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.S,',^�� . . . ��i�� . _�. <br /> .�r ' ' • .' ,,:� <br /> ' - . - � ' F«,i., <br /> . ...�.�. _. . - . .. . . .� . .. - . . ._.�� �1. . , I, . "- . <br /> / . RE-RECORDtI� 9'7_ �.�1�.�i f� �, - ;�,�;.>ri•;� �W.�s <br /> , 'Borrowcr covcnancv tl�at lionowcr is lawfully scised of the estatc hcr�hy convcycd and has chc right ro grant and convey • ' ' �`;,:•__ <br /> ,• the Property, ctind that the Properry isu�zencumhered, exccpt for encumbrancea of record. Borrower covenants d�at Barrower :;�� <br /> warrams and �vill de:tcnd benerally the tide In the !'rop�rty abninst�ill clain►s and demands,suhject to cucumbrances of record. . <br /> UNIFORM CUVENAN'f5. Bortowcr anJ L.cndcr covcnant and agrcc as fiilluwa: <br /> I 1. Pe�y�nent atPrincl�ul nnd Interenl. I�uno�ver aUaU peumpNy pay�vhcn duc [he principal LUla Itl[C[CSI II1dCbtC(It1099 • - <br /> cvidenced hy the Notc nnd latc chargcs ae providcd iR� dic Notc. <br /> , I 2. Funds for Tuxes und Insuranc�. SuhJect to applicahl� law ur a written waiver by L..ender, Horrower shall pay to .� <br /> 1 l.vndcr on tlic day ninnthly paymcnts of principal anJ inictest arc payablc undcr ths N�uc,undl thc Notc is paid in full,a sum , -- <br /> (hcrcin "Funds") cqual to uno-twclf'th i�f ti�c ycnrly iaxcs and 1ti5L'9tillll'11I9 (including condominium and plonneJ unit � ''•z` <br /> �� devclopment asscstimen�v. �f nny) wh�sh may attain priurity ovcr this ll�ed nf'frust, and grnund renn on the Pmperry, if�ny. � .., <br /> plus onc-twclfth of ycarly pretnium instulhncn�v for hazard insurance, �IIUA OI1C-IWCIfUI Of YCAIIY�7TCI111UI11 inscallments for ,.s�-�: <br /> . � mortgagc insurancn, if any,all as rcasonably cstimatcd Initially and 1'rom cime ro time by Lc:nder on the hasis of assessnients .. _ <br /> � and bills and reas��nahlc estimates thercof. I3orrawcr shall not be ohligated to make such paymenGV c�f Funds to I.ender ta � • <br /> the �xtent that Barrowcr makes such payments to thc halder of a prior mortgage or dced of trust if such l�older is an � - .��;, <br /> ins[i[utional Icndcr. � <br /> If Borrowe�pays Fuitds to[.�:nder,the Funds shaU be held in an insthution the deposits or accounGS of whioh are insured � •. .,,��,�T�_ <br /> " or guaranteed by a Federal ur state agency(including Lender if Lender is such an instltution). Lender shall apply[he Funds Q ,• ••t•Y;��_ <br /> to pay said taxes,asscssments, insurancc premiums and ground renGS. I..ender may not charge for so holding and applying thc `'..�°�_ <br /> E----- <br /> Funds, onalyzing said account ar verifying and compiling said assessmen[s anJ bills,unless Lender pays Borrower intcrest on `;��_ <br /> thc Funds und applicablc law permite Le:nder to make such a ctiargc. Borrowcr and I.ender may agrce in writing at the dme =__ <br /> " of execution of this Deed of Trust that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreemenY is made "t�-'"—. <br /> or applicable law requires such interest ta be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on �.;:;�-� <br /> the f ..ids. Lender sh111 give to Borrower, without annual accoundng uf the Funds showing credits and dehiGS to . . _ <br /> the F�uids and the purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are plcdged as aJJitiuual securiry for „ _ --- - <br /> ! ' the sums secured by thls Decd of Trust. ` "; <br /> If the amount of Qie Funds h�ld by Lender, togethcr wi[h the future monthly i�utallments of Funds payable p�ior ro the �"�``�--_ <br /> � due dates of taxes.assessments, insurance premiums aad ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes, 6:_�4,."' <br /> q: assessments, insurance premiums and ground renu as they fall due,such excess shall be,at Horrower's option, either promptly .. <br /> repaid to Bonowee or credited to Honower �n monthly installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds held by I,ender .���'��.'�-� <br /> � ;�, shall not be sufficient to pay taxes,asse3sments, insurance premiums and ground rents as ihey fall due,Bonower shall pay �,_„�-- <br /> ��F to Lender any amount necessary co make up the deFciency in one or more payments as Lender may require, - _,: <br /> ,. ' Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Deed of Trust, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds � . <br /> held by L,ender. If under paragraph 17 hereof the Property is sold or d�e Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender �" <br /> � shall a 1 ,no later t�an immediatel dor to the sale of the Pro er or its ac uisidon b Lender,an Funds held b L,ender �'' <br /> PPY YP P �Y 4 Y Y Y <br /> _____• at the time of application as a credlt against the sums secuted by this Deed of Trust. _ <br /> t' 3. Applleatfon of PAyments. Unless applicable law provldes otherwise,all payments received by I.enaer under ihc ivoic <br /> r,. <br /> �r. and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof shall be applied by Lender first in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower uader <br /> paragraph 2 hereof,then to interest payable on the No[e. and then to the principal of the Note. �:� <br /> ' 4. Prior Mortgages and Decds of Trust;Ct�argrs;L(ens. Borrower shall perform all of Borrower's obligationa under s _ <br /> � any mortgage, deed of trust or other sccuriry agreement ai�h a lien which has priority over this Deed of Trust, including <br /> � Borrower's covenants to makc payments when due. Borro�ver sball pay or cause to bc paid all taxes,assessments and other <br /> charges,fines and impositions aaributable to the Properry which may attain a prioriry over this Deed of Trust, and leasehold � .: <br /> paymenu or ground rents, if any. <br /> 5. Hazord Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvenients now existing or hereaftcr erected on the Properry insured <br /> agaiast loss by fire,hazards included within the term "ex[ended coverage",and such cther hazards as I.ender may require aad ' <br /> • in such am�unts and for such petiods as Lender may require. �� <br />= The insuraace carrier providiag the insurnnce shall be chosen by IIorrower subject to approval by I.ender;provided,Wat _ <br /> ' such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. All insurance policies and renewals theceof shall be in a form acceptable — <br /> ' '�`' to Ixnder and shall include n standazd mortgage clause in favor of and in a form acceptable to Leader. Lender shall have � <br />• '°' "' '' thc right to hold the poltcies and renewals thereof, subject to the terms of any mortgage, deed of uust or other security ' <br /> ` agreement with a lien which has priority over this Deed of Trust. - <br /> - . • In the event of loss.Borrower shall give prompt nodce to the insurance carrier and Lender. I.ender may make proof of _ <br /> . loss if not made promptly by Borrower. �- — _ <br /> . � If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if Borrower fails to respottd to Lcnder within 30 days from the date nutice _ --- <br /> -_ ' is mailed by Lender to Borrower that the insurance carrier offers to settle a claim fur insurance benefits,Lender is authorized ---• <br />�q ...r.... � <br /> �•_�•�-.--:. � to wqect and apply the iasurance proceeds at Lender's option either to restoration or repair of the Properry or to tha sums _ <br /> :� secured by this Deed of Trust. __ __ _ __ <br /> ' , '� 1 6. Preservadon and Maintenance ot 1'ro�rerty;Lesiseholds; Condominiuins; Plawed Un[t Developments. Bono�cver _ <br />' ' ^ shaU keep the Properry in good repair and shall not commit waste ar permit impairment or deterioration of the Properry and -- - <br /> '�� shall comply with the provisions of any lease if this lleed of Trust is on a leasel�old. If this Deed of Trust is on a unit in a _ _ � <br /> condominium or a planned unit development, Barrower shall perform atl of Borrower's obligaaons under the declarution or — — � <br /> , S,e covenants creaung or governing the condominium or planned uni[ development, die by-laws and regulations of the �l.�,�� <br /> �r condominium or planned unit development, and consutuent ducuments. �'��� i: <br /> �'' 7. Protectfon of Lender's Security. If Bonower fails to perfotm dte covenants and agreements contained in this Deed �i �r .;,�•�• <br /> of Trust,or if any action or procceding is commenced which materially affecGC Lender's intcrest in the Property,then Lender, .. �,k, <br /> �_. , <br />- • ' at Lender's option,upon notice to Borrowec,may make such appearances, disburse such sums, including reasanable attomeys' _,}.;�, '` <br /> j <br /> fees,and take such action as is neeessary to protect Lender's interest. If Le�.�er required mortgage insurance as a condiuon :.;,�:`;%• ,r� <br /> ; .�;,���n" .. <br /> � . of making the loan secured by this Deed of Trust, Borrower shall pay the premiums requiced to maintain such insunutce in - -•• ,�;,-�.�. � <br /> effect until such time as the re uirement for such insurance terminates in ac�:ordance wid�Borrower's and I.ender's written ;''"��`"•'*�""' <br /> q ::a�:xS� . <br /> agreement or appiicable law. '���' �� <br /> .aC.:.�. <br /> �� � Any amounLs disbursed by Lender pursuant to this �paragraph 7,with interest thereon, at the Note rate, shall becomc •- <br /> - -- � ..�.�___� __�_�.._.,____ ,.cn........,o. e��..w1 hvrhia naPd��fTn�ct ilniPCC Rnrrnurer and irnder a¢ree to other terms of ,_____°__�� -, <br /> -.-.:.__ ..--=�- auwuvua� u.wv....��..� ................ ....�...'- ..� -•'_ -'-- " - -'•• - <br /> - -°--� � `. - <br /> -- -- ---------- <br /> � payment, such amounts shall be payable upon notice from I.ender to Borrower requcsting payment thereof. Nothing � <br />_ �� � contained in this pazasraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or talce any action hereunder. •. <br />-:`' ' S. Inspect[on. Lender may make or cause to be made teasonable entries upon and inspecdons of the Properry,provided <br />- i diat Lender shall give Borro�ver notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefur related to Lender's ' <br /> - , interest in the Property. <br />_� 9. Cundemnation. The proceeds of any award ur ctaim for damages,direct or consequential, in connection with any <br /> condemnation or other taking of the I'roperty,or part thereuf, or for amveyance in lieu of condemna[ion, are liereby assigned <br /> . and shall be paid to Lender,suhjcct to the tcrms of any mongagc, dced of trust or other sccurity agreement with a licn which <br /> - ., h3s priority over this DceJ of Trust. <br /> N1iDRASKA�ECOND MORTGAGB -1/60•PNNlA/f�f[LMC IJNIFQRM iNSTRUI�NT Pagc 2 of4 Porm 3828 . <br /> � � <br />