'�. 'i`^fG i'�'•�'�'-°-- - - . Jy . uT:;'`- — -- -- -- -- ' -------- , . --. -.- �. - ._. _-
<br /> � ���c"I'�:'.'A�`�`�`+'.?"aY� rS:% —— �-
<br /> .. .
<br /> .�•• .__. . ._ _ - _ _ '_ _ —
<br /> , _' _ t-.� „� . . . — ----� —.---.- -.—__ .— . — .— ._
<br /> ... ,.
<br /> •.
<br /> .
<br /> t �F' .' `"
<br /> . . . . ` � _ . _ . . . __
<br /> _ '. . . . . . . _ . . _ . . _ ' .._.a�._ . _"_
<br /> - „4ti -ii.s�Js..� .�. ..
<br /> ;" ' —' _ __ — —_ _ �.., . . _. - ._.' - _" � -_.
<br /> ..�._._ - - '.� ` — ' — '— _ —_' _'_—_—'_ _ ` � ---_ � ' .--. ..— ..-- . . " —. ._ —___. . __' ' �:-r—c'—
<br /> � �' � ' ' ���s�� _
<br /> • '�,�'��W�fu f�IG lI[I�[DYllqlRtS.lfOMf Of�IE1ri�Et CflCICd�t�L'.'�[O�![1�1.i�!U�f.9.�QIQil1�11CGS. �
<br /> . I� �pd fiswaes tww or barafber a put of t�pcvpe�t�;. �Ali't�laa�aaas and ad�itioa3 ahall also be oovaed by this.Sawrity .
<br /> - � Ir�tn� AIloithe fot�egaiag is t�femed to in this Secwity.Iaswcoeat ss the'Pt+operty." . `
<br /> ., . .SAitRO�VIIt cOVENANTS that BoQOwer is I:wfWt�seised of tAe euate I�reby oonveyed and 6is�r#g6c tn graat: .
<br /> = andco��"ey the Prvpatyr aad tbu tbe A�upa�t}is pomr�mn6eced.exoept for eaa�mbnooes of recoal. Barov��warnuits�a�d
<br /> -�;�- will defaldgenerally the ti8e W the Pmp�Ry ag,it�t al!ctaims aod demuids.�tbjecx W aay encnmbr�ooa af tecad � .
<br /> ''2'Y `i3ilC CF(711lITl��LI�ENT � " �n�ttttm cevertsnts
<br /> :: - --- _ _ , __L'�f�LC3.tiIItf4�.@QYCn3Rt4_�4L48It4R��-USt-��� t�tiih �—- - - —
<br /> "' -- - limited v�tistioas 6y�osdittioa w eoastiwte i uoifarm security ia�um�t coveaing ral pioperty. _ �.
<br /> �;, . , � - - �
<br /> - :.1)N�ORM�QVENANIS. 8atower and Leader covenaat am agnee as fa�tows: "
<br /> .�,4 L �P�y�nt a�PrLeip�i s�d 6te�ft Pn+epsya�e�t�d I.ate Ctar�es. Boaowa s�haU proa�ptty PaY.w6en due tAe
<br /> - - ;,,�,;•. prinsip$1 of aad intatist on tt�e de6tevidenceQ by tl�e Nae and aaY P��Y�t�nd hie ct�ar$es du�uadu rtie i�iocz.
<br /> :.. • ��. 2. �i�Of fiK't3��es a�Iasra�cr. Subject to applicable law or to a writt�waiv�by[eader.Baaowa s6�it pay w
<br /> '" � t.ender ae the daY�Y P�Y��due�the Note.until the Nate is gud tn.fnII«g suar.{"Ra�ds"1 for:(a)!�Y
<br /> . a
<br /> �� , W t:_;� , taxes aod�wYdch may atmin prlorIty ova this 5aa�rity 3nstm�as a iiea ae tbe Prapaty:(b)l�Y�'+�� .
<br /> _ ����.. i �Y��ar gmuttd t�ttts ott tite Pkopetty.itf a[►y: fc1 Y�SF����P�P�Y �P�� t d�Y�Y ��
<br /> '=�?�}"?�=-�"�, i uuar�nce premIwns,,if�ny:tey YautY mactgage insuran�e premium�if aay:a�t�ac►Y�FzY�te 6q Bamwa a�
<br /> •;�w::�:;_� r`�-`� [.ender.in e�oca[dance v�ith tRe ptav�sions af paragraph 8,ia[ieu af't�paytu�t of:morrgage'�sx pcemium�. Tfiese::.
<br /> ;� ,..;j.,�.::;�F c,�,,f items ace cstfed"Fscmc�r Items" i.�asay.at any time,.cafIecg a�F.Tiutt��mz�d�#ri�it ai�imA���exi�ed dte ctta�4m� ,
<br /> s���rs�i�:;z.`_.' ':c.2+?f� EA�F ,
<br /> .,�- Ft_�-s:= .': � amount a[e�far a federaity retated m�►iga8e'{c�ivaY ieqtia��t',Bor�o�rer���aw�u i r�e„.13�t�od�a�'t�
<br /> `• � � BStaOe Selttement Ptacedures Act of I4T4 as amertdec�S�oai"time to U�e.!?�ii:��:§Z6Qt ers�{.�"�j.,�.� °
<br /> '��` 1. ' faw tbat sppiles to tbe Fuads sets a tesseranaotmt:.If s�I:ender t»ay�at aary tini�caJiect apd��ttr�s.r���p�t�.t�.`�ist �` � F°
<br /> �;�;�: s. r excee�tbe fe,ssec antow� E�ender utay estimate'�te arrtottstt of�'�ar,Q�dae m.tGe t�sis.rif�s�t`.�ics�:iieas�lat��
<br /> f��;�x f Y � ���M:7�O�Et1mI8ESCt011t't�dISflFO�IICEWISC lIl�Dl�3tiCC WIIAaQQ�6��M'���`'`` �'-
<br /> .� v "'.'�: S���C��lti 81l IRSLll1�I10[1 W�lOSC�05IIS�.1�511��•g�C�'1'J�a�i�.�IIII►S�UQipl�ty.Or GUILy'•� :
<br /> ���-�� ;�f._`':� , , li"u�'�er.if t�dec is such�n ins6iutian)ar in any F�edera!•Aosne Lar�Bank:�s�l appiy the Fvnds to gay � .. . --- __
<br /> • �Y.�__
<br /> • J�i, r�rr r �': . � �IIC'�SC�v►.,fiC11RS. 1.t71d�1 i1Yty ilot C11AigC BoRUwei fo[holdiRg 8lld applyi[�..�tte....Ft�Clv.,. ` ��uually�IyZi11$ihC tSC[OVi� : _--
<br /> , L:• l,b� � ;. , aoboa�f.o[rerifying dte Escrow Items.unkss Lender pays Baaiottrer inta�t on tdt.£�i�.,s`s:id appGpble law permits . -
<br /> � °;rf•� � ,�,, Leilder Eo�ntake such a charge. Howevet I.ender may require Butiower to p�y a dhe-tiui�:cia�e fa an is�dependea�real
<br /> �,� � ` '��,_�r� it'P� 8 Y_ PP 4+�! �:�:.
<br /> :;.t.,.,.z.+ � utate tax n service used b lxader in conr�ecaon with this ibaa.untess a licable ta�' 4!ides ahe�wise. Unless an
<br /> _ .:�-;.,.:;�= - �,�t- � _ .
