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� � I <br /> ���.: <br /> ]��]E�� �.�C ��� �T�4 ? �9 � <br /> +ae�ucuanxeco,.14683-8-87 � - � � <br /> executors and adrninistrators shall warrant and dePend the same unto the grantees named harein and <br /> unto their �.saigns and unto the heirs and assigns oP the survivor of them, forever, againet the <br /> lawPul claims oP aII persons wriomsoever, exeluding the exceptions named herein. <br /> IN WZTNESS 1�HEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands thi$ 15th day of October, A.D. .193�• <br /> In presence of 3.50 I. R.Stamps) F.A.Terry <br /> Bayard H.Paine,Jr. (Cancelled ,.,�, Lillian Terrq <br /> STATE OF NEBR.ASKA ) On this 15th aay of October, A.D. 193�, before me, a Notary Publie, <br /> )ss <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) in and for said County, personally came the above named F.A.Terry and <br /> Lill lan Terry, husband and wife, who are personally knovwn to me to be the identical peraons whose <br /> names are affixed to the above instrument as grantora, and they severally acknowZedged eaid instru- <br /> r�nt to be thelr voluntary act and deed. <br /> VGITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the date last aPoresaid. <br /> Bayard H.Paine Jr. <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My commiss3on expires on the 2�rd day of July, A.D. 19�+2. <br /> Filed Por record this 17 day oP Oetober, 193�, at 2:15 o 'cloek P.�I. ��-�a-t..�1 � <br /> . Register of Deed <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-Q-Q-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o- <br />' SHERIFF 'S DEED ON FOREGLOSUt�E OF �ORTG�IGE � <br /> i KNOV'J ALL A�IEP1 BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> That INhereaa, in an action in the District Court of the Eleventh Judicial Dietrict of Nebraska, <br /> �vithin and for Hall County, wherein John Bremer is the Plaintiff, and Anna Boltz, a widow, et aI <br /> are the DePerziants, it v�as by said Court at the March Term thereoP, A.D. , Z935, to-wit, on the 15th <br />' day of' IViarch, A.D. , 1935, considered, ad,�udged, and decreed that in default of the payment to the <br /> - . <br /> Clerk of the District Court of the coats oP said action, and to pay to plaintiPf the sum oP ��911.79 <br /> within twenty days Yrom the date of such �judgment and decree, that the equity of redemption of each <br /> and all of said defendants in and to the lands and tenements hereinafter described be fareclosed <br />� �n�_ forever barred, and that the Sheriff of said Hall County cau�e the lands and tenements herein- <br />� after described to be advertised, �nd sold according to law; and whereas the said defendants hav- <br />, in� made default tt�erein, Daniel Sanders , as Sheriff of said County, under a,nd by virtue of the <br /> order o� said Court to him directed, did, on the 3rd day of October, A.D. , �93�, at the north door <br /> of the Court House 1n the city of Grand Isla.nd, ATebraska, in said County oP Hall, (the same bei�g <br /> the place wherein the District Court was last held in said County) , having firat given due and <br /> legal notice of the time and place of said sale, for not less than thirty days prior thereto, in <br /> the C�rand Island Daily Independent, a legal newspaper printed and in general ciraulation in said <br /> County of Hall, :sell the said prsmises at publie auction to John Bre�er (he being the highest and <br /> best bidder therePor) Por the aum of Five thousand nine hundred eZeven �--79/7.00 DOLLARS, whieh <br /> sale was a�'terv�ards at the September Term of said Court, A.D. , 193�, examined and conf irmed, and <br /> the said Daniel Sa.nders, as Sheriff' of said County, was ordered to execute a deed of said premises <br /> to the said John Bremer <br /> NOVJ, THEREFOR�, I, the said Daniel Sanders, as SheriPP of Hall County, Nebraska, in pursuance of <br /> the order of said Court, as aforesaid, in considerativn of the premiaes, and by virtue of the <br /> powers in me vested by law, do hereby give, grant, and co rnrey unto the said John Bremer and assigns <br /> the premises sold as aforesaid, to-wit; AlI oP The South Half of the Jouthwest q,uarter (S�SW�� , <br /> and Lots Tkree (3) and Four (�+) all in Section Nine (9) , Townshlp Nine (9) ,North,of Range Eleven <br /> (11)Weat of ths 6th P.M. , in Hall County, Nebra�ka, containing 146.10 aeres, wlth a7.1 and sin�ular <br /> tne appurtenances thereunto belonging, to have and to hold unto him t�le said John Bremer and his <br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. <br /> IN WITNESS V7HEREOF, I have, ae such Sheriff of Hall County, Nebr�.ska, her�unto set my hand thig <br /> 17th day of October, A.D. , 193�. . I R Stamps Danie1 g nder$ <br /> Executed and Delivered in Presence of � ancell'ec�. Sheriff of Hal� County <br /> �f�,rgaret Vick <br />