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..� <br /> ',� , ,. � „ <br /> �' _ . . <br /> :,,wrcws.;• . � � ' �,�,.s . � -� .. , <br /> .. ` , ,�p�'t'qN. - . / , • ����s�,.:._ <br /> . . .. . _ .. " i4.� -- <br /> ' - .. . � � .� . '.. �' ' �q ' . <br /> ., ,. 9�.,, �.1P11.:�..`? .� <br /> 'fOGf:l'Hf:R WI'1'H all the impro�•cmc:ntr. ntn•,e�T IICC�lf�rr CrcclC�otl (I1C(1PUjIl'I'ly. :tnd all ��aticiucntti.uppurtriu�n�c+, und . <br /> tixturcti n��w ur li�reuftcr a p�u•t uf �hr prnper�y. All repluecntcnty und adJitiuns +liull al�u hc ruvcrcd hy thi� Scrurity <br /> Intiu�uncnt. All of'thc furrguing i�rcicrred to in thi,ticcurity In+trun►ent n� thc "I'ruperty.' , <br /> k30121dO1VliR('OVf:NANTti tliut I�urrawcr i, luwfully,ci,c�ut thc c�+tutn c�rchy cunvcyrd un�f hati ihe right to grant i►nd <br /> convey tho Pruperty und thnt thc Nrupcny u unrncumh�:red, cac�pl 1'ut Guutnbranccti �+f n•rnrd F�urr��ucr warranl.r tmd will <br /> dcfcnd gencrally thc titic tu Au Pruperty i�guin+t nll rluims und Jemund+.tiubj�ct to;iny cncumhrnnccti .,(rccord. <br /> THI5 SECURITY IldSl'RUMEiN'T cumbineti unif�,rm ravcnunt,tin�nutional u,c unil nun-unil'�irm co�-enunt, �vith limitcd <br /> .,..::M�" variati�+n�by juri,diction tu runstitute u uniform+rruriry instrumrnt ruvcring rcul properry. <br /> � '''A' i UNIFORM COVENANTS. Horrowcr and l.�ndcr ruvcnunt und ugrcc cis f��llows: <br /> 1. Paymcnt oP �'rinclNul an�i ititcrest: Prepuymcnt imd I.utc ChA��cs. Borrowcr .hall pr��mptly pay whcn duc thc <br /> • princip:d ot'and intcrest on thc Jrbt cvidcnccJ by the Note and any prcP:�yment und lutc chargc�duc undcr thc N��tc. <br /> ' 2.Funds fur Taxes imd Insurunee. Subject a�applicuble luw ur tc� u wriucn wniver hy Lcnder. B��rrowrr shull pay ta <br /> • • Lendcr nn the day mnnthly payment:s arc duc under the Notc,un�il the Note is paiJ in full,a tium("Funds")tix:(i�)yearly ttuces F�;.%,': <br /> and assctismcnts which may attain priority uvcr this Sccurity Instrument as a licn on thc Property;(b)ycurly Ic.�schnld paymcnts � <br /> �� or ground rents on thc Property. if any:(c)yc.►rly harird or properry insurancc prcmium,: ldl yrarly fload insurancc premiums, ,:��_ <br /> if uny: (c) ycarly mortga�e insuruncc ptcntium+, if uny: and (t� uny sums payablc by Borrowcr to l.cndcr, in ucci�tduncc with _ ___ <br /> ` F thc pm��isiom uf paruFraph S,in lieu of thc paymcnt uf mortguge in�urancc premiums. Thcsc items i�rc callcd"Escrow Items." _.-- <br /> l.cnJcr muy, at uny time, rollert und hold Funds in un amount not tu cxcced [hc maximum arouunt u lendcr for a fcdcraUy .'�.,. <br /> f` relateJ mortga�c loan ntay require for Borrnwer's esrrow account under the fetlerul Rcul Estute Settlement Procedurex Act af t�,.� <br /> �' 1974 as amcndcJ from tirnc to timc, l2 U.S.C. Scr[ion 2601 e•r sry. ("RESPA"), unlcss anothcr luw that applics ro thc Funds '=.;r. <br /> � :'';, <br /> sets a Icsser umount. if so, L.cndcr may, at any timc, collect and hold Funds in un amaunt not to excccd thc lesscr amount. , ,,, <br /> �' Lendcr m:�y cstimate thc untounf of Funds duc on the basis of curccnt data and reasanAble cstimates of cxpenditures c�f future _�s,__ <br /> , � Escrow Itcros or othcrwisc in accordancc with applicuble law. _ <br /> Thc Funds shall be hcld in un institution whosc depasits are insured by a fcderul agency, instrununtality, or entity . <br /> " -'�� (including Lcnder,if Lcndcr is such un institution)or in any Fedcral Home Loan Bank. L.cndcr�hall upply the Funds to pay the <br /> ' '�; Escrow Rems. i.ender may not charge Burrower for holding and applying the Funds,unnunlly unalyzing the escrow account, or _ --- <br /> ��� verifying the Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds und applicable law pertnits Lender to make such __ <br /> � a char�e. Howevrr,l.endcr may require Borrower to puy:�one-time char�ee for nn independent reul estate tux reporting service _ <br /> . used by C.ender in connection with this loan, unless upptuabie taw pruviue. uti�c�wi,e. L'r�c,s :.