<br /> "�;.2�,-} ' agoeerr�t made ur a licable taw �:",
<br /> . W. PP requrces i�n to be paid Leri�er shail�iot be teq6ired ia�ay Barower any interesi ar" r
<br /> ,�,�;�r?�' � <��' earnings an ttie Funds. Borrower and I.ender tnay agree in writing.hostever.ttrat�tuetest shall be paid on the Funds. I.cnder �;��f 4''��j�'
<br /> 1�Q I`� *'`,', ' Y.�:' T"/�—
<br /> (,���.��.z� �7 . --.shall give to Borcaaer.without ettarge.art annual acrauRii►g of the fvnds.sbow3ag cteffts�nd debits ro tlte fuadc and the
<br /> � ; �,�:t` :��^. ' purpose fat which each debit to the Fbnds was made 'Itis t�,nd5 are ptedged as add'itional security for al�sums socuied by .. ' � 'n��=
<br /> ti i�, ..rP�y,, �. - `}F�k,,�! �1�5�'.�IS� .-, '_ �'t..;: ';•. .;.� � � : _. . . .. � ;.,-;,. _—
<br /> -S��a c � - - r���t�E ;. .. .if't�4e�mits heTd by I.ender ea��ae'�c�it3�ee amom�i��PermiC�eA to��bc dcld by appliwbie Ra�:�Let�der shatl aacamt to ;"'•,'� ,�.�
<br /> sh' �`,�{��„k �''1°f^ •: Boii�ow�r�cis±i�e excess Punds in acoan�la�'re witb th'e rcquimments`of applirable taw If the�amonnt of the�auids held by .� �
<br /> :`i,';; ;,�;u3,,r;<:;�,;,r.. _. : L'ryides'at•aia�time is aoc�sat�iaent to pay the Esciow Items wl�e�due,L.endes'�ay so aatify 8orrower in writing,and.ia '�i,�,,;�.,:,,-±_;�'`�=
<br /> ,.;; �:�,��:�=:.� . ;� sucA case:Bomowet st�U�pay ta Lerider the amuunt��to matce up the.�defic�eacy. Bo�mrrer shall matce up�hc .�{r�� � � ,*''' ��
<br /> .t..It.: .s',:,,�};'�•, deticie�;m no moca thau twtive moi�y pa�anents;a11:enA�rk sole discretldn. ' �f� _
<br /> ;' ' + .�- •-<;:;�,, � . UPua►,P�Ymem in futl af a1t .ssa��s;serured by ihis 5ecariry ic�smnnenf.Lendrr shall promptly refund to Baaawer any ::'1�:, , �%
<br /> , Cvnds held bY Lerder.'If,under paa�caph 21.Lender sha11 acquue ar sell the Aroperty;I�endet.prior to the acquisition asr " � ..�� .;
<br /> �r�' -� - -•#�.ii:� � S3160f�IC- .. ,�� .--
<br />.:,� : P�opeciy.�hs!!agply aiey�Fueds t�ld hy txnder at the ti�m of acquisition or safe as a credi!a�rst�the smns- - �,-.----�-� _'�
<br /> ' . ' • . secuned by this Security/nstcumen�. � ` .
<br />_ ' 3. Applkation-d'P�ymeats. Untess applicable law pmvides othemise.all payments received by Le�der under � ,. � .�
<br /> . � �___ � ' paragraphs t ar�d 2 sbalt be applied:f,�rsa,to any�repayment charges duc under tf�e Note;seoon;d,to amoun�s payable under _�
<br />`i',`'ii� ' �'�,::- � •
<br /> paragraph 2;thicd,to inteces!due;fu�atla_fio princ�pal due:and last,ta any tate charges due wKlec t6�Note. �Y=
<br /> f.� 1';;°�,;i;,;`;� . 4.. t�arses;Liea9. Borr����-siiatt pay all taaes.assessments.cfiarges,fines and i�npasieions attributable to the ;.,:,: ` -
<br /> ,;� _�-- ' . �; — . :� i�r. rty�+2u;:Sf flkly iUiitl[1��►Pi16�{;�"V�e'�;�11y.S�h'117i1Ji IiL+�iU1i7Cfl�.aAt�I�ilaCbVlll��IUiOIy ai gTi�ljilCu Iiili�.lf;�ily. Bosro»�. �; ;
<br /> Y �"., ' 'sh�Pay.'tt+,ase obligatiansi�ih���l�raner�rovided i�.PacagraPh 2.ar if not paid ia that mannetF B.vmwer sttall.pay thcm an•. - -
<br /> �,;�!�.'{;,f,;:., , • . :eim�d.�ea'Iy,to the Persv,��o�rad pay�1. Borrower shal!promptty fumish ta Lxai�a all notic�;pS amaun[s to be paid under � •�� �,'F � _
<br /> , � �i�f ;�' - i@+�s.�r�r�p�.•If Borrowes�saatc:t::vf�e payments directly.Harrn�et�haU pcamg�ty fumith to�nder receiptc ev�denc,'utg , ' ,'f.�•.-
<br />�,:� i;;�d,�a��ft�. �' ;..•: thepaVSnct+�s. . ', .;.-:' . . �. ' ; � , , . :.,-:. .,
<br /> ` ` t'ri.'°•�;'.. :-,,% ' � $rpi�we�shall promQLy dis�fiaar�P any lien which has priority over this Security lnstn�m2�4 tsnless Barrower:(a)agrees r ' I�� �
<br /> .�t'��i�:; �'a� .. � v� . .
