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�� <br /> ��E�E� �.�E� ��� �T�. 7 � <br /> •xe�ucuar�Ne co.•14883-8-87 <br /> r <br /> AUIT CLAI� DEED � <br /> T��iIB INDENTURE, �ade this 1�-th cl�.y of December, in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty- <br /> three, between l�urel S.Nelson, t�idower, of the first part, and Josez�h R.Hamilton, of the sec�nd part, <br /> WITNE5SETF�i, that the s�id party of the Pirst part, in consideration of the sum oP One Dollar and <br /> other valuable con�ideration to him duly paid, the reeeipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has <br /> remi�ed, relea�ed and quit claim, and by these presents doea, Por himself, his heirs, executors and <br /> a,dministrators, renice, release and forevFr quit�-claim �,nd convey unto the said party of the second <br /> part, and to his heirs �.nd assigns f'orever, all hi� ri�ht, title, interest, eatate, his claim and <br /> demand, both at law �,nd in equity, of, in and to all Fractional Lot Two (2) Block Four (�+) , John <br /> W.Lambert's Addition to Grand I�land,Nebraska. <br /> To�;ether with a11. �,nd singular the hereditaments thereunto beT.onging. <br /> TO HA,VE ��tD TO HOLD t��e above deser2bed pr�mise� unto the said Joseph R.Hamilton, Y�eirs a.nd <br /> �ssi�ns ; so that neither Murel S.Nelson the said grantor, or� any per�on in his name and behalf, <br /> sh�ll or will hereafter claim or demand any r°ight, or title to the s€�.id premises or any paxt there- <br /> of, but they and every one of them sh�.11 by these presents be excluded and forever barred. <br /> IN VPITI�ES5 WHE�EOF, the said party of the Pirst part has hereuntp 5et his hand and seal the day <br /> and year above written. <br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in precenee of �Iurel S.Nelson <br /> R.�.Wenger 50 I.R.Stampe <br /> ( Cancelled ) <br /> STATE OF NEBRA�KA ) On this 14th day of February A.D, zg3�+, bePore me, the underei�ned, <br /> )ss <br /> HALL C0�?NTY ) R.S.Wenger, a Notary Pub11c, du1.y com��isaioned and qualified for and <br />� in said count�r, personally car�e �turel S.Nelson, widower, to me known ta be the identic�.l <br /> person whose nar�e is af�ixed to the foregoing instrument as grantor and ackno�Iedged the same to <br /> be his volunt�.ry act and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the �.ay and yea.r Ia�t above v�rit�Gen. <br /> R.S.Wenger <br /> (SEAL� Notary Public <br /> My Comr�isgion expires the 22 day of June, 1935• <br /> Filec3 fox° recor°d this 27th d�.y of Janu�.ry, 19j�, at 9;30 o 'elock A.�I. <br /> �,�� �'`'`"�-.�.�._� <br /> F�eg s�r aP Deeds <br /> 0-0-EJ-0-�)-0-0-0-�-C?-�-U-O-C�-C�-O-U-U-C?-O-U-�-O-�-�-U-U-�-�-0-�1-0-(}-�-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-�-0-�J-�-0-0-0- <br /> QUTT CLAIM DEED --� <br /> THIS IrdDENTURE, b4ade this 27th d�y of January, iM the year one thousand nine hundred and Thirty, <br /> bet�reen R.S.Wenger and Helen D.�Ienger, husband and wife , of the Pirst part, and Jessie G.Dill and <br /> Anna A.Huston, of the sec�nd part, <br /> dE�ITNE�SETH, that the said parties of the first part, in consic�eration of the sum oP One Dollar arld <br /> other valuable consideratian aOLLAR5, to them duly paid, the reeeipt whereof is hereby acknow�.eaged, <br /> have remised, released, and quit-claim, and by these presents do Por themaelves, their heirs, exeeu- <br /> tors and administrators, remise, release and forever quit-claim and convey unto the said parties <br /> oP the second part, and to their heire and assigns forever, a1.1 their ri�ht, t3tle, interest, <br /> estate, their claim and demand both at law and in equity, of, in and to all Lots One tl) and Two <br /> (2) in Block Five (5) of John V�1.Lambert 's Addition to Grand Island,Nebraska, as surveyed, platted <br /> and recorded. <br /> �'o�;ether wlth alI and singular the hereditaments thereunto bel.onging. <br /> TO HAVE Al`SD TO HOLD the above described premises unto the said Jeasie G.Dill and Anna A.Huston, <br /> helrs and asai�na; so th�.t neither R.S.Wenger a,nd Helen D.�'enger, the said grantors, or any per�vn <br /> in their name and behalf, s�lall or will hereafter claim or demand any right or tltle to the said <br /> premises or any part thereof, but they and every one of them shall by these presenta be excluded <br /> and forever barred. <br />� < � � <br />