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H Burrower felit to p�rtorm the aovenante end epraement�contelned In thls Deed o1 Trut1,ar If <br /> eny GCtlon or proo��dinp Is commenr.ed which m�terlaliy atfeate LendoP�Inters�t In the Property,then Londer,et Lendor'e optlon,upon not!ce �� <br /> � { to Borrower,may msk��uah�pp�aunc��, dlabuns�uch�umt, Includinp reesoneble�ttorneye' fa��, end taka�uah eotlon e�I�neoeunV to .4 <br /> ! proteat Lendar'e Intareet. If Lender requlr�d mortpape Ineurence ae e condition of ineklnp the loen eecured by thle Qeed o}Trutt. Borrower shell <br /> ;'; pay the premlum�requlred to meintain�uoh fmurence in elPect u�tll euoh ttrna oa tho rcqulramors�t for auch In�uranco t4rminetoe In neco�da�ce <br /> I wlth 8orrowlr'��nd Lander'�vvritten eyresment a►eppllaebis I�w. <br /> - : .�•' Any emount�dlsbursed by Lendor pursuant to thia parapreph 7, with Interest thereon, et the Nnte reta, ehell become edGtlonol <br /> ' Y - Indebtodnea�of Borrower vaoured by thle Deed of Truat. Unlets Borrowor end Lender agree ta other torme of pnymant,euoh emounte �heli be , <br /> „�,nafY1�'j payeble upon notico irom Lender to Botrower requeaUng payment thereof. Nothing contelned In thla parnpraph 7 shell requlre Lender to I�cur <br /> .�,�,,,;� eny expenae or tnke eny actlon hareunder, <br /> a 9. Insp�atlOn. Lender mey meko or ceuse to 6e mede reeaoneble entrles upon end Inapectiona of the Property. pruvlded thet lender : : <br /> � eheil pive Borrower notice ptior to any euch Inapection epeclfying resaonebla couso thorator rolated to Lender'e Intereat In the Properly. <br /> �� � 9. Condommtlon. The praceeds of eny eward or alelm for damages,direct or consequentlel, In conneatlon wlth eny condemnellon or � <br /> ` other taking of tha Prope►ty,or pert thereof,or for conveyance In I;eu of candemnaUon,are hereby easigned end ahall be paid to Lender,aubJect - <br /> �i to the terma of any mortpape,deed of trust or other securiry ngreement with e lien whlch hae e prioriry over thla Deed of Trust. <br /> 70. Bortow�r Not R�bn�d;Forb��nnc�By L�nd�r Not�Wdv�r. Extension of the time for peyment or modificatlon of emoN:etion <br /> of the auma secure�by thle Deed of Trust granted by Lender to nny auccessor In intereat of Borrower ahell not oparate to reiease,in eny _�� <br /> _ menner,tho Ilebtlity of the originel Horrower and @orrower's nucceasura in fntereat. Lender shall not be requirod to commance proceedings g- <br /> ' � agatnat euch aucceasor or refuse to extend ttme for payment or ottierwise moslify emortization of the eums socurod by ihls Queu of Tmst by �- <br /> ;F� � reason of any demand made by the original Borrower end Borrower'e sucaeasore In interest. Any forbearence by Lender in exercising any rtght __.. <br /> ` `% or remedy hereunder,or otherwlse aftorded by eppliceble law,shall not he a waiver of or precluda the exercise uf any euch right or remedy. <br /> lt. 6ucctston �nd Atslpni Baiund;JoMt�nd&�v�rd U�bilky:Co•Sipnen. The covenante and apreemente hereln containad shall = <br /> ' •�� bind, and the riphte hereundar nhell inure to, the reapeaUve auccesaors nnd eneigna of Lender end Borrower, aubJect to the provialona of _ <br /> .. + � paragraph 18 hereof. All covenent3 end eereemente of Borrower shell bo jolnt end several. Any Borrower who co•aipna this Deed of Tru�t, but �_, <br /> :;�;,,�".;•'''r�•• does not exeeute the Nota,lo)!a co•aleninp this Deed of trust oniy to grent end convey that Borrower's Intereat In the Proparty to Trustee undor —_ <br /> • ,:.��:.• a the terma of thla Deed of Tru�t,Ib)le not personelly liebte on tho Note or under this Deed of T�ust, end (o) epreee that Lende► end any other <br /> Borrower hareunder may agree to extend,modi(y,forbear,or make eny other accommodetiona wtth regerd to the terma of thia�eed of Truat or <br /> � ' the Note, wkhout thet Borrower'o aonaent end without releaeing that borrower ar madifying this Deed of Truat ae to thet BorrAwer's tnteraat In <br /> ��"^•"�r;t� the Property. <br /> „J-.��+�� <br />= 14. Notic�. Except for any notlae requfred under appiloable law ta be given in enother rnenner,(e)any notice to 8orrower provided tor <br /> '^?