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<br />.��� - � 97-101089
<br />`''f.-c�j;' � Upan r�ecnlpt ot paynrient of the �rlce blci, Trustee s9�all dellver to the pm•chaser Trustee•s deed conveying the _
<br /> : � Ih•operty. 7'he recitnls in tl�e TrQistee's decd shnll be prl�na fncle evldence of the truth of the !�tntements irrnde therefn.
<br /> �� =r. Trustee shall npply the pruceecls oPtlxe�ule In the followin��rder: (a)to ull custs und ex�xu��v uf esce��c[ti(ng 41ie�wwEr oP r
<br /> R�� � sale.mid lhe F�le,Includln� the puyment of thG Trustce's feeti nctually incurred, not ta exceed `�
<br />-:�� of thc princl{�nl amount oP thc note at the Nme of thn dexlurAtlon oP defnult,and reasonubfe nttorneyw' fees s�s permifted
<br /> by luw; (b)to nll sums secured by this Securlty Instrument; und(c)uny excess to the pecson or persons tegally entitled to
<br /> _?� It. —
<br /> Z2. Reconveyance. Upon pAyment of idl sums secured by this tiecurity Instrument, Lender shall request Trustee to
<br /> :�.;.._,.�=� reconvey the Property And shall surrender this Security Instrument nnd ell notes evidencing dcbt sec.ureci by this Securlry �
<br />•,_�.�::Y� Instrument to Trustce.Trustr.e shull rcconvey thc Property without warrunry und without churge to the person or persons legally
<br />;�;.'��+.� entitled ta it. Such penon or persons shall pay nny recordution costs.
<br /> -'}"�'�• 23. Substitute Trustee_ Lcnder, at its optian, muy from time to timc removc Trustce und oppoint a successar trustee to
<br />:���—
<br /> -�cr�� nny Trustce appointed herewider by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Securiry Instr�ment is recordaf. Without
<br />-_-,�'�� conveyance of the Property, the success�r trustee shall succeed to all the tide, power nnd duties conferred upon Trustee herein
<br /> - und by uppIlcablc law,
<br /> _.__, 14. Requcst for Noticc�.Borrower rcqucsts thut capies af the noticcs of defuult and sale be scnt to Burro�ver's address
<br /> --_� wMch is thc Nraperty Address. �
<br /> �—�' 2S. Riders to thls Securlty Enstrument.If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with this
<br /> Se�urity Instrument. the covenants and agreements of each su�h rider shall be incorpnr�ted into and shall a�nend nnd supplement
<br />- `z.�►� thc covenants nnd agrcements of this Security[nstrument as if the rider(s)were a part of this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> -- [Chec;k applicable box(es)J
<br /> ❑Adjustable Rate Rider 0 Condominium Rider 0 1-4 Fnmily Rider
<br /> �Cirnduatetl Payment Rider U Planned Unit Developm�nt Rider 0 Biweekly Payment Ridcr
<br /> �,.' �Anlloon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider 0 Second Home Ridcr
<br /> [�V.A. Rider �Other(s)[specify�
<br /> ' BY SIGNING BELOW_ Borrower accepts und agree to the terms and covenants contained in this Security Instrornent and
<br /> - in any rlder(s)executed by Borrowcr and recorded with ic. �
<br /> Witnesses:
<br /> , _(Seal)
<br /> PAMELA USSLER-B NN R -Borrower
<br /> . _(�)
<br /> .� �tR . BROWN -Bortowcr
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> � �$8fll) �� �SCB�)
<br /> •eorrowcr DALE`�ON ER -Boirower
<br /> `-----
<br /> STATE OF NE9RASKA, HALL County ss:
<br /> � The foregoing instrmnent was acknowledged before me this 1 aT�i day of FEBRUARY . 1997 .
<br /> ';UNMARRiED PBNYdlhcss my hAnd and notariul senl at (3RAND I SLAND, NEBRASKA in said County, the date nforesald.
<br /> My Commission Expires: —
<br /> Notnry Public
<br /> "t
<br /> ; �GENERAI NOT�IRY•�1�1e ol NebruA�
<br /> � SCOTf C.81SSLER
<br /> � M/Com�.Es�P M4y 31.1998
<br /> � .
<br /> , • Pnpe 0 010 Form 3028 9/80
<br /> _�-. • . . .
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