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<br /> ��E�E]� ��� �➢.3� ��. ? 9
<br /> �HE�UGUSTINE CO.+�488$-8-.9'7
<br /> to be his vol.untary act and deed as such Sheriff.
<br /> IN WImNESS �NHEREOF, I Yiave here�anto �et ;ny hand and offlcial seal at Grand Island,Nebraska, in said
<br /> County, the day and year las.t above ��ritten.
<br /> D.O.Beckmann
<br /> ( SEAL) Clerk of the District Court.
<br /> Filed for record thls lst day of February, 19j�, at 10;30 o'clock A.1�. . �
<br /> Register o� eds �
<br /> p_0_p_�_0-0-�-0-0-0-�)_O-�J-0-0-0-U-�-�-�-0-0-0-�-�-0-0-i�-0-ta-0-U-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0�
<br /> V7ARRANTY DEED - Cor�c�ration "�
<br /> THIS Iij?DENTt1RE, MadP this 2nd da� oP February, A.D. , 7.93�, between The Equitable Building & Loan
<br /> Association of Gr�,nc7 Island, Nebraska, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue
<br /> of the laws of the State of Nebraska, party of the first part, and Ha.ns P.Nielsen and Catherine
<br /> Nielsen, husband and wife, of Hall County, Nebraska, as JOINT TENANTS, �nd not as tenants in com-
<br /> mon; of the County of HaII, �,nd �tate of Nebraska, party of the second part, •
<br /> WITNESSE�H. That the said party of the Pirst part f'or and in consideration of the sum of Three
<br /> Thous�nd and No/I00 DOLLARS, in hand paid, receipt whereoP is hereby acknow�ledged, has sold and
<br /> by the�e preeents does grant, con�rey and conPirm unto the said party of the second part, the follow- .
<br /> in� described premises, situated in Grand Island, H�.I1. County, and State of NebraRka, to-wit;
<br /> AiI of AI1 of the Easterl� Thirty-tnree ( 33) feet of Fractional Lot Six (6) , in F'ractional Block
<br /> One Hundred Forty-three (I 3) in Union P�.cifie Railway Company's 3ecnnd Addition, and ita complement
<br /> to-wit : The Easterly Tnirty-three (33) Feet of Fractional Lot Seven (7) , in Fractional Block
<br /> Eleven (1.1) in Russel Wheeler' s Addltion, both being additions to the City of Grand Island,Nebraska,
<br /> as aurveyed, platted �.nd recorded; the two tracts fe�rming a recta.ngular tract of ground ,having a
<br /> frvnt�.ge of 33 feet on Ninth Street, �a.nd extending 132 feet in depth to the a?Iey in eaid blocka.
<br /> It being the intention of alI parties hereto, that in the event of the death of either of said
<br /> Grantees, the entire Pee simple title to the real estate deacribed herein shall vest in the sur-
<br /> viving Grantee.
<br /> TO HAVE AP1D TO HOLD the premiaes above deccribed, together �vith all the Tenements, Hereditaments
<br /> e th z° nto belon in unto the s�id Hans P.Nielsen and Cat erin i
<br /> and A urt nances e eu h e N elsen Grantees
<br /> PP €�' g ,
<br /> as Joint Tena.nts, �,nd not �s tenants in co��non, and their assigns, or to the heir� and ae�igns of:
<br /> the survi��or of them,
<br /> And the said The Equ�tAble Building & Loan Association oP Grand Island, for itself or its suecessors
<br /> do hereby coven�nt and agree to and with the said parties oP the second part, and their heirs and
<br /> asQigns, that at the tine of the execution and delivery of theae presents it is lat�fully seized oP
<br /> said premiGes; that it ha.s good right and lawfu7. authority to c�nvey the same; that they a re Pree
<br /> from encumbrance and The Equitable Huilding & Loan Association of Grand Xsland,Nebra,$ka, does here-
<br /> bv covenant to warrant and defend the said premisea aeainst the Ia��ful claims of aIl persons whom-
<br /> soever.
<br /> I�TV'IITNESS WHEREOF', the said The Equitable Building & Loan Asaociation has hereunto caused its
<br /> corporate seal to be a.ffixed and these �aresents to be signed by its President the day and year
<br /> 3.00 I.R. Stamps )
<br /> firGt above vrritten. �, Cancelled } (CORP) THE EQtJITr1BLE BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION
<br /> Signed, aealed �,nd delivered in presence oP By Guy L.Harrison, President
<br /> Florence V.Myers Attest : C.E.Grundy, Secretary
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On thi� 2 day of February, 193�, before me, the undersigned, a Notary
<br /> . )Ss
<br /> HALL COUNTY ) Publ.ic in ,�.nd for said County, personally ca�e Guy L.Harrison, president
<br /> of the The Equitable Building & Loan Association of Grand Island,Nebraska, to me personally known
<br /> to be the President and the identical person whoae na.me is affixed to the above convevance, and
<br /> aeknowledged the execution thereoY to be his voluntary act and deed as sueh off icer and the volun-
<br /> tary act and deed of the saic� The Equitable Building & Loan Association and that the Corporate seal
<br /> o� the said The Equitable Building & Loan A��ociation ��as thereto affixed by its authority..
<br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at Grand I�land, in said county the day and year last above vrritten. ;
<br /> Florence V.�Iyers
<br /> ( SE�L) Notary pu�lic
<br /> My Commis5ion expires the 27th day of August, 19�j.
<br /> Filed for record this 2 day of Febru�ry, s93�, at 3:45 o 'clock p.�i. ��'=��`-"� �
<br /> R.egister of ee s
<br />