��::���. tn thts Deed ot Truat ehell ba aiven by delfverinD It or by mailinp euch notice by cartffied meil eddraaaed to Borrower et the Property Addroaa or <br /> :�,+;�r• -- et euoh other addresm ae Borrower mey deaignete by notice to Lender es provided hereln,end Ib? any notice to�onder sheii be piven oy w�iiiiou <br />•��,�,;� meil to Lender'e cddreae eteted herehi or to euch other eddreas ea Lender mey deatgnete by notico to Borrower ea provlded herein, Any notloe <br /> ���'�,��,.6�:, providacl for In thia Deed of Truat sheil be deomod to have been given to Bottowor or Lender when given in the�nanner dealqnated hereirt <br /> �'"�, .��; <br /> "��t� � 13. (3ovsminy l.�w; 6ev�rability. The steto end locel lewe applicabte to thla Deed of Trust shell be the lawa of the Jurladictlon In <br />-��-"'"� which the property Is loaated. Tho forepoing santence ehall not limit the eppltoability of federel low to this Deed of Trust. In the event that any <br /> .;,,�ig���fi�:,r's� provision or cleuee of this Deed ot Trust or tho Nota conflicte with epplicable law,such c�nfllot shell not aftect other provislona of thia Deed of <br /> °-;�^,�LA'io� Truat or the Note which can be piven effect wlthout the conflloting provision,nnd to thla end the provislona of thia Deed of Trust end the Note <br /> --`- — ere decinrad to be eeveraWe. As used herein, "coete," "expen�ea" and 'attornoye' feea' fnclude ell eume to the extent ndt prohlbkAd by <br /> ------- epptiaable lew or Iimited herein. <br /> ^�•~-���- 14. Bortowa'� Copy. Barrower ehall be furniahad e aonformed copy of the Note end this Oeed of Trust at the tlmo of execution or <br /> � after recordation hereof. <br /> 16. R�h�bfNhdon Lan Aprwm�nt. 8orrower ehall fulfili eil of Borrower'e obligetions under any home rehabilitetion, Impravament, <br /> __ ropeir,or other loan apreement which Borrowor entere Inta with Lender. Lender, et Lender's optian, mey require Borrower to exocute and <br /> deliver to Lendet,In e torm ecceptable to Lender,ae essignment of nny riphte,clalms or dofensea v�hich Borrower may have egain�t pertles who <br /> � supply labar,materiate ur euvices in connectlon with improvemente mede to the property. <br /> 1E. Tnn�te of 1M Prop�rty or� B�n�tklal Int�ntt M Borrow�r. If eil or eny part of the Property or eny intero�t in It 1�toid or - <br /> transiared lor I}e beneficld tntsrest In Borrower la aold or transtorred end Borrower ia nut a natural pernon) without Lender'e prior w�itten <br /> consent, Lender mey,et ite option,requlre immodiete payment in}uil ot ati euma eeoured by thia Deed of Truat. However,this option�hatl not <br /> ------ -- ba oxerclaed by Lendar If exeroiae la prohiblted by tederel few ee ot the daYe of thie Deed of Trust. __ <br /> If Lendor exerctsel4hl�optlon,Lender ehail eive Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice ehall provide a period of not iesa than 30 <br /> ' d�ys from the dete the no,ice 1�delivered or matied within whloh Borrower muat pay ell sume eecured by thia Deed of True4. It Borrower t�fl�to <br /> — • pay tM�e euma prlor to the explration ot this period, Lender mey invoke any rernedies permitted by thle Deed of Truat wi4hout further notice or <br /> demand on Bo►�ower. <br /> --,�..��� <br /> �- � , <br /> -_- _�� , -- <br /> .-.+;i�s.s <br /> __ -^-_w;��r�y. <br /> i;`u"?Lu.�..`LTi <br /> -=`t�'�� ' App� SAMBOY-9T�00228 - <br /> ��,r�,,; <br /> ;r7'�'._.� - <br /> ;;:'��. Y�_[''' _ <br /> ' Initials: Initiels: ( 1�' Initiels: Initials: _ �-- <br /> -- � NEBRASKA-Second Mortpape-1160•FNMA/FHLUIC UNIFORM INSTRUMENT -Form 3828 (Pege 3 of 6) -`� <br /> -���,`[� ` Manepement 5yetoma Deveiopment,Ino.(800)984�080 Titfe�One fnerglzor/ry MNE DE6D Copyripht Icl 1984 � <br /> =-� ��w <br /> =�'v': _��. .,.._..._.,�,�, <br /> • �l'�t '. � . �..4.1' . . - .. <br /> . . '.�� ' . ' " • .. . 1 v .� � .. �• _ ' <br /> - � .. -� �n j .. - ,., . .. . •' . <br /> . . , .. „ i.r. .. . <br /> . :.p, ' ., .. .. .. , .. „ . � ��`�i�?`�(��l`fa�Y" ' .. ' l ' .. <br /> . .. ':"''�'' � '.ai . .� " .• .. � ��� ,s=L4:P� . .. <br /> .��+�+�rt^k.kF, ':i - . .. •. .. ' y.y� �,.. . <br /> . t� .. . .. .. . , � i� ..�� . <br /> . .� ` .� ,' - ' . ,� . � �. �._. .--- ._ . . -_-. __ <br />