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<br /> . �7� iU�.O��. �ir
<br /> „ . A��IGNIUIENT O� R�NTS I�I�ER
<br /> THI9 A331ONM�IYT OF PlENTS RIDER k mad�.nd �aouted�hM _,.4th _ rJ�y of_ Februarv 1997 . snd h
<br /> hcorporatod Into �nd ahaN b� dMrtwd to ur�nd �nd ouppMrn�eU lh� Mortp�p� or M�d ol T�utt, h�nthaRx �oforred to �� lh� °6aourl�
<br /> � Instrurt�nt", ot th� earn� d�b pN�n by th� und�lpnwi, t»nln�.RK rN�n�d to �s !ho 'Bortow�r', to s�cure Borroww� hdobNdn�f1,
<br /> nw�w�anw nt�wcl to a ctw•Noa•.to�J�NITED NEBRASKA BANK
<br /> , h�nhaR�r rsle�r�sd to ts fh• 'L�nder', of thl 6eme dato �nd Cowtinp th�
<br /> •, proMrty rbwrb�d h tho S�eurRy Inshumail�nd bGt�d ab
<br /> . ' ' �7 S. TiLDE�I,�RANQ I�ND �.'Eeneev� BBQ�
<br /> '��;, (vroveq Man•q
<br /> ." � �' � WITNE3SEfH:
<br /> �� WHEREAS, Borrowa end Lenda�r heve aQroad that eny rents end prot!!e ettrRwt!bb to the propwty�hould Canstftute addKbMl tYCUtRy a
<br /> � to tIN L�nda fo►th�payrtMnt of tM Not�; °
<br /> NOW,THEREFORE, It It�pnsd thtt ths Sxurity Insbum�nt th�N b�unended henby and Womsd to holude the foliowlnp provMbns: �;
<br /> S' �'
<br /> t, �s•fonm�,t of Fi�nts �^d L�nd�r Rmt;l_�oNwtion Riaht�. Borrorwv hK�by absolutoy �nd unaondkbnally ass�gns ��nntt, kswt
<br /> � �` and profit� o}tM prop�rty to B�r►�ficWy. I.�nd�r sh�1 hnw th�ripht, porMr md tuthority duHnp th�aontinu�nce ot the SecwRy Instrum�nt ��-
<br /> � to eo�t tha ra►U,b5�P�td protR+s of tM�fttOQ�fy iutd oi�r►y par'tonal property bctt�d th6non wRA or w�bout takhp poss�sslon Of thi �
<br /> �:?. r-
<br /> pro{Hrty aff�cted h�nby. I.�d�r, howwrt,Mr�by cons�nte to B�rcowefa coNoctbn md rNentton of tuch r�nts,Issues and prolke as th�y �_-
<br /> 0
<br /> � accrus and becoma payabM, �o bnp as BarowK k not, ot suah tYne, In dMault wkh rotp�ct to payrt�nt of any hdebtedn�ts acund _
<br /> hsraby,or h th�p�Aortnana o}�y Rpr�nwnt h�nu�d�r. —_
<br /> 2. AooehtrrNnt of Fi�cNwr. If my ovMtt of dMluk h rrtp�ot to ttN S�curky Insbum�nt sh�i haw oCCU�nd end be ContNuYq,I.�ttda�
<br /> _,..�; as�maK�r of Hpht�nd wkhout notia to Barorwr or�nyon�o�YnlrW und�r Boimww,and without nWu�d to ths velue of:hr wtt at�to or
<br /> tM hterost of th�Bortow�r th�rNn. �haN htv�th�Hpht to appy to any oouR havinp ju�itdbtbr+ to eppoint w ncolver of ths propKty.
<br /> 3. @�ht to Posra�ssbn. In cate of d�wk h th�paymmt of th�wld prt�at�tl Not�a ktt�rsst,or�ny Ixrt thereot,as k shal rtw►ttxe,
<br /> ' • o� N th�CaN of N11uh t0 kMp o►pMfo�m�nY of tll� Conwn�nt�or WrNnMnt�Contatn�d h th� S�CUtRy Instrument,then th�LM�d�r.Rt
<br /> • wcc�ssas a aaipns, shaN b� and Is h�nby wthorix�d and wnpow�nd to Wa Mrwr�adfab po�sa=lon of �no seid pnmkK thr'�h
<br /> ' daacrb�d�nd to coMct tM rrnb t�rMrom��nd to�ppy th�procMds ttNnot to th�p�ymmt oi th�Note.
