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<br /> B.All future advances from Beneficiary to Trustor or other future obligations of Trustor to f3eneficiary under any
<br /> promigsory note,contract,gunranty, or other evidence of debt executed by Trustor in favor of Beneficlary executed
<br /> after this Securlry Instrument whether or not this Security Instrument is specifically referenced. If more thun one ,
<br /> person sisns this Security Instnunent, each Trustor agrees that this Security Instrument will secure all future ,
<br /> � advances and future obligations that are sivea to or incurred by any one or more Trustor,or any one or more Trustor
<br /> and ochere. All future advances and ath�r furure obligations aze secured by this Sacurity lnstrument even thou�h all
<br /> " or part may not yet be advanced.All furute advances and other future obligations are secured es if made on the dste
<br /> of this Security Instrument. Nothin�in thls Securtty Insuument shall constitute a commiunent to make additlonul or . •
<br /> future loans or advAnces in any emo•�t. Any such commitment must be agreed to In a separate writin�. ••
<br /> ,:.4�. ' C.All obligations Trustor owes ta Een.ficiary, which mAy later urlse, to the extent not prohibiteci by lnw including
<br /> • but not limited to, liabilities for overdrafts relating to any deposit account aSreEment between '�rustor anc�
<br /> � � • Beae�clary.
<br /> • D.All addItional sums ad^ranced and expenses incurred by Beneficiary for insurins,prescrving or othenvise protectin�
<br /> the Property and its value and any other sums advancecl and expenses incurred by Beneflciary under the terms of thie � � : ':;
<br /> Security Iastrument. � �-�t.�
<br /> ..•;.� � :s.
<br /> Thts Securtty Instrument will not secure any ather debt if Beneflciary f�ile to give uny rcqulred notice of the right of . ;r'�;�,-
<br /> . 2 rescissioa. '
<br /> _• ; 5. PAYMENTS. '1'rustor agrees that nll pnymente undcr the Secured Dcbt wUl be pnid when duc nnd in ncwrdance with the � , ��
<br /> terms of the Securcd Debt end thia Security Instrument. '='�--
<br /> ',��_--
<br /> � '' 6. WARRANTY OF l i 1 LE. Tntstor warrnnts that Trustor ie or wlll be la�wfully set��ed of the cstate conveyed by this `•=���-:
<br /> . Secudty Instrument and hns the right to irrevocably grant,convey,and sep the Property to Trustee, in trust,with power of . _
<br /> ' sale.Trustor also warrante that the Propeny is unencumbered.eacept for encumbranccs of rewrd. .
<br /> �; 7. PRIOR SFCURITY INTERESTS. 1Vith regard to any other martgage, deed of[rust, security agreement or other lien .�'� ''�
<br /> .. �r�..
<br /> dcewnent that created a prlor security interest or encumbrance on the Property,Trustor agrees:
<br /> `� A.To make all payments when due and to perform or comply with all cavenante. ' ��:5.4�_
<br /> •�qr• B.To promptly deliver to Beneficlary any nodces that Trustor receives from the 6older.
<br /> C.Not to allow apy modification or extenelon of, nor to request any funue advances�mder any note or agreement •��
<br /> secured by the lien document without BeneRciary's prlor wntten consent, _ __
<br /> �� 8. CLAIMS AGAIIVST T1TLG.Trustor will pay all taxes,assessments.liens,encumbrances,lease payments,�round rents,
<br /> � utilities, and other charges reladng to the Property when due. Beneficisry may rec�uire Trustor ta provide to Beneficiary �- '
<br /> ;�
<br /> ,�; copies of r11 notices that such aznoun��are due and the receipts evidencing Trustor s payment. 'IYustor will defend tide to t� -
<br /> . � ihc Fro riy agauist �i� ciai�s that a;ould ;;�sar ih:. :ien af this �s.�!t; InsuamPat. Tntst�r ag*e�s r� accion to - �--��
<br /> h �c
<br /> Beneficiuy,as requestec�bx Beneficiary,any rights,claims or defenses Trustor may bave against parties�vho supply7abor
<br /> �. or maten'als to ma�ntain or unprove the Property.
