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<br /> IF ...�. . .. . TNEAUGUSTINECO.--I I003--3-35 . . . . _"_ :,.._ ...._
<br /> I � � . . ' . . . . . . � . . .. .
<br /> i
<br /> � That the Trustees oP SHELT�N TOWNSHIP CEI+�ETERY, in the County of Buffalo and State o� Nebr�$ka, -
<br /> ,
<br /> ,
<br /> ! for and in cansideration of the stun of Twenty and No/].40 DOLLA�RS, in hand paid, do hereby Grant,
<br /> i � � � - �
<br /> � Bargain, Sell, Gonvey and Confirm unto O.V.Sherard oP the County of Hall and �tate o�' Nebraska,
<br /> jthe follo�ving described Real Estate for Cemetery purposes, sub�ect to By-Laws of said Shelton
<br /> !
<br /> � � Tawnship Cemetery, to-wit: South One-halF (S�) o� Lot l�umber T�o Hundred �'s�urty ATine (249) ifi
<br /> � the South-East quarter of the South-East quarter oP the South-�est quarter of section PTo.Six (6)
<br /> � in To�vnship No, F3ine (9) , I�orth of Aange No. 7Twelve (12) �est, situated in Hall-County, and 9tate
<br /> ;
<br /> ; of Nebraska, and denominated THE 3HEL��N TO�IN5HIP CE�ETERY: and it is provided that at any tlrne
<br /> ; �
<br /> � said Re�,l Estate shall be used for other than Cemetery purposes, it shall revert back to the Trus-
<br /> 1
<br /> ; tess oP SI�ELTON T0�3'SHIP CEMETERY, aForesaid.
<br /> � And the said Trustees of �HELTON TOVVfiNSHIP CE6�ETERY do hereby cvvenant with the said O.V.SHERARD
<br /> � and his heirs and assigns, that the said Trustees of SHELTON TOWNSHTP CE�6.ETERY have good rlght
<br /> iand la�Yul authority to sell the same, and do hereby covenant t4 �rarrant and ds�'end the title to
<br /> � said premises a�;ainat the lawful claims of all persons �homsoever. �
<br /> 6
<br /> � Signed this 2�th day of 3eptember, A.D. 1935•
<br /> V�itnessea: By Herman Schepers
<br /> �.�.�eE;d President Board of Truste s
<br /> # E.L.Templin Att�s� �artin Slattery, Seeretary
<br /> � STATE OF NEBRASKA ) �n this 2�th day of September A.D. 1935, before me, the underaigned,
<br /> , )ss.
<br /> BUFFAL� C�UNTY ) C.C.Reed, a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and resi -
<br /> ing in said county, personally eame Herman Schepers and �dartin Slattery to me known to be the
<br /> f
<br /> �
<br /> � identical persons whose names are affixed to the foregoing lnstrument as grantors and acknowledge
<br /> ;
<br /> " the sa.me to be their volunt�.ry ae'G and d�ed.
<br /> V�itnesa my hand and PJotarial Seal the day and year last above written.
<br /> C.C.Reed
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Public
<br /> �y eommission expires the 15 day of Jan. �937.
<br /> Filed for record thia 7 da.y of November, 1935, at 10:34 o �c�ock A.M. ( /JG�G�
<br /> �J(--
<br /> Register oP Deeds
<br /> � �
<br /> t
<br /> ' 0-0-0-0-0-J-0-��-0-0-��-(�-0-�-0-0-0-0-J-�-C3-0-t�-0-U-fJ-0-U-0-U-0-0-0-0-C�-0-0-0-0-�J-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-�-0
<br /> DEED � Prop, 1�033
<br /> � THIS INDENTURE, made the 24th day oP October, 1935, between THE PRUI3ENTIAL INSUAAl�CE COMPANY OF
<br /> i
<br /> � A�tERICA, a corporation or�anized� and exi�ting under the laws oP the State of Ne�r Jersey, �rith its
<br /> 7 principal of�ice a'� Newark, New Jersey, the party of the first part, and �1ILLIA�6 E.V�GEL, the par y
<br /> of the second part.
<br /> � �'I�AIESSETH: That the sald party o� the first part for and in consideration oP the sum oP One
<br /> • � Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars (�17��.00) to it �n hand paid or secured to be paid by the party
<br /> , � of the second part, the receipt t�hereof is hereby aeknowiedged, part oP said consideration bc�ing
<br /> � represented by a firat purchase money mortgage Por �ne Thousand Three Hundred Ninety Three Dollar
<br /> C
<br /> { � and Twenty Two Cents ( �1393.22) of even date here�ith and intended to be Piled simultaneously wit
<br />, �
<br /> �
<br /> � thie deed, has hereby granted, bargained, aold and conveyed and by these presents doea �rant, bar
<br /> ` gain, sell and eonvey unto the sa2d party o�' the second part, a.nd to his heirs and assigns Poreve ,
<br />� . � t or areel of land situate 1 in and bein in the City o� Grand Is_Iand,
<br /> r all tha.t certain trac p , Y g g
<br /> � County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> � Part oP Lot 1 oP the County Sub-Division of the S�SE�; 3ection Sixteen, To�rnship Eleven, North,
<br /> Range Nine, �est of the 6th P.�f. , more particularly described as follows; to-wit: Beginning at
<br /> the SS� corner of said Lot 1, running thenee northwesterly on the westerly boundarq line oY said
<br /> �,ot 1, a distance of 4�.� feet, thence turning a right angle and running Mortheasterly on a line
<br /> parallel with the southerl� b�undary line of said Lot 1 to a point on the West boundary line of
<br />'
<br /> ' Locust Street, thence south on the Westerly boundary line of Locust 3treet to a point an the
<br /> � southerly boundary line of said Lot 1, thence aouthwesterly on the southerly boundary line of sai
<br />