� wbr:,c:^:�ne i`: "'.:�de ^' _ <br /> ,, applicable law requires interest to be paid, Lender shall nut bc required to pay Burrower any intcrest or earnings on the Funds. - <br /> ;' � Borrawcr und Lendcr muy agree in writing, howevcr, that interest shall be paid on thc Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower, <br /> � without charge, an annuul accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each _ <br /> •• ' debit to the Funds wus made.The Funds ure pledged as additional security for ull sums secured by this Secu�ity Instrument. <br /> �;;...� If the Funds held by i.ender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by upplicable law, Lender shall account ro Borrawer <br />-�a' °- for the exces�Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the umount of the Funds held by L.ender nt any <br />��°•^. time is not sufficient to pay the,Escrow Items�vhen due, Lender may so notify Horrower in writing. und,in such case Borrowcr <br />�=`,�':"* shall pny to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deCciency in no more than <br /> '-"�'° � twelve monthly payments,at L.ender's sole discretiou. <br />-�,_-. . ��y� Upon payment in full of all sums secureci by this Security Instrument, L,ender shall promptly refund to Borrower any <br /> - '" �^-.::���. Funds held by Lender.If,under paragraph 21, Lender shall ecquire or sell the Property. Lender,prior to the acquisition or sale __ <br /> ,=;t°=":=y.4=� of the Property, shull upply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a crcdit against the sums secured by _ <br /> --"��;??�;,• this Security Instrumcnt. <br />-""��:-����' 3.Appltcation of Puyments.Unless applicable law provides othenvise.ull payments received by I.ender under paragraphs - <br /> --�'"i�� 1 and 2 shall be upplicd: first, to any prepayment charges due undcr the Note: second, to amowits payuble under paragraph 2; <br /> *� � � � ' third,to interest due:fourth,to principal due:and Inst, to any lute charges duc under the Note. <br /> `�;�:��^:.' 4.Charges;Liens.Borrower shall puy all taxes, assessments, charges, fines and impositions attributuble to tlie Property = <br /> ���.'+�'..... <br /> �'.-.r;� � which may attain priority o�er this Security Instrument, and Icaschold payments or ground rents, if any. Borro�ver s a pay <br /> '^'��" these obligations in the rnanner providcd in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner, Borrower shall pay them on time directly <br /> u�:�t r... . <br /> ��;�,.,,,k .. to the person owed paymcnt.Borrowcr shall prompdy furnish to Lendcr all notices of amounts to bc paid under this paragraph. _ <br /> '�•'�!" `-- � If Borrower makes these payments directly,Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. __. <br /> .,;;r„�:.� <br /> ':,z.��y Borrower shall promptly dischargc any lien which has priority ovcr this Sccurity Instrumcnt unless Borrower:(u)a�rer;s in _ <br /> - :�-�- writing to the payment of the obligxtion secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to L.ender; (b) contests in gnod faith the lien ��;`._ <br /> • � by, or defends againsc enforcement of the lien in, Ic�al procec�iings which in the [.ender's opinion operate to prevent the �% <br /> enforeement of the lien; or(c) secures from th^holder of the lien an agrr:ement satisfactory tc�Lender sub�rdinating the lien to F;,____ <br /> � this Security Instrument. if Lcnder determincs that any part af the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority over �'� . <br /> this Sccuriry Instrument, Lendcr may givc Borrowcr u noticc identifying the lien. Bormwcr shall satisfy thc lien or take onc or _ <br /> more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. __ <br /> Form 3028 9/90 `�x'`� <br /> ., Pepo 2 0l 8 ! =+���. <br /> !:'S <br /> v..E::. <br /> p �• ,.. <br /> __-:_� ._ ` I, -_y-.........."—__...__—.."__�"�"—� __'___ ' +dhRl..! � . .__ , u. __ .. __ <br /> ,.___ '-_.' ,�� ` <br /> . �.r.�...a._�.:�:.�4?Fnw'v�y..,ar:.....5d r _ ..i...-.. �._if�.�;v.a�'.�.d.. 3i . t!F'_ .. s+.•.4 w�T� <br /> .. ' • , .. . • ' .. .i . . . <br /> . r <br /> t <br /> � .. . <br /> _ , <br /> , �.6 , _ �� <br />