<br /> 9. DiJE ON SALE OR ENCUMBRANCE.Beneficiary may,at its o tion,declare the entire balance of the Secured Debt to
<br /> be immediately due and payable upon the creation of, or conuact�or the creation of,aay lien. encucubraace,tran�fer or _
<br /> sale of the Property.This rtght is subject to the restrictions imposed by federal law (12 C.F.R. 591 j, as applicable.Thla
<br /> wvenant shall run with the�roperty and shall remain in effect until the Secumd Debt is paid fn full and this Securlty
<br /> Iasuumeat is released.
<br /> 10. PROPERTY CONDITION, ALTERA'1`EONS ANU INSPEC'�'ION. Trustor will kcep the Property in good condition .i,
<br />, '� and make all repairs that are reasonabiy necessary. Trustor shsll not commit or allow any waste, �mpairment, or
<br /> • � deterioration of the Prope�ty Trustor will kcep the Property free of noxious weecls and grasses. Trustor agrees that the
<br /> � �"� nature of the occugswcy and use will not substantially change without Beneficinry's prlor written consent. Truator will not
<br />-� � � �� permit any change in any license.resMctive covenant or easement without BeaeFclnry's prior written consent.Trustor will _ —
<br />;•�,t':�;* PIO�rBeneficiary of all demanda, proceedings, claiu�s, and actions aguinst Trustor, and of any loss or damage to the -
<br /> ;;. �*' - �! -
<br />�Rr:..:��:�, � -_-
<br />=„Y wr•;�-,. ., ' 13eneficiary or BeneSciary's a�gents may,at Beneficiary's aption,enter the Property at aay reasonable time for the pucpose =_
<br />=�r:';: -:•-,r=' of inspecung the Property. Beneficiary shall give Truator notice at the cime of or before an p don specify ing u =
<br />� • • . reasonable purpose for the inspecdon. Any inspection of the Property shell be entirely for Beneficary's [�eaefit and _
<br />- . . Tnistor wilI in no way rely on Seneficitvy's inspection. __
<br /> _ F_
<br /> I�^�;•••.� �� � 11. AUTHORITY TO P�RFORM. If Trustor fails to perform any duty or any of the covenants wntained In this Securlty _
<br />--- Instrument. Beneficiary may, without notice, perform or cause them to beperEom�eci. T'rustor a�pointe Beneficiary as �
<br />-'=-;' �,; attorney in fact to sign 7Yustor's name or pay any amount necessnry for performance. Beneficiary a ri�tnt to perform for =
<br />:.+_•.�-��--: Trustor shtill not create an obHgation to rform, and Beneficiary's failure to perform will not preclude Beneficiary from ��-.
<br /> ,...�""' ' e x e r c i s i n� a n y o f B e a e f i c i a ry's o t h e r ri�u n d e r t h e l a w o r t his Securit y Instrument.If an y construction on the Pro p e r t�+ =
<br />`r° .:�.r- � �' is discoaunued or not carried on in a reasonable manner,Beneficiary may take all steps necessary to protect Benefic9ary s �
<br />��-�.:;.,, � security interest in the Properry, including completion of the conatruction. "Y- -
<br /> : 12. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS.Trnator inavocably grants, conveys and sells to Trustee, in trust for the �,:�- ----
<br /> �, benefit of�eneficiary, as additional security all the rlght,title ard interest in and to any and all eaisting or ftiture leases, -�'_ ..,�m._.
<br /> subleases. and any other wdtten or verbal agreements for the use and occupaney of tu�y ortion of the Property, including �_ �
<br /> any extensions.renewals,modifications or substitutions of such agreements(all refe�to as "LeASes")and reuts, isaues —
<br /> and pmfits (all refened to ag "Rents"). Trusror will promptly provide Henet3ciary with true and conect copies of all �u
<br />