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�o� . . . . . � <br /> ���� ��C ��3� 1�T�. 74 <br />-------- - _--. ---- __ ----_ --_ _ _ __ ____ _ <br /> _ ____ ____---- -- ---__---- _ <br /> TXE AUGUSTINE CO.-7F)ZQ � <br /> " "__'.�_�._..�_._.__..e__..._-.._.___..__...'"'"_".__'___.._. ._.....__'.�._...._��_"____"_ ___....._____�_._.� <br /> � _ _ __ _ <br /> ' GRaNT�,�s, THE ERITIr�E FEE SI�PLE TITLE `PO THE RFAL ESTATE DESCRIBFD H��"TN SH�.LL VEST IN TH� SUR- �i '' <br /> , <br /> ' VIVINu GS�ANT�E. <br /> i <br /> TO HAVE AND TO H�L� the above ra-escribed premises, with -the appurten�.nces, unto the �aid �ranteeg ; <br /> as JOINT TENA�'TS, and not as tenants 3.n comman, and to their assi�;r��, or to the heixs and a�signs . <br /> of the survivor of them, forever, and we the grantors r�s�med herein for them and their heirs, exec�- <br /> , <br /> tors, and administr�.tors, do covenant �rith the granteee named hereia and with their assig�e and ; <br /> with the heirs and assig�s of the survivor of them, �hat �e are la�ofully seitied of eaid premiees; '; <br /> th�.t they are free from incumb�ance except as stated herein, a,nd that �ve the said �r�.ntors have <br /> good ri�;ht and la,�vful authority to sell the same, and tha-t we �ill and our heirs, executors and ' <br /> administrators sha11 �varrant and defend �he same unto �he grantees n�ed herein and unto their <br /> aesigns and unto the heirs and assi�ns of the survigor of them, forever, �,�ainst the la�aful c12�im� <br /> , of aIl persons whomsoever, exeludin� the exceptions n�,med herein. <br /> IR1 �ITT��SS 't�H�REO�', we have hereunto set our hands this 2nd day �f Ju�.y, A.D. 193�- <br /> In presence of Harry 8.�arsh <br /> C.E.Grundy 2. I.R.Stampe �in�fred �a,rsh <br /> Cancelled _ �+ <br /> sTATE OF NEBRABKA ) On this 2nd d�.y of July, A.D• 193�+, before me, a 1Votarp Public, in and � <br /> ss <br /> � � � �I <br /> COtTN`�Y 4F HALL for said Caun�ty, personally came the above named Harxy 3.Marsh and <br /> ; <br /> �inifred Pdarsh, husb�.nd and evife, who I person�.liy kno�3an to me to be the iden�ical persons whose ;! <br /> naxnes affixed to the above instrument as gr�.ntors and �ve acknowledged said instrument to be our ; <br /> volunt�.ry act and deed. . <br /> '�ITN��S my hand and Notarial Seal the da.te last aforesaid. <br /> ; C.E.Grundy <br /> _ ( �EAI,) Not ary Publ i c <br /> D�y cammissi.on ex�ire� on the 1� day af June, 1.D.193�. <br /> 'w <br /> Filed for record �his 10 day of Ju3.y, 193�-, at 2;00 o�clock P.B�. �j� ,: <br /> .��c���of VJ ', <br /> �, Reg��r�r e�e'd� <br /> ' 0-0-0-�-fl-0-0-J-0-0-0-J--0-0-0-4-0-4-4-0=-0-0-C�--�-Q-0-4-fl--(}-0-0--4-4-0-0-�-0-�-0--Q-0-t)-0-0-fl-0-Q-0-E�i <br /> ; QUIT CLAI�ti D,EED � ' <br /> THIS INDENTURE, �ade this 6th day of July, in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four�' <br /> between Hamilton Thetro, a v�idower, of the first part, and C.�.Jorgensen, of the second part, <br /> � �ITNES�ETx, that the said party of the firet part, in consideration of the sum of thie Dollar and!; <br /> �� other valuable consideration to me duly paid, �he receipt wher�of is hereby aokno�vledged, have <br /> �� rer�isad, released and quit-claim, and by these presents do, for mys�if°a my heirs, executors �nd :` <br />� ; <br /> administr�,tors, remise, release and forever quit-claim and eonvey unto �he said part- of the <br /> second part, and to his heirs and assigns forever, all my ri�ht , title, interest, estate claim <br /> and demahd, both at law and in equity, af, �.n and �o all Lot One (1) in Blook Forty-seven (47) o� <br /> Russel 'p�heeler�s Addition to Grand Is1�nd,Nebraska. , <br /> �' Together with all an�. sin�ular the heredi-�aments ther�unto belonging. <br /> TO H�iVE A�ID TD HOLD the above described premises unto the said C.M.Jorgensen, heire and a.ssigns; : <br /> • ;: <br /> so th�.� neither I the said grantor, or a ny person in my name and beha.lf, ghall or v�ill .hereafter;: <br /> �f <br /> claim or dema.nd any right or title to the said premises or any part thereof, but they and every <br /> one of them shall by these pre�ents be excluded and forever barred. ;' � <br /> ` IN �1ITNESS i�HEREOF, the said party of the firat p�.rt have hereunto set my hand and seal the day ��i ' <br /> and yeas above �ritten. <br /> Haxnilto� Thetro His % 3�ar� <br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of <br /> J.L.Remey <br /> C.J.sohmiedesk�rn,�n <br /> > a�'i':��es��s to mark of Hamilton Thetro ' <br /> ; �TATE OF OREGON ) On this 6 day of July A.D. 1934, before me, the undersigned Chris J. ? , <br /> �s ; <br /> ; I�ULT�tO�AH COUNTY � Schmiedeskamp, a I�btary Publie, duly commissioned and qualified for �,nd <br /> residing in s�.id county, personally came Hamil�on `�hetro, a :��Tido�er, to me �no�m �o be the. iden- '; <br /> � <br /> tic�,l person whose name and ma,rk X is a,ffixed to the foregoing instrumsn� as grantor and aakno� � - <br /> ;` !i <br /> � <br /> ,� . � � � li <br />