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<br /> ���
<br /> ���� ]��C ��$.� �T�. 74
<br />____------___. __------_ _ �_ _ ___---____ __ ______ _ --___: __ _. __--____------
<br /> TXEAUGUSTINECO.-7GZ<I ....'-�'-'".--'--�..-�'".-".v.-•� "-.-____'__'__________'_'_"�� �
<br /> premi�es at publie auction to The State Savin�s and Loan Association, (it beir�g the highest and �;
<br /> best bidder _therefor) for the sum of �ineteea huntlred and 00/100 D�LLARS, which sale �as afterwarc�.e
<br /> at the April Term of said' Court, A.D. ,1934, eaamined and eonf irmed, arld the said Dan3e1 9anders
<br /> as $heriff of said (�ounty, was ordered to eaecute a deed of said premises to the �af.d 2'he 9tate
<br /> Savings and Loan Association, _ : _ - _
<br /> NOW, THEftEFORE, I, the said Daniel Sanders, as Sheriff of Hall County, Nebraska, ia pursua.nee of I
<br /> the order of said Qourt,as Qforesaid, ia eonsideration of the premisea, and by virtue_of the powe�s
<br /> i� me vested by law, do h�rel�y give, �rant, and convey unto the said The Btate 8avings and Loan
<br /> �ssociation, its suecessors and assigns, ..the .premises sold as: aforesaid, to-�vit; AlI of Nesterlp �
<br /> �
<br /> One-Half of Lct Seven (7) and the Easterly Eleven (11) Feet of Lot Sia (6), in Block Fifteen (15) 'i
<br /> in RussE11 Wheeler�s Addition to the Citp cf Grand Island, Hall County, 1Jebraska, with all and
<br /> singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging, to have and to �iold unto it the aaid The 9tate
<br /> � 8avings and Loan Association, and ite snccessors and asst�ns for ever. '
<br /> IN �ITNESS WHEREOF, I have, as such 9heriff of Ha1I County, Nebraeka, hereunto set my hand this '
<br /> 20th day of July, A.D. �934. �.44 I R.Stampe
<br /> �Cancelled -
<br /> ' Daniel Sanders ;
<br /> H�ecuted and Delivered in Preeence of Sheriff of Ha11 Countq.
<br /> �ga.r et Vi ck _ _ _ `
<br /> THE STATE OF NEBRASRA ) On this 20th day of July, A.D. ,1934, before me, Clinton.E.John, a aler�
<br /> ss - ,
<br /> HALL tJ0U1dTY � of the Distriet Court, duly Elected and qualified for said, County, per-�
<br /> sonally appeared D�,niel Sanders, 9heriff of said County, to me known to be the identioal person
<br /> , described in and �o egecuted the foregoin� instrument as grantor, and acknowledged said i�strume�lt
<br /> to be his volua�ary act and deed as sueh $hertff. _ __ '
<br /> IN �ITNESS �EiERE4F, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal at Gr�nd Ieland,Nebragk�., in , `
<br /> said County, the day arid year last above written. -
<br /> Clinton E.John
<br /> (SEAL) Clerk o�' the District Court '
<br /> Filed for record this 26th day of Ju1y, 1934, at 9:0� o*alock A.M. . �j
<br /> �JJ.�-��.
<br /> egi st er of Deeds
<br /> o-o-o-acrao-o-o--o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ao-°o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-a►
<br /> ,�UIT CLAIY DEED :
<br /> THiS INDENTURE� �dade thie 26th day of July: in the year one thoueand nine hundred and Thirty-�four;,;
<br /> _ �
<br /> between August 9chwieger, husba,nd of the grantee herein, of the f irst part, and Ida Sah�rieger,
<br /> �;
<br /> ' wife of the grantor-herein, of the second part. _ ;;
<br /> �PITNESSETH, that the said party of the first part, ia consideration of the sum o� 4ne Dolla.r and ' '
<br /> ; lone ar�d affection, to him duly paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has remised,
<br /> released and quit-claim„ and by these preaents does, for him$e1f, his heirs, egecutors and ad-
<br /> ministrators, remise, relEase and f orever quit-claim and Qonvey unto the said party of the seoond!
<br /> part, and to her heirs and assigns forever, all his right, title, interest, estate alaim and de- �'
<br /> mand-, both at law and in equity, of, in and to all Lot One (1) in Bloek Ten (1�) H.�.Clark�s �
<br /> ,;
<br /> , Addition to Grand Island, ae surveyed, pla�ted and recorded. .
<br /> '� Together with all and singular the hereditaments thereun�o belongi.ng.
<br /> ' '�0 HAVE A�dD TO HOLD the, above described premises unto the eaid Ida, �chwieger her heirs and assi�n;a;
<br /> so�_that neither the said grantor, or any person in his name and behalf, shall or will herea.�ter
<br /> claim or dema.nd any ri�ht or title to the said premisee or anq part thereof, but theq and every '
<br /> ' one o! them shall by these presents be e�caluded and forever b�rred.
<br /> � �i
<br /> IN �►ITNESS �HEREOF, the said party of the first part has hereunto set hia hand and seal the day �
<br /> ;;
<br /> ' and qear above written.
<br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of
<br /> B.J.Cunningham Au�ust Sohwieger
<br /> STATE OF NEBRA3KA � �
<br /> � HALL COUNTY �$�• �� thie 26th day of July, A.D. 1934, before me, the undersigned
<br /> B.J.Cunningham, a Notary Public, dul� commissioned and qualified for '
<br /> ,;
<br />, . _ � ii
<br />