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3�� <br /> ���E� ��C ��� �T�. ?� <br /> _ ________.--------__ _ ___ _- _---�---------____._____------__ _--_____ ____.---------- <br /> iNEAUGUSTINEtO.-7G2<} . ' . . . . -'-' '- � ..- --- -----_-�.- � <br /> ` and to be one of Joint Trustees above named, and he ackno�led�ed the e�ecution of the same to be ;� <br /> : his voluntary act and deed for the purpos�s therein e�pressed. �i <br /> _ _ �, <br /> IN WITNESS T�HEREOF, I have here�nto subseribed my name and affiaed my offi.dal seal at Lawrence, : <br /> Kaneas on the dat� last above written. <br /> �,"velya Jord�.n . <br /> (SEAL) Notarp Publio <br /> �q commiseion expires 4et. �, 1936. ; <br /> ' F'iled for record this 25 da.y of June, 1934, at 2t30 o�clock P.�. . � <br /> � <br /> ,� <br /> Re� a er o f-TSe� �' <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c�-ao-o-o-o-ao-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o�� <br /> VPARRANTY DEED `' <br /> i; <br /> ! F'orm lf� ,' <br /> Department of Commexve <br /> Radio Division ' <br /> �PARRANTY DEED T� THE T7NI�'ED STATE3. ; <br />� _. , <br /> THI3 INDENTURE, made the 2� day of �,pril, in the yea.r _of our Lord nineteen �,undred and thirty-fou� <br /> ,; <br /> between A.�'.Buechler and Charles '�.Amidon, Joint Trustess, of the firet part, and t►he U�I3'E� 9TAT�� <br /> I <br /> ,; <br /> OF AMERICA, pