<br /> ���� �]EC �]E�.� �T�s ? 9
<br /> �NE AUGUlTINE CO.a�4883-B-87 �
<br /> �
<br /> Th<a.t V�hereAS, in an action in the �7istric'� Court of the Eleventh Judicial District of l�Tebraska,
<br /> within and for Hall County, l�herein Home Ov�ners ' Loan Corroration, a corporation, is PlaintiPf,
<br /> and Esther 1��Z.Ashworth t�,nd Carl Ashwor�h, v�ife �.nd husband, are Defendants, it was by said Court
<br /> at the February Term thereof, A.D. , 1937, to-���it, on �he 5th day of �ay, A.D. , 1937, considered,
<br /> ad,�udged, and decreed that in default of the payment to the Clerk of the vistrict Court of the
<br />' costs of Gaia. action, and to the pZaintiff, the sum of �3999•90, vrith interest at 6� fram May 5th,
<br /> �937, �ithin tc:renty days from the date of such ,judgment and decree, that the equity of redemption
<br /> of each and all of saicl deflendants in �.nd to the l�.nds and tenements herEinafter described be Pore-
<br /> �Zosed and forever barred, and that the Sheriff of said Hall County cause the lands and tenementa
<br /> herein�.fter described to be advertised, and sold according to Iaw; and whereas the said defendants
<br /> having r�ade dPf'a.ult therein, Daniel Sanders, as Sheriff df said County, under and by virtue of the
<br /> order o�' said Court ta him directed, did, on the �I�th day of March, A.D. , �93�, at the north door
<br /> of the Court Hou�e in thP city of Grand Island,}Vebraska, in said County of Hall, ( the same being the
<br /> place a�herein the District Court v�ras last held in said County) , havino first given due and Iegal
<br /> notice of the time and place of �aid s�.le, for not less than thirty days prior thereto in the
<br /> Grand I�land Herald, a legal newspaper printed a.nd in general airculation in said County of HaII,
<br /> sell the said premises at publie Auct3.on to Home Owners ' Loan Corporation, a eorporation, ( it beine
<br /> t�.e hi�hest and 'best bidder therefor) for the sum of Four-thousand two-hundred forty-seven & 56/ZOo
<br /> DOLLARS, which sale v��as afterwards at the February Term of said Court, A.D. , 1.93�, examined and
<br /> conPirmed, and the said Daniel a�.ndere, as Sheriff oP said County, was ordered to execute a deed
<br /> of sai� premises to the s�.id Home Owners ' Loan Corporation, a corporation,
<br /> NOV'r, THEREFORE, I, the said Daniel S�.ndera, as Sheriff of Ha11 County, Nebraska, in pursu�nce of
<br /> the order of said Court, �,s af'ores�.id, in conaideration of the premises, an�� by virtue of the
<br /> po�rers in me vested by law, do here}�y �;ive, grent, and convey unto the said Home Owners ' Loan Cor-
<br /> poratian, a carporation, and as�igns, the premises sold as aforesaid, to-wit: AlI of Lot Eight (�)
<br /> � ,
<br /> a T
<br /> in Block tTrenty-four (24) of �ussel Wheeler ,a Addition to Grand I,_l�.nd,Ha1I County, l�cbra.s�a, as
<br /> surveyed, platted and recorded, with aII and singular the appurte,nances thereunto belonging, to
<br /> have a.nd to �hold unto the said Home Owners ' Loan Corporation, a cor�;oration, and its assigns forever.
<br /> IN 'NITNESS VdHEREUF, I have, as such Sheriff of HaII County, Nebraska, hereunto set my hand this
<br /> 30th d�y of NZarch, A.D. , 193�.
<br /> Executed and Delivered in Presence of ( .50 I.R.Stamps )
<br /> Margaret Vick �_ Cancell.ed ) Daniel Sandera
<br /> Sheriff of Hall County. .
<br /> THE STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On thiG 30th day of nriarch, A.D. , 193�, before me, D.O.Beckmann, a
<br /> � SS
<br /> HALL CO?7r3TY ) C1erk of the Uistrict �ourt, duly elected and qualified for said
<br /> Co�znty, persona�ly appeared Da,niel Sanders, Sheriff of said County, to me known to be the identical
<br /> person described in a.nd �ho executed the foregoing instrument as gr�.ntor, and acknoc�ledged s�,id
<br /> instrument to be his voluntary act and deed as such Sheriff.
<br /> Ir? WITT��SS `'VI-iF'REOF, I have hereunto s et my hand and off icial sea:t at Grand Tsland, Nebraska, in
<br /> said County, the day and year last above �Nritten.
<br /> D.O.Beckmann
<br /> ( SEAL) Clerk of tne District Court
<br /> Filed �or record this llth d.a.y of April, 1�3£�, at 1:15 o 'clock P.11%.
<br /> ��-�� �-u-��-
<br /> egister o'f Deeds I
<br /> o--�--o-o-o_o-o_�_;�-o-a�o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-c�-o-o-o-.o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o�o-o-o-o-o_o_ �
<br /> ,
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