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<br /> rxeeucusrixeco.-7624 � � �� �
<br /> i�
<br /> of Ne�rark, New Jersey, a coxporw-�ion, t�.e sum of �2,6�1.�� with interest thereon from December ';
<br /> i
<br /> ' S , Z932, at the ra,�e of 10 nex cent , �ithin t�:�enty days from the date of such judgrnent and decree��
<br /> th�t the equity of redemntion of each and all of s�,id defendants in and to �he l�nds and �enemen��
<br /> hereinaftex described be foreclosed �.n�z forever barred, �nd �h�,t the Sheriff of said Hall County, '�
<br /> ; cause the lands and �enements hereinafter described to be advertised, and sold accordin�; to la�v; ;;
<br /> and =�vhereas the s aid defendants havin� made defau3t therein, D�tniel Sanders, as Sheri.ff of said �
<br /> ��
<br /> Coun�Ly, under and by virtue of the order of said Court to him directed, did, on the lst day of
<br /> November , A. D. �1933 , a� the north door of the court house in the city of Grand Island, in said
<br /> ' Coun�y of Hall, (the same being the piace wherein the Dzstrict Court �vas laet held in said County�
<br /> havir� first given due and legal notice of �he time �n� pl�,ce of said sale, for not less than
<br /> thir�y days �i iox thereto, in the Gra,nd Isla.nd Daily Independen�, a legal ne�spaper prin�ed and in
<br /> general circulation in said Coun�y of Ha13, sell -th.e said premises at public auetion to The Prude'�-
<br /> ': ti.al Insur�xzce Com�any of America, of Nevva.rk, Nev� Jersey, a corpor�.tion, (it being the highest an;icl
<br /> ' best bidder therefor) for the su� of T�en�y seven. hundred and 00/100 DOLLARS, which sale v�as afte�s--
<br /> waras at �he April, Te�•m of said Court, A.D. ,1934, examined and confirmed, and the �aid Daniel
<br /> ., �
<br /> '� Sanders , as Sheriff of said County, w�,s ordered to execu-�e a deed of said prem3.ses to the said
<br /> ' The Prudential Insurance Cor��pany -of Anlerica, of p�ewa,rk, New Jersey, a corpor�,tion,
<br /> N'01�r, TH�EFORE, I, the said Daniel Sanders, as Sheriff of Ha11 Coun�y, Nebraska, in pursua.,nce of :�
<br /> the order of said Court, as aforesaid, in consideration of the premises, and by virtue of the
<br /> �owers in me vested by la�c, do hereby give, gran�, and convey unto the said The Prudential Insur-�
<br /> ' ance Cor�pany of America, of Newark, New Jersey, a corporation, i�cs successors _an,d assigns, the ;
<br /> premises sold as aforesaid, to-wit; All of The 5outherly 66 feet of the Easterly Half of Block
<br /> Eight (�) , in �indol�h� s Addition �o the City of Grand Island,Hall County, Nebxaska.
<br /> �ith all �and sa.ngulax the appu.rtenances thereunto belanging, to have and ta hold unto i� the eaid!
<br /> The Prudential Insurance Company of America of Ne�ark, DTew Jersey, a corpora�Gion, and its success`ors
<br /> '': and assigns for�ver. _ '
<br /> > IPt WTTNESS UPHEREOF, I have, as such Sheriff of Hall County, Nebraska, hereunto set my hand this " ,
<br /> 17th aa� of Jui�� A.�. �7.93�-. _
<br /> Executed and Delivered in Presence of 3,00 I.R.St�mps � Daniel Sander� !
<br /> �a,rg�.ret Vick C�.ncelled. Sheriff of Hall County.
<br /> THE STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 17�Lh day of July, A.D. 193�-, be�ore me, Clinton E.John, a ';�
<br /> ss
<br /> HALL COUNTY � Clerk of the District Court duly eleeted and qualified for said
<br /> II Coun�y, person�,lly �p�eared Daniel Sanders, Sheriff of said County, to me known �o be the identic3�.1 .
<br /> �� pesson described in and who executed the foregoin� instrument as gr�.n�or, and acknowledged said ��
<br /> ' ins'trumen� to be his voluntary act and deed as such Sheriff.
<br /> IN �PITN�,S� �'1�?ER^OF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal �.t Grand Is1�.nd,Nebraska, in
<br /> said Coun�y, the day and yeax last above writ�en.
<br /> Clinton E.John
<br /> (SEAL) . C1erk of the District Coust
<br /> ' Filed for record this 17th d�.y of July, 193 , a.t 3• 5 �
<br /> �- •� o� clock P.M.
<br /> ����
<br /> : Reoister of De�ec,s ��
<br /> � ��
<br /> ,
<br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-�-o-o-c�-o-a-o-o-o-n-o-ao-�-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-�-o-o-o-a -'! .
<br />'�, ; QUIT CLAIM DEED
<br /> This Indenture made this 22nd day of Jun�, 1934, bet�een Augustus Albright , a widower, Addie
<br /> Trum�.n and Victor T'ruman, her husband, P�ax�y Albright 'a sin�le woman, Hannah Huff and John E.Huff�
<br /> her husb�.nd, Carrie Hudson and James Hudson, her husband, all of Aclams County, NebrasYa, and ;
<br /> Nellie Ke1so and A1ber� Kelso , her husband, of Ha.milton Couniy, Nebraska, and �dyrtle t�olfe axld i
<br /> ,�
<br /> Arthur M.T�olf e, her husband of Veedersburg, Indiana, of the f irst part , and Orville L.smith of
<br /> . _ �
<br /> Hall County, i�ebras�a, of the second part. �
<br /> ;
<br /> : VPITNESSETH, that the said partie� of the first part, in consideration of the sum of Eight Hundre�.
<br /> Fifty-seven dollars and Faurteen Cents (��57.14) to them duly paid, the �eceipt whereof is herebiy
<br /> !,i
<br />, <i ,.
<br />