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<br /> IUnless otherwise agreed in writing,all insurance procoeds shall be applicd to the restoration or repair of the Property or ro
<br /> � tho Secured Debt. whether or not then due, at Beneficiary's option. My applicmion of pcoceeds to princlpa]sh�ll not _
<br /> cacend or postpone the due date of the scheduled paym�enryt Tru tor's�jhet oou�rt i su�P�ay olicies andep�rocecds�rc ulting
<br /> I to the Qrantar.lf the Propeny is acquired by&nefici y -�- `
<br /> from dnmage ta thc Property Gefora[hc acquisition shall p�ss to Bene iclary to�t►e extent o�the Secured Deb�immediatcly
<br /> before t➢�e acyulsiuon.
<br /> Z0. EQu1R Ow�to BexeFf�isci�nds foiRaaeCandtinsurance�in escrowrovide,d in a separate agreement, Trustor will not be `
<br /> � 21. FIIVANCIAL REPOgt7'S AND ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS. Trustor will provide to Heneficiary upon request, any .
<br /> financial statement or information.Beneficiary may,decm rcusonably necessary.Tructor agrecs to sign,dcliver, and flle any
<br /> uddicional documents or ceetificauons that Beneficiary.maY consider necessary to perfect, cantinue, a��d preserve Grantor s .
<br /> obligations under this Sccurity Instrument and Beneficiary s lien status on the Property. �� '`` �=�ti.
<br /> . i,�ta.�r:..
<br /> 22. JOINT AND INDIV�UAL LIAdII.ITY• CO-SIGNERS; SUCCESSORS AND AS.SIGNS BOUND. All dutles under .••j��;'�,t;;�,�,
<br /> '��=��d�--��„-�-
<br /> this Security Instrumeat are Joixat and indiv�dual. If Trustor slgns this Securlty Insm►ment but does not sign an evIdence of ,�����:
<br /> debt. Trustor does so only to mortgage Trustor's interest in tht Prop�rty to sacure paymcnt of the Securad Debt and .„�_ �
<br /> 5 ty between
<br /> " • � Beneficiury and Trus or Trus or a grees oawlaive any d ts�thD mayIpre eut Benelicinst from bring g any act�ion or clalm �~�_-
<br /> against TnuROr or nny partY u►debted under the ob�gatioa. These dghts may Include, but are not limited to, any �.�Y;---
<br /> anti�deficiency or one-action lawa. Trusror agrees that &neficiary and any party to this Security lnsmimea� maY extend. �,.__-.
<br /> mod;fy or malce any change in the terms of tLis Securtry Instrument or any evideace of debt without Trustor s consent.
<br /> • � Such a change will not release Tcustor from tbe terms of this Security Inscrument.Tbe duties and benafits of this Security ��ii:f —
<br /> Instrument sball bind and beaefit the successors and assigns of Trustor and Beneficial. �. .
<br /> ��. �° Z3. APPLICABLE LAW SEVERABILITY+IIvTERPRETA'd'ION.This Securiry.Insuvment is governed by the laws of the ��?_
<br /> jurisdiction in whlch �eneficiary is located.except to �he eatent othenvise required by the laws of the jurisdicdon whsre - -=
<br /> ,,� che pcoperty is located.This Securiry Iustrumentiis complete and fully integrated. This Security Ins[rurnent may not be —_
<br /> amended or modified by oral agreement. My sect.on in this Security lnstrument attachments, or any agreement re�lait��tc
<br /> the S�cuted Debt that conflicts with applicable law will aoY be effective,unless t�at law expressly or impliedly pe _�_
<br /> variations by writtea agre�ment.If any section of this Securi Instrument cannot be enforced accardin8 to its terms. that
<br /> section will be severed and will not affeGt che enforceability o�the remainder of this Security Instniment. Whcnever used, .
<br /> the singular shall include the plural and the plural the singular. The captions and headings of the se�tions of tlils Security �,�
<br /> Tl�e�is�of the essencenln this�ecuritY Lnsm��ent����to intetpret or defwe the terms of this Securiry Instuura�pt•
<br /> � Z4. SUCCES50R'�'R[JS'1'EE.Beneficiary, at Beaefisiary's optioa, may from time to time remove Tnwiea aa3��st $ -
<br /> - ,�
<br /> successor truseee without an other forrnality chan the designation In wrlting.The successor tnutet.wlthout conveyance of ,
<br /> � ttie property, shall su to all the title, power and duties conferred upon Trustee by this Security Instrumept and
<br /> applicable law. -
<br /> 25. NOTTCE. Unless otherwise requirecl by law,any notice shall be given by delivedng it or by mailing it by first class mail -
<br /> t.; to the appropriate party's address on page 1 of this Security Instrument, or to any other address designated in writing. _
<br /> Notice to one trustor wdl be deemed to be notice to all tcustors. .
<br /> =�;: - �;:,�
<br />" 26, VN�IIVERS. Except to ttie extent prohibited by law. Trustor waives all appraisement and homestead exempdon rtghts
<br />-^�' � relating to We Praperry• --
<br /> �,�
<br /> `S 2�, pT�g TF,RMB.If checiced.the following are applicable to thia Security Instrument: �
<br />���'r:,:���• 5:. � Ltne of Cred�+t.The Secured Debt lncludes a revolving line of credit provision. Although the Secured Dabt may be � _
<br /> _-� :��- : � reduced to a uro balaace�this Securiry Insnu�ment will rematn in effect until releasod.
<br /> nu m
<br /> o,;-_�-�^:�"'. � � ❑ Construdlon Loan,T&1s Security Iusmiment saures an obligation incurred for the construction of an improvement
<br />__=. �:�;''-° on the Property
<br />_=�;,�'.��'�:�•.. ❑�ltcteu�e Fil(ng.Trusror grants co Beneficiary a sec�riry interest in all gooQs that Grantor owns now or in the future �"
<br /> ~•• .W;�-�,;,-, and that are ar will become fixtures related to the Pcoperty. This Securlty Instrument svff ces as a financing �
<br /> �.,_,.,:�;w statement and any carbau�photogcaphic or other reptoduction may be filed of record for piuposas of Article 9 of ttte _
<br /> "�--�:^ Uniform�ommer�ial Code. _
<br /> _":'~9,,,;3,a....:� 0 g�aers, The covenants and agreements of each of the riders checked below are incorporau:d into and supplement and -
<br /> =��;:»�+=z. am�nd the terms of this Securtty Instrnmen¢.[Chxk all applicable boxes] .......
<br /> �,� :r�,: ...........................................
<br /> ;:,�;�•.-, - ❑ Condom�niuui Rlder ❑Planned Unit Develo�mcnt Rider Other
<br /> _:,.�'",�.,.,,_.. ❑Additlfl�l�e�ms. _
<br /> ..,e�,_.
<br /> „ :6�° -
<br />� �°� -
<br /> - �v�:=-
<br /> � SIGNATIJRES:By signing below,Trustor agrees to the terms and covenanu contained in this Security instrument and in any � .�_______, _�
<br /> attachments. Trustor also acknowledges receipt of a copy of this Security Instrument on[he date stated on page 1. �?��q'�'�='��'':
<br /> �;,�°��3*`n, �
<br /> �_9ti.- �'lE-
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<br /> :_ ___ �Signantro)t,t��n�i..,.�.,..,....,, .__, .- `. ;,.
<br /> � STATE OP..._�.......................................COUNTY OF .�:L.........................,................} ss.
<br /> - a�mo-�� Thi�s► ����1�t1��a�n�dMATQ���N1°�if��this...l8th...........day of.Febcun,►]'...............:1997............ .
<br /> • ' �Y flosD�rd7nd�rNR:........................................................••.•.�,....... ............
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<br /> My commiss�on eapires: ��y. / ,�/ � �
<br /> esan � GENERAI HOiuRY•SUte,Ql NeDr�p1� �. ... ... .�•��k:�!•••••••.........
<br /> , C�j_ SARA I.ARLT C.--"''�l�T: • o�ry D1"���r
<br /> � MyComm E.p.lune 30.1000 fpage 4 0�41 ,
<br /> .• m19948�nken6rstem�.Inc..St.tbuO.MN 11.80 � .
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