<br /> ��E�� ������
<br /> SS.
<br /> $t.M8T3T�S ChtlrCh of 9Pood River, He�ll C�unty, Entered in Numerical In-
<br /> �ebxaska '
<br /> dex and filed for record in the Register of Deed's office of said County,
<br /> TO w�n�' the �3 day of �IBy �933 , at j
<br /> Deed ;,
<br /> o'clock and ''— minutes, A. M.
<br /> The 8tate of �Tebraska
<br /> Register of Dee ,
<br /> By Deputy
<br /> ��t�or�r .��� ��t br c� ��e x����e�t �:
<br /> � h f d River ebraska, a�or or �ion, the Coun� of Hall and 9tate of y�
<br /> THAT $t.Maxp s C urch o Woo , P Y
<br /> �ebraska for and in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred Fifty 8ia and 25/10� (�256.25) DOLLAR ,
<br /> in hand paid do hereby grant, bas�ain, sell, convey and confirm unto The $tate of Nebraska, of th '�
<br /> County of ------ and State of ------ the following; described real estate eituated in ------ in
<br /> Hall County, and State of Nebraska to-wit: ^
<br /> A tract of land located in the Northwest Quarter of the 8outheast Quarter of 9ection 27, Township
<br /> 2�:�tarth, Ra.nge 12 West of the 9ixth Principal Meridian, Ha1.1 County, Biebrask�., desaribed as Poll ws: I
<br /> Referring to the Southwest evrner of the North�rest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Secti a ,
<br /> 27, thence easterly along the East and �test centerline of the Southeast Quarter of said $ec�tioa 2 , ,�,
<br /> which line bears �9° �-7� left of the North and 3outh centerline of said 8eetion 27, produeed sout -
<br /> erly from _,said 3outhwest corner of the Nor.thweat Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said 9ection .
<br /> 27 for a distance of 592 feet to the point of beginn�.ng whieh is the point of intersection of eai
<br /> Tast and �test centerline of the southeast Quarter of said Section 27 and the northerly right oY w q
<br /> line of the Union Pacific Railraad Compariy, said right of way line befng 100 feet northerly at ri ht �
<br /> angles to the oenterline of the southerly traak of said r��lroad, thence northeasterly alc�ng said
<br /> northerly ri�ht of way line of said railroad, which line beare 20° 20� left of the I�ast and Rest
<br /> cen.terline a� tY�e southeast Quarter of said Section 27, for �. distance of 740.� feet to a, paint t at
<br /> is the point of intersection of said northerly right of way line pf said railroad with the North
<br /> and 9outh centerline of the 8outheast Quarter of eaid Section 27,; �hence northerly along the Rort
<br /> and 3outh centerline of the 9outheast Quarter of said Section 27, ' which line beaxe 6�° 50� l�ft o
<br /> the last deseribed course, for a distance of 107.2 feet to a poin on eaid North and South ce'nter ine
<br /> of the 8outheast Qua.rter of said 8ection 27, thence southmester on a line that bears 111° 10' 1 ft �
<br /> of the last described course for a distance af 1049.4 feet to a'point on the East and West csenter �
<br /> line of the Southeast Quarter of said Seotion 27, thence easterly along said East and Nest center ine ,
<br /> of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 27, which line beare �590 40t left of the last described
<br /> course for a distance of 2�7.� f eet to the point of beginning, containing 2.05 �cres more or less
<br /> " ,r/"
<br />, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, together with all the Tenements, Heredita.ments and Apgurtenances thereunto be-
<br /> longing, unto the said �1e StSt@ Of N8bP88k8
<br /> and to i-�$ guCCgsgpTB and assigns, forever �
<br /> And �g do hereby covenant with the said Grantee , and with j,t g Btl C C e A s0 T 8 and assigns, that '
<br /> 1$ �8 lawfully seized of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance
<br /> that i� hae good right and lawful authority to sell the same; and it dOeB - . . hereby covenant
<br /> to warra.nt and �iefend the title to said premises against the Iawful claims of all persons whomsoever
<br /> Signed this 1Bt day of ApT3.1 , A. D., 19 33 �
<br /> In ce of
<br /> B.J.�unningham as to S.V.Bona St.�darq�s Church
<br /> of Wood River
<br /> D. D.pKane By 8.9.Bona, President '
<br /> T.D.3ullivan, Treasurer
<br /> State of Nebraska '
<br /> ss. •
<br /> Hall �unty� On this lst day of April A.D. 1933, before me, the unders�igned
<br /> B.J.Cunningham, a Notary Pu lic duly commissianed and qualified for and residing- in said County,
<br /> personallq eame S.V.Bona, President of 3t.l�ary's Church of �ood Ri��r, Rebraska, a Corpor�tion,
<br /> to me kno�n to be the identical person whose name is affixed to the foregoing instrument as grant .,
<br /> and acknowledged the same ta be his eoluntary aet an,d deed, and the valunta:ry act and deed of the
<br /> said :�t�rporation. .
<br /> �itness my hand and Notarial �eal the day and year last above written.' B.J.Cunningham
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Public
<br /> \
<br />' M� commission eapires the 5t� -day of August, 1935. - - ` - �
<br /> STATE OF �EBRASKA )$S On this 3 day of Apri1 A.D. �1933, before me, the undersigned, D.D.D�Rane
<br /> Hali County ) a Notary P�b�.ie, duly co��issioned and s�ualified Por. and residing in said
<br /> Treasurer of St.Mar �s Church of �ood River, Nebra,eka a �
<br /> County, p�reonally came T.�.Sullivan, y > >
<br /> �orporation, to me knovan to be t#as identi�al perso� �hose' name ie affiged. t4 the foregoing instr ent
<br /> ae grantor and acknowledged the aame to be his voluntary act and deed and the voluntary act and
<br /> deed of the said Gorporation� . �
<br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written.
<br /> D.D.Q&ane
<br /> (SEAL) Notar�r Public
<br /> My commiasion expires the 20 day of Janq, 1936.
<br />