<br /> 'i,, ^ yr,` s�';}�y��;,;` ;`5 1�;}�.�f; . .- -i���tirg tti fhe paymCnt o1;i�ft:abliga�ion secured by ttte lien in a manner aocep�able to i.ender.(b)conte�ts in good faith the . , ::J
<br /> -. �as�by�ar d�f�n d s ag�insi:�ua Sorcemtyit o f thc licn io.l e g a l proceedings whic b in t6e Len dec:s opinian aperate to prevent t h e '
<br /> �s�:�� , ';; �� ' . =�nfa�r�a�t�nxn�.of'1 he 1i�s;��c)secures from the halder of the lien an agrccment,sa�is6actory to Lender subardinating the lien r . �
<br /> u:• . �' � r :i ; trt�.i�h3s�aC�atty Ipsiru�isen�. if Lerrdac��rmines thai any part of the Pro�erty.as s�ctoject to a lien which may attain priatity � '.' '
<br /> tr't< .; t�,",. . ' �''} ' .' ovzi.�af5�aiaally Insuum��.f.eitd����ive$otrawer a twticc ldentBiy�ng�1��D�.s�. Borro.w�sball satisfy tlte lie»ar take
<br />�,;,�'r:. � .. . . � . . :a±aae ut�rn�a�f the action.c�et for�?f tt�c�vz.K inhin 1Q days of thc giving rsEatotict,,�..,:`.,. •.'. .
<br /> � � S. Hazard ar Pr i�s��re. Bonawer shatl keep the ueiprove�z��r�aw etccs¢i����r hereafter crected on the
<br /> • � � .-•.�aeriy insumd againsti�l�c�y �fi;e,haaardc irtcluded within the term"eaten�lt�3:+a�+�r.,�e"ac��ri any other hazacds.inclading ;�,
<br /> �' �-�Yvods or iloodinp foi;lu.�»,����p�.��;-q��uires insuranre. This in.uranc�tT++ 1 ta_�r� �r�i;�ex�,;3f,r�t tfie amnunts and for the ��` •
<br />._ . ' . . ' , b� 4'^H ."`l �i� �r I '
<br /> t- ' . ' .. � . � .I � _; i . � �.,_ '� r ' ' Ar'1+� ', �
<br /> �-.. . ' .�tit�,�Y 1. ��/ ' i . l��hY�� 9i� /jklL'!�n�h(hfCfZJ � � .�t'l��i 3� � .
<br /> � , ( �� . '.I i•� r� �, . - _ �t '�� , �i., � 1.�..1i�1'.y�t'{`...t �r.
<br /> - . . . - •.f. . ' . . � t- � . '. . �.' . � � f,`� �il/r�/",o � 14y� y}(f,f
<br /> �� ' �� i'f -' . I. '� • .•��� - . • .� '_� .•1('�: ii�4jtt .
<br /> .. �. . �l }.. ''� , '1 .. . , � ;�1 �f . '�, �� . . 'i�.)•� �t J/t�l t��;.
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<br />.*5'� �� � '�� ,if:Y.;.���.Y � �'„ - . r�f, �,i a` .ti��2fj�!• .
<br /> . . . � ,` , � '.J.r.: �'•e.3„�::.nu ,;a°' .
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