<br /> '. � 4. I►DnNcatton of Re n. Iawa �nd Profks. IUI r�nri coMot�d by Undu or th�nc�Nw sA�ll b� applMd tkst to Payment o!th�cotl�
<br /> �'`•r�•. of nw►WwrNnt o} thi propeRy and r,oN�otton ot nnb, InoludhQ, but not Nmftod to, hC�MK'� f�M, PrwnMims on receMars bond� �n0
<br /> • � naaonabN�ttorrNy'e Oaa�,�nd th�n to th��um�socund by th�S�eurlty Instn+mmt.Unef�r and th�ne�hnr ehan be i�able to�eeount a+y
<br /> -='�'�'�y`�,' tOt those lwlb�CtultAy�aM�d.
<br /> �. , �,-. ,
<br />- . •�':�; 5. Construatfon of Provislone. F.�eh of th�provisbnf con4YNd In lhN Astipnmmt of Firnb WdK�nd the Security InfWmmt sfN1,
<br /> ,;'.:.[r_• .• 1f�d� W C011thWd h aOCOfdU1CA WKII NGbli9kl Itw. Q1d (fl tFN aYMlt Ny provision h0(rkl Of thMIM1
<br />- If111K1 OMIMMIIi� t�CMIGN� �MU
<br /> - _-�''�f contahW shal b� d�t�mMNd by a coun of Camp�t�nt Jurkdlation to b� unenior�ce�bN, th� arn� �haq be Cnnstn,ed at tfiouph sach
<br />-- •y yr" uMf1�Ml;llblB p�OY�Sbf1 YIMI�nOt piR hif�Ot Ot th�fr01.
<br />�-�54�.i••
<br />_...���, 8. �(ract_of_Rtdw. E�xpt�s �p�clAcay madMwd by a Inconskunt wkh thM Assipnrt�t of Ftinu Wdsr or by sny othsr�ppMca�bM
<br /> ridK.aN of tM Nrmt�nd provltions contaYNd In ths S�curkY Mitrum�nt thaN cor�tinw h tul tor�c�and 4
<br /> ---.�.,
<br /> '"�`� !N WITNES3 WHEF�OF. BorcowK ha�oacubd thlc Asaipnm�nt ai Renb on th� •Ant �b e.
<br /> -��ti=__-_ � � 1�'
<br /> - eorrowK � �LC 1
<br />-- :'�
<br /> ""�"r"' eenoMe S CI
<br />--�-a,��.sR
<br /> .-..-_-_..._.�..�
<br /> --��`�'� STATE OF NEBRASKA L`
<br />_n����., i K:
<br /> _�-�`"�;����-�� COUNTY OF HA'L9. �
<br /> '`.rtio.:..
<br /> ;':�.;�tr�',�
<br /> .. On thfa 14 �dty of FeINUKV . 1997 . bMoro nN,tM und�n�»d. � Notary Pub�w duy commksbn�d �nd
<br />-- ' �` qua7Hed tor said aounty,prrsontN�r cun�JAMES E LEWANDOWSKI AND MN#(3ARET M LEIA�ANDO�^.�St:l . HUSBAND_ __
<br />-=n�p-��'��.��:::�� AND WIFE .ro �
<br />'- � b� th� fdaritcal p�rson(s)whos� �unKs)fN�n tubscrb�d to th�lorspotnp hstrum�nt, �nd h�Ith�Atwy acknow�edge the e�acu[ion lhKwf �
<br /> :�,� - .'t. _
<br />_ � . to be hlefhe►RhNr voluntsry act�nd dMd. r
<br />_ Wknesa my hmd end Notaritl I at GRAND ISLAND .NEBRASKA in safd county,ttw _
<br />_ ,, r- - aaca.rorosaa. � //�����- � 7v�0 '
<br /> ��''-`.
<br /> --- oF�, / v cr � �
<br /> -- , � `��f�?, �wew I A . C _
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<br /> � My Commissbn expYws: G 12 ��d/ _.
<br /> - p7G8C(F� P6�dJ -.
<br /> ,.. i�,�lqy�d _
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