<br /> ' ��.If.�� :_������
<br /> corrrairrs zai PxixTEn woxns
<br /> THE Ai1GU5T1NE C0.GRAND ISUNG.NfBR � ���J���--
<br /> AS.
<br /> � Ernest Auanenkamp and �vif e et al Ha11 County, Entered in Numerical In-
<br /> 6 dex and filed for record in the Register of Deed's office of said County,
<br /> TO Wa�n� the 1 day of �d�.rCh 19 ��' , at 3
<br /> Deed
<br /> Arthur L.Barnebey o'clock and ----- minutes, �� �
<br /> Register of Deeds��
<br /> By �� Deputy
<br /> ����r .��� ���t br� ���e�� ������t��:
<br /> That Ernest Nunnenkamp and L=zzie Nunnenkamp, husband and wife;and '�.F.Nunnenkamp and
<br /> Frieda. Nunnenkamp husband and �if�
<br /> of the County of j��]. , and State of Nebraska , for and in consideration of the sum of
<br /> Twohundredand00/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto Arthur L.Ba.rnebey
<br /> of the County of H311 , and State of Nebraska ,the following described real estate situated
<br /> in �,gir0 � H8.11 County and Sta,te of Nebraska , to-wit: i
<br /> Lot Four (4) ,Bloek Ten (10) in Original To�n of Cairo, Nebraska.
<br /> This conveyance is made subject to the right of grantor to keep,maintain, repair, extend, build
<br /> hi her or �ider the party wall which now runs along and upon the northerly line of said Lot Four
<br /> (4� and the grantors l�ereby gives, free of cost to the grantee, the right to use the one half por ion
<br /> thereof which stands upon lot Four (4) in such � manner as will not wea,ken or destroy the same, d
<br /> either party hereto maq extend the present party wall alon� said lot toward the rear line, the pa ty
<br /> buildin� extension to pay for same, and if the other party desires at any time to use the extensi n
<br /> so built, he may do so upon the payment of the fair cash value of the s ame at the time he desires
<br /> to make use of it. It is agreed that the covenants of this stipulation shall run with the land a d
<br /> bind the partiss, their heirs, assi�ns or successors.
<br /> .50¢ I.R.Btamps 1 Ij
<br /> Ca ncelled
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, together with all the Tenements, Hereditaments and Appurtenances thereunto be-
<br /> longing, unto the said �rthur L.Barnebey
<br /> and to hi s heirs and assigns, forever
<br /> And_ T$�y' do hereby covenant with the said Grantee , and with : h3.8 heirs and assigns; that '
<br /> theq �e lawfully sei ed of said remises; that they are free from encumbrance ���P'� ta,xes for years 19�2 311d
<br /> 1933. The same to be paid by �irthur �,.Barnebey.
<br /> that They have good right and lawful authority to sell the same; and They do hereby covenant
<br /> to warra.nt and defend the title ta said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever
<br /> And the said L 7.Z Z].@ Nunn enkamp 3ri Cl F r 1�d�. NLiri112l1k aTDp hereby relinquishes all
<br /> DO�P@T T�ght 8 in and to the above described premises.
<br /> Signed this 2O day of February ErnestDNunnenkamp
<br /> In-d:e presence of Lf tiZ 3.2 Nunne�kamp
<br /> '�.E.Sorensen '�.F.Nunnenkamp �
<br /> G. C.Raven Frieda Nunnenkamp
<br /> Sta.te of Nebraska
<br /> ss.
<br /> Hall County, On this 21 day of February �, �9 34
<br /> before me the undersigned. Y�.E.sorensen, a Notary Publie duly eommissioned and qualifi ed far and residi g
<br /> I �
<br /> in said Cou�ty, personally came Ernest Idunnenkamp, Lizzie Nunnenkamp to me known to be the iden
<br /> I - tical persons whose names '--- a.tfixed to �Gh� �foxeg�ing. ine�rument as gran�ors and aGkno�ledged
<br /> the same to be Their volunta.ry act and deed,
<br /> l�itness my hand and PTotarial 9eal the �.a and yea.r last abozre written.
<br /> (sEAL� 4�.E.Borensen
<br /> My eomrnission expires the.-26 da.y..of Fe'bruarv, 19��+. • . �otary Publi�c
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA )ss 0�. .��}s 2 day o� .�'ebruary 19�4, before me, the undersi�ned.G.C.Ra.ven,
<br /> HALL COTJ�tTY ) 7�
<br /> a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residin�; in said County, personaily
<br /> came �f.F.Nunnenkamp and Fri�da.: Nunnenka.mp_to �e �nown. to be �he identic�.7. pexsons whose names
<br /> are affixed to the foregoing instrUmen-� as grantors and acknowledge�. the game to be their volu
<br /> tary act and deed. � : - '.. _
<br /> �►itnese my hand and No�arial 3ea1 the d�,y and year last above written.
<br /> G.0.Ra.ven
<br /> (SEAL) Notary .Pub7.�:F,
<br /> My commissian expires the 2'� day of July 193�+.
<br />