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<br /> �^'""� 18.Foreclosure Procedure.If I.ender reyulres Immedtate payment in Full under parngrnph 9, Lender mny •
<br /> _�""��`�� invoke the power oP sule nnd any otlier remedles p�rn�f tted by applicnblc law.Lender�tiull be entitted to collect
<br /> all expenses [ncurred In pursuing the remedtes under this para�ra�al� 18, Includipg, but nat 1(m[ted to,
<br /> reasonuble nttorneys'Pees s►n�d costs of t[tte evidence. �'�-
<br /> �� If the power of sale Is[nvoked.Trustee shull record a natice of default in each county[n which any part of -
<br /> �, the Property is located and shull mall copies of such nottce in the manaer prescribed by upplicable Inw to _..
<br /> Sorrower and to thc other persons prescribed by nppltcuble Inw. After the tlme required by applicable law, �,.r
<br /> �� � T�vstee shnll give public uotice of sale to the perso��s and in the nianner prescribed by appllcablc law.Trustcc,
<br /> - � �vithQUt demand on Horrower� shall sell the Property ut publ[c naction to tbe higliest bidder at thc tirae und __
<br /> ' ,� plece and under the terms dcsiguated tii the naticc of sale In one or more pnrcels and in any ordcr Trustee _
<br /> determines.Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the Property by public announcetnent ut the time —___
<br /> ' and place oP any previously scheduled sale.Lender or its designee may purchuse the Properip ut un}�,ule.
<br /> r � • •
<br /> ` If the Lender's Interest in this Security Instrument is licld by the Secretary� und the tiecretur> rcyuire. �"°=
<br /> " immedtate payment in fuU under Purngraph 9, the Secretary muy invoke the nou,�udfciul pu��•ci' of' ,ulc
<br /> provided in the Single Family Mortguge Foreclosure Act of 1994("Act")(12 l;.S.C. 3751 er sc�q.) b� rcyuestin� s_'-
<br /> a toreclosuro commiss[oner designated under the Act to commeuce farectosure und tu seU thc Propert�' us
<br /> • • . �•�' provided In the Act. Nathing in the preceding sentence shall deprive the Secretary af any r1�,hts uther�vise :+'
<br />' ,�:�. . , . �.�.
<br />-�.-.<��• availanle to a Lender under tl�is Purngrap618 or upplicuble law. _
<br />-::.,:,.1,;:
<br /> -,�;+: ` Upon receipt of pAyment of the price bid,Tcustee shall deUver to the Purchuser'1'rustee's deed conveyfn�
<br />_- �i` the I'ropeMy. The recituls in the Trustee's deed shall be pr(ma facie evldence oP the truth of the stutements
<br /> ..:;...
<br /> --�r;:�;�<< , mede t6erein. IfLL'i1CC bitp;=a�pty:�s p:sxczxl:af !!s:�!e�ft tI!a Pnllntvitta ordCl': !u)ta all costs And expensec of _
<br />:��:•���; °3•' - exercising the power of sale, and the sule,iucluding the pnyment of the 71�ustee's fees actually b�curred,not to
<br />_•,a�,Ft�.,j.�, ,
<br /> t.-•�.:.:�> exceed f 9 ve (5) %'o of the prtncipal arnount af the note et the t(me of the declaration of defau t,
<br /> �� ���t:�. ,` and eeasonable attorneys'fees as perm[tted by la�v;(b)to all sams secured by this Securtty Instrument;and(c)
<br /> =:;-.�..��
<br />---��'� any excess to the person or persons legally entided ro it.
<br /> —�.m��"i,''•:
<br /> "�'°�Y,��'�•„ 19. Reconveyance.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall request Trustee
<br /> ='r=`�� . to reconvey the Properry and shall surrender this Security Instrument aad all notes evidencing debt secured by this
<br /> -��`�"-Y� Securiry Instrument to Trustee. Trustee sh�ll reconvey the Froperty wEthout warranty and without charge to the
<br /> ...._:;,•._,�,�. - ,
<br /> --=,,,� person or persons legady entitled to it.Such person or persons shall.pay any rccordation costs.
<br /> �N.r:x�:
<br /> W— 20. Substite�te Trnstee. Lender,at iu option. may from time to time remuve Trustee and appoint a successor
<br /> -_�� tlustee to any Trustee appointed hereunsler by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrumen[
<br /> -�_-_-= is recorded. 1%Jithout conveyance of the Propeny,the successor trusree shall succeed to all�he tide,power and du�ies
<br /> — confened upon Trustec herein and by applicable law.
<br /> 21. Request for Notices. Borrower requests thai copies uf the notices of default�nd salc he seiu tu t3urrowrr'�
<br /> ---�-� address which is the Property Address. -
<br /> ^ 4� 22. R[ders to thfs Securlty Instrumen4. If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together
<br /> �..�;� with this Security Instn�ment, the covenants of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and _
<br /> ___
<br />