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<br /> TNE 11UG UETINE C0.-7 GZ4 . �---.--.-----_.._.___...�,.�.__._.�__
<br /> and quit-claimed, and by these presents da, for themselves, heirs, executors and administrators, �
<br /> remi�e, release a.nd forevEr quit-cle.�.m and convey u�to the said part-of second part, and to his
<br /> heirs and a,ssigns forever, all their right, title , interest, eatate claim and demand, both at la�",
<br /> ' and in squity, of, in and to all
<br /> . The Northwest uar-ter of the 14ortheast Quarter (N�P�NL�� a,nd the 9outheast Quarter of the I�orthwes�
<br /> ; Quarter (SE�1��) of Section 11, Township 9, IJorth Range 14 t�est of the 6th P.M. in Hal2 Cc>uaty,
<br /> ��'� Nebraska. � � � � � � - ��
<br /> _
<br /> Together with all and singular the hereditaments thereunto belon�;in.�.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above descr�bed premises unto the eaid John B.Graham, }�i� h�i�s �nd_a�sig�s
<br /> so that nei�her hmelia E.Graham, Ale�ander A.Graham, George D.Graham, or any person in their name�'
<br /> a�d behalf, shall or will hereaf'ter claim or dema.nd a.ny ri�ht or title to the said premises or an�
<br /> part thereof , but they and every one of them shall by these presents be excluded and forever barri�d.
<br /> ' IN �YITIdESS t�HEREOF, the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seal thei
<br />� da.y and qear above wri�ten.
<br /> 3igned, sealed and delivered in presence of George D.Graham -
<br /> Claude A.Davis �le$ander A.Graham ;
<br /> Amelia E.Graham
<br /> ` STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 5" day of Julq, A.D. 193�, before me, the undereigned, Claude A. ,%
<br /> ss
<br /> HALL GOUNTY 3 Davie, a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and reaiding;�,
<br /> . ;,
<br /> in said County, personally came Amelia E.Graham, Aleaauder A.Graham, and Geor�e D.Graham, to me ;
<br /> known to be the identieal persons whoae n�.mes ase affixed to the fore�oing instrument as �rantore�;
<br /> and ackno�vledged the sarne to be their voluntary a.ct and deed. ,
<br /> �; �'ITNESS m� hand and �Totarial Seal the day and year last above written.
<br /> Claude A.Dav3 s �
<br /> (SEAL) � , �Totary Publie ;
<br /> � �dy commiesion eapires the 2nd day vf February, 1937• �
<br /> _ � , ,;
<br /> Filed for record thig 5th day of Julp, 1934, at 11:45 o�clock A.M. - �J✓
<br /> �e s�er of Dee s ��
<br /> ' 4-0-0-0-0-a-0-0-0-�--4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0--�-�-0-0-0-4-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-4-fl-4-0-0-d-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0�
<br /> , 9UIT CL�IY DEED '
<br /> THIS INDENmURE, Made this 2nd day of July, A.D. 193�, between Alegander A.Graham, a single man,
<br /> ;! George D.Graham, a si.ngle man, ar�d John B.Graham, a single man, of the first part, and �melia E.
<br /> �' �ra.ham, a single woman, of the a econd part.
<br /> ` 4PITNESSETH, that the sa,id pa,rties of the firs't part, in eonsideration of the s�um of One and No/10+D
<br /> ' DOLLARB, to the�n dulq paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowlec3ged, they have remised,release:�.
<br /> " arad quit-�l�.imed, and by these presents do, for themselves, theix heirs, executors and administra�
<br /> tors, remise, release and forever quit-blaim, and convey unto the said party of second part, and t±� 4
<br /> P
<br /> ' her heirs �nd assigns forever, all their right, title, interest , estate elaim and d emand, both at�� .
<br /> law and_ in e quity, of, in and to all _
<br /> �i The $outhwest uarter of the. 3outheast Quarter (S�� SE�)and the Southeast Qus,rter of the 8outhwes'�
<br /> Quarter (SE�$N�) of �Seeta.on 2, To�nship 9, N'orth Range 1�, in Hall Coun�y, �'ebra.ska.
<br /> ; Together with all and singular the hereditamen�s thereunto belon�in�. ',',
<br /> ': TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the a,bove described premises unto the said Amelia E.Graham, her heirs and
<br /> assigns; so that neither Alexander A.Gra.ham, George D.Graham, Jahn B.Graham, or any person in the,�r
<br /> ' name and behalf, shall or wfll hereafter claim or demand anp right or tit].e to the said premises :
<br /> �'� or any part thereof, but they and every one of them ahall bp these presents be e�eluded and forev�ier
<br /> , �i
<br /> barred.
<br /> ; IN WI�NESS 'GPHER�OF, the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and aeal the!
<br /> day and year above t�ritten.
<br /> John B.Graham
<br /> i Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of George D.Graham
<br /> Claude A.Davis. Aleaand�r A.Graham
<br /> ;� es On this 5" da.y of July, A.D. 193�+, before me, �he undersi ed, �la.ude
<br /> HALL COUNTY ) �
<br /> A.�avis, a Notary public, duly eommissioned and qualified for ai'�d. resi�-
<br /> ; �,
<br /> ,
<br /> �� _..___ �
<br />