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�� <br /> � <br /> ��E�� �. C ��.� 1�T�. 7 9 <br /> �HEAUGUSTINEC0.:�4863-8•37 � � <br /> IT BEING THE INTFNTION OF r1LL P�.TI�S HERETO, TNAT IAT THE EVEN�' OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF S.AID <br /> GRANTEES, THE ENTIt�E FEE SI�IPLE TI'.PLE T0 THE rt EAL ESiA�E DESCRIBED HEREIN SHr�,LL VEST IN THE STJR- <br /> VIVING GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE Al`?� TO HOLD the above described prPmi�es, vrith the appurtenanceG, unto the said grantee� <br /> a� JOINT TErJAI`1TS, and, not as tenzn�s in commor., and to their assig:is, or to the heirs and assigns <br /> of the su?'v1vol' of them, forever, a.r_d vre the �rantor� na.r.ied herein for ourselveQ and our Y?eire, <br /> executo2�a, and adm�.nistrators, do covenant �rith the �r�ntees n�.med herein arld �*tith their• assigne, <br /> and v�ith the heirs and assigns of thP surv�vor of them, that we are lawfully seized oP �rPmise� ; <br /> that they are free from incumbrance except as stated hereir., und ttiat we the said grantors have <br /> good rimh.t ttnd Iaa►ful autY�ority to sell the same, and that vice will and our heirs, executors and <br /> ad�inistr�ators shall warrant and defend the �a�►e unto the gr�.ntees n�ed herein and urto their <br /> assigns and unto the heirG �.nd assigns of the survivor oP them, forever,against the Iawful claims <br /> of �.I?. perGcn� wh�msoever, excluding the �xception4 named herein. <br /> IN WITNFSS �IHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands thi� l�+th d€j.y oP January, A.D. 193�• <br /> In presence of .C�O I.R.Stamps _ ) John A.Ferguson <br /> R.S.Wenger ( Cancelled ) Carrie Fay Ferguson <br /> STATE OF NEBP��SKA ) On thls 11�th d.�y oP January, A.D. i93�, before �e, a Notary Public, in <br /> } ss: <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) arld for s�id County, peraonally c�Me the above named John A.Ferguson <br /> and Carrie Fay Ferguson, husb��nd and vriPe, who are personally knov��n to �e to be the identical per- <br /> �ons v�hose n�.mes are affixed to the a bove instrument as grantors and they acknowledged said instru- <br /> ment to be their voluntary �.et �.nd deed. <br /> WI^1NESS my hand and Notarial Se�.l the date last aforesaid. <br /> R.� .Wenger <br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public <br /> D�y commission expires on .the 22nd day of June, A.D. ly�l. <br /> Fi�ed for reeord this 15th d�.y of Janu�,ry, 19j�, at 2:30 0 'clock P.N. ��,,� � <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> p_0-0-0_C)-0-0-0_��-t)-C�-�)-U-c�-0-0-U-0-U-0-�-U-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0--0-0-0- <br /> WARF.AAITY DEED - VESTINC� Er1TIRE TITLE IN SURVIZrOR <br /> KNOZ"� ALL P��FN �?��' THE�E PRESEP�ITS, That Eether E.�tev�rart & K.L.�tev�art, wife and husband, in consid- <br /> eration of �I..00 and otr:�:x' valuable considerations DOLLARS, 1.n hand paid, do hereby grant, bar- <br /> gain, se1l, convey anc�. confj_rm unto H�.rry Peters and Olga Peters , husband a:�� wi�e, as JOINT TEN- <br /> AhTTS, and not as ten�,r�ts in common; the f�llowin� 3escribed re�?1 e state, situ�.te in the County of <br /> Ha71 �,nc� State of Nebr�.�k�., to-�rit: <br /> P�arth��est Quarter (NVxr4) of Section ivrenty-s1x ( 26) To��nship El.even (11) North, Ra.nge Ten (10) <br /> We4t of the Sixth ( hth) Principal 1t�Ieridlan, exce�ting thereYrom the right of �rray of the Union <br /> p�cific Railrorzd Company. <br /> to�ether with all the tenements, heredita�r�ents, and appurtenance� to tY1P. S�.�iP, belonging, and all <br /> the estate, title, dower, right of homest�ad, claim or. dema.nd wh�ztsoPVer aP the said grantors, of, <br /> in or to the same, or any part thereaf; <br /> IT BEIPdG THE IN��ENTIOPT OF ALL PARTIE�S HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> Gt�NTEES, THE EPITIRE FEE SIMPLE TIiLE `I'0 THE REAL E STATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE SUR- <br /> VIVING C��'�l`�TEE. <br /> TO H11VE AND TO NOLD the above described premise�, �?ith the appurten�.nces, unto the aaid grantees <br /> a° JOIPdT TE�dAP�?TS, and not �.s tenants in common., �.nd to their assi�ns, or to the heirs and. assigns <br /> of the survivor of trerl, fcrever, and we the �rantors na,r►ed herein for us and our heir�, executor� <br /> anc? adm�nistrators, do covenant �rith the grantees herein and. with their assinns and �vith <br /> the heirs and assigns of the survivor of the�i, that we -- s eized o�' said premisea; th�.t <br /> they are free f'rom incL�.mbrance except as stated herein, ar�d that ��e the said grantors have good <br /> right a.nd Ia�Tfu1 autho .rit;T to sell the same, an� th�t �ne v�ill and our heirs, executor� and a3�riin- <br /> istrators s�iall v�arrant a�?.d defend �he same unto the gr�,ntees named herei.n and unto their assign4 <br />. <br />