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<br /> •HEAUGUSTINECO..�4gB.3,-e-H% � . �
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<br /> THAT �ark H.Lee and Paulins �.Lee, husband and wife: Addie W.�cLeod and Rudolph W.�cLeod, wife�and
<br /> huaband; �tarle Lee Robbins and Lewis L.Robbina, �ife and hueband; and Vivian Lee Haekman and fi3121am
<br /> F.Haakman, wife and husband, oP the County oY Huffalo and State o� Nebraska, Por and in consideration
<br /> oP the �um of partition and divisiona of land8 of Ddark G.Lee eatate, and other good and valuable
<br /> eonsiderations, in hand paid by Blanche Lee Smith of the County oP Buffalo and $tate of Nebraska
<br /> do hereby sell and convey unto the said Blanche Lee Smith the following described premi�es, aituated
<br /> in the County of Huf'f'alo and State of Nebraska, to-wit: The North Half of the Northwest guarter
<br /> (N�N�V�) of section Tv�enty-five (25) , in Township Nine (9) , North, Range Thirteen (13) , and the
<br /> Pollov�ing described lands in H�:11 County, Nebraska: The South Half oP the Southwest quarter oP the
<br /> $outh�est Qu�.rter (S�rS�F�9W�) and trle Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Q,uarter (3E�S�l�) of Seetion
<br /> Trventy (20) ; Lots One (1} and Two (2) , in the Northeast Quarter oP Section Twenty-nine ( 29} ; and
<br /> Lot S� (6) , in Section 'rwenty-nlne (29) , aIl in Township Nine (9) ,North, Range Twelve (12) , West
<br /> oP the Sixth Prine3pal moeridian, in Ha,ll County, Nebraska.
<br /> The intention being to vest in the grantee a full and absolute tit3e to each and all oP the above
<br /> deseribed lands and premises. `
<br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the
<br /> estate, right, title, intereat, claim or demand whatsoever of the said grantors, and each of them,
<br /> of, in, or to the sane, or ar� part thereof.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Blanche
<br /> Lee 9mith, and to her heirs and assigns �orener.
<br /> �
<br /> And we hereby covenant,Qthe said Blanehe Lee Smith that we hold said premises by �ood and perPect
<br /> title; that we ha,ve good ri�ht and lav�ful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are
<br /> Pree and clear oP all liens and inoumbrancee whateoever. And we covenant to warrant and defend the
<br /> said premises againat the lawful claims of all per$ans whomsoever. .
<br /> And the said grantors, and each oP them, hereby relinquish and convey a31 right, title and interest
<br /> in and to above described premises.
<br /> Si�ned thie 7th day of February, A.D. �93�.
<br /> ' In Presence of �darie Lee Robbins
<br /> H.L.B1aakledge Lewis L.Robbins
<br /> W1111am F.Hackman
<br /> Vivlan Lee Hackman
<br /> Addie i�.McLeod
<br /> Rudolph �.�cLeod
<br /> �ark H.Lee
<br /> F auline W.Lee
<br /> THE STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 7th day of February, A.D. 193�, before me, H.I;.Blackledge, a
<br /> )as
<br /> COUNTY OF BUFFALD ) Notary Public duly comm3,ssioned and qualiPied far and residing in eaid
<br /> County, personally came Mark H.Lee �nd Pauline VG.Lee, husband and wrife; Addie �.I�cLeod and Rudolph
<br /> �.MeLeod, wiPe and husband; �Iarie Lee Robbins and Lewis L.Robbins, wiPe and husband; Vivian Lee
<br /> wife and husband
<br /> Hackman and 1�illiam F.Hackman,�to me known to be the identiaal peraone described in and vrho executed
<br /> the f oregoing conveyarice as grantora and acknov�ledged the said instrument to be their voluntary
<br /> act and deed.
<br /> '�ITNESS my h�.nd and notarial aeal the day and year laet above written.
<br /> H.L.Blackled�e
<br /> (SEAL) Notary public
<br /> My commission expires sept. 30, 19�I.
<br /> Filed for record this l�th daq oP February, 193�, at 9;C�0 o 'clock A.�. (�����(_�
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<br /> egisten oP eeds
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