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<br /> �1 (C)CalculAtton of Interest Ratc Changes —
<br /> ': i Before each Change Date,Lender will calculate a new interest rate by adding a margin of Two and
<br /> j Three / Quarter's percentagc puint(s)( 2.7500 '�� ��� —
<br /> � the Cunent Index and rounding�he sum to the neares[ one•cighth of aiie percencage pain� l0.I?S;,.i.Sul�jcci
<br /> to the limits stared in paragraph(D) of this Rider,[his raunded amount will be[he new intr.rest rutc nncil the =
<br /> •' next Change Datc. �'
<br /> ;.... � =-
<br /> '�' �� (D)Limits on Interest Rnte Chan�es _._
<br /> The existing interest rate will never increase or decrease by �nore than one percentage puint U.U':�i un ��
<br />::.•°;'!'"'`i ' any siagle Changc Date. The interest rate will never be more than five percentage points (5.0l�) highcr or -
<br /> L lower than the initial interest ra[e,as stated in Paragraph 2 of thc Note. �
<br /> _.., ,..�, ---
<br /> ; • t (E)Celculntdan of PuymenY C6nnge -
<br /> �,� �,` , If the interest rate changes on a Cha�ige Date, L.ender will calculate the amount of monthly pay�nent of _
<br /> '�'`�•;:1 principal and interest which would be necessary co repay the unpaid principal balance in full at the Maturity
<br />'°r�•�` ,;= Date at the new interest rate through substanttally equal payments. In making such calculation. Lenderwill use
<br /> '"ir_ . ,
<br />,.. t6a unpaid nrincipal balance which would be owed on the Cl�ange Date if there had been no default m payment
<br /> _,.�;.+� on the Note,reduced by the amount of any prepayments to principal.The result of this calculatiun wiii oe che �
<br /> -__�f�::N, amouat of the new montUly payment of principal and interest.
<br /> -.,I,�.tvT�
<br /> �:aiG`§+,
<br /> ,�Y'-�.'';�• (F)Nottce of Chunges
<br /> __=_:':�
<br />--_��;;� I.ender wlll give notice to Bonower of any change in the interest rate and monthiy payment amount.The
<br />-.__,_:�;�;y� . aotico must be given at least 25 days before the new monthly payment amount is due,and must set �fo►th (i)the
<br /> ___•-�-� date of the natice, (ii) the Change Date, (iii) the old interest rate, (iv) the new intcrest rate, (v)tkie new
<br /> _��.�� monthly paymept amount,(vi)the Current Index and the date it was published,(vii)the m:thod of calculacing
<br /> _r��,�.� the change in monthly payment amount, and(viii)any other information which may be rcquired by law from
<br /> -=��=�� time to r.ime.
<br /> . (G) Eftective Date of Changes
<br /> � A new interest rate calculated in accordanee with paragraphs(C) and (D) of this Rider will become
<br /> � � effective on tlie Change Date.Borrower shall make a paymen[in ehe new monthly amoum beginning un thc
<br /> first payment date which occurs at least 2S days after Lcnder has given Borruwer tlie nocice uf changes
<br /> requlred by parngnaph(F)of this Rider. Borrower shall have no obligation to pay any increasc in the monthly
<br /> — payment amount culculated in nccordance with paragraph(B)of this Rider for any payment date occurcing less -__
<br /> �� ' than 25 days after Lender has given the required notice. If the montbly payment amount calculated in —
<br /> � accordance with paragraph(II)of this Rider decrc�ed.but Lender falled to�ive timely notice of thc decrease
<br /> and Borrower made any mouthly paymeut amounts eaceeding the payment amount which shauld have been
<br /> stated in a timely notice, then Borrower has the option to either (i)dcmand the retum to Borrower of any
<br /> � � excess payment,with interest thereon at the Note rate(a rate equal to the interest rate which should have been
<br /> °;�.: stated in a timely notice), or(ii) request that any excess payment. with interest thereon at the Note rate, be
<br /> °"'� � applled as paymen:of principal. Lender's obligation to return any excess payment with interest on demand is
<br /> .-_-,;;;;::�i� not assignable even if the Note is othenwise assigned beforc thc dc�nand for rewni is n�ade.
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