> said court approved and conf irmed said sale and by an order directed said O.t1�,Abbott as such referee,
<br /> to execute to said purchasers a deed conveyir�g said lands purchased by them in fee aimple, as �oint
<br /> tena,nts with right oP survlvorship, sub�ea't onl.y to the liens above mentioned and free fro�' any
<br /> claime of eaid. plaintiffs and the defendant Arthur E.Marsh for unpaid distributive ahares in said
<br /> estate of Carroll �I.Marsh, dece�.sed, or any aums found due them in acco unting in said partition
<br /> suit.
<br /> Norar therefore, I, O.A.Abbott, as such referee, in consideration oP the premises and of the sum oP
<br /> �930.00 so bid snd p�.id by said John Torpey and Lillian Torpey, purchasere of all �aid lands and by
<br /> vir�ue o�' the pov�ers vested in me, as such reYeree� by Iaw, do by these presents grant, bargain,
<br /> sell ancl convey unto s�id John Torpey and Lillian �orpey and to the survivor oP them a$ ,joint
<br /> tenr�nts, the Pollowing deacribed real estate, aituated in Hall County, Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> Fr�.etion�.l Lot Two (2) , and Lot Seven ( 7) , in Fractional Block 8ix (6) , in Kernohan & Decker'e
<br /> Addition to the CSty oP Grand Island, in Hall County, Nebraska, with alI the tenements, apr�urten-.
<br /> ances and hereditaments thereunto belong3ng, sub�ect only to the I.ien� aPoresaid, to have and to
<br /> hold the same to said grantees and to the survivor oP them and to their assigns �'orever.
<br /> Signed the 2lst day of December, z93�. .
<br /> O.A.Abbott
<br /> Witnese; ( 1.00 I.R.Stamps ) Referee
<br /> Alma R.Miller Ca.ncelled )
<br />