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�o� j <br /> ���ED� �$�C ��$� 1�T�. �4 I', <br />____ --___--_ ____ _ ___ _ _ _ _____ __ �----___ _ __________ � <br /> TNEAUGIISTINECO. 7GZ4 � _ ...__�_.._.""'""_..__.......___.�".._.�_.—..—_._._..�_._.._"_'. <br /> WAR�ANTY DEED - Cor�oration - . '' <br /> _ <br /> , <br /> THIS INDENTUN.E, Made t'r�is 9th day of July, A.D. 193�+, bet�een Union Loan and Savir�s Associa.tion,'i . <br /> a corporation arganized and existin� under and by virtue o� the la�►s o� the �tate of Nebraska, `� <br /> ,, <br /> party of the first paxt , and Rosalio Briseno and &ta.ria Briseno , husband and wife, as joint tenant!is <br /> with right of survivor�hip; th�,t is to say u�on the death of either of saicl. grantees the other <br /> sh�,ll hold the whole of s�,id esta�e the same as if he or she �ere the sole grantee thexein, of thi�e <br /> County of Hall, and Sta-�e of Nebraska, parties of the second p�xt , <br /> �PITNWSSETH, That �he said party of the first part for and in cflnsider�.tion of the sum of �ne Doll�.r ' <br /> , „ <br /> � <br /> and other valuable conszder�.tion DOLLARS, in h�,nd paid, receipt v,rhereof is hereby acknov�ledged, h;�.s � <br /> sold and by these presents does grant, convey a��d confirm unto the s�,id par- of the second p�,rt, t! <br /> � <br /> the following described �remises, si�uated in Grand Isl�,nd, Hall CQUnty, and State of Nebrask�., <br /> I' �! to-v�it; All of the Northerl ei�h-t � <br /> y � y-eight (��) , feet of Lo-� One (1) in Block Trventy-One (21) , <br /> Origin�,l To��n, no� �ity of �rand Island,Nebraska. <br /> Party of the first part �,grees to p�.y all taxes, st�.te and county, up to and including 1933, as ;� <br /> �reil as special assessments no�r due or assessed a,g�.inst said premises. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD -�he �remises above described, together �rith all the Tenement�, Hereditament� ' <br /> and A�pur�en�nces t�.jereunto belonging un-�o the said Rasalio Briseno and b�aria Briseno <br /> And �he s�.id Union Loan and Savin�4s Association for itself or its seccessoxs, do hereby coven�nt ;I <br /> and agree to and �i�h the said party of the second part and their heirs and assi�rls, that at the '; <br /> �ime of �he execution �tind d.elivery of these presen�s it is lav�f'uZiy seized of said premises; <br /> �'; <br /> that it hs:,s �;ood right and la�ful authority to convey the s�sne; th�,t they are free from enewnbra.,n��e <br /> ;, <br /> and the Union Loan and Savin�s Association does hereby covenant to warrant and defend the said <br /> �remises against the la�vful claims of all persons �omsoever. ' <br /> IN �I�'NES� �1HE����'OF, the �aid Union Loan a�d 9avings Associ�.tion 'r��,s hereun�o caused its cor,;,orate�` <br /> ` seal to be af�'ixed and these presents to be si�ned bv its President and Secret�,ry the day and yea�rr <br /> �1.�50 I.R.Stamps � i <br /> ' first above �ritten. �Cancelled <br /> UNI4N LOAN AND sAVI�TGS ASSOCIATION <br /> ; Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of ( CORP) By E.C.Boehmer <br /> Emma Dahls __ (�EAL) By I�ax Meyer, Secretary <br /> ', STATE OF NEBRA.SKA ) On this 9th d�.y of July, 193�-, before me, the undersigned, a Not�,ry Publi� <br /> ss <br /> LANCAST"�R COUNTY � in a.nd for said Coun�y, person�.11y c�.me E.C.Boehmer President, and Max <br /> Meyer, Secretary of the Union Loan and Savings Association, to me personally known to be the Pres'�- <br /> dent and Secretary and the identical persons �rhose n�.mes are affixed to the above conveyance, and�� <br /> ackno�vledged the execu�ion thereof to be their voluntary act and deed as such officers and the <br /> volun��.ry ac� and deed of the s�id Union Loan �,nd Savings Association ar_d th�,t the Gor�ora�e ssal,� <br /> ' of the s�.id Union Loan and Savir�s Association �as thereto affi�ed by its au�hority. <br /> '� <br /> '�itness my hand and Notarial Seal at Lincoln in said county the day and year last above �aritten. ;'� <br /> E�r�ma Bahls <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public ; <br /> ' My Cor�lissio�t ex�irES the 6�h ctay of Sept. 1936. y <br /> Fi led for r ecord thi s 13�h day of July: 1Q34, a.t 11;00 0� clock A.M. � . " <br /> � �� <br /> �egister of eed } <br /> ', <br /> 0-4-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-d-0-0-0-�-�-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-Q-0-0-U-0-�-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0�- '� <br /> REFEREE�S DEED <br /> gN{?� ALL �tI�N BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> VGHi,REAS, in an action of partition pendin� in the District Court of Hall County, Nebra,ska, wherei� <br /> ' Maro D.Lyhane and Genevieve R.Lyhane are pla,in�iffs, and �udolf Durtschi, et al, are defen�.ants, ;' <br /> for �ne par�Lition a�' Lot 11, less a strip 14 inches wide o�'f the west side thereof, in Block 21, ;", <br /> �; of tne Town of '4�ood River, in Ha11 County, Nebraska, the under�i�ned sole referee, appointed by <br /> said court to make partition af said prernises, made his re�ort in writine, duly sig�ied, setting <br /> ' forth tha� ac-�ual pa.r-�ition of sai�. premises could no� be mad� �vithoui, great prejudice to �he <br /> ,' ov�ners tne�eof , which report ��as duly examined by said cour� , and the court being satisfied �Ghere�- <br /> t; <br /> ;i <br /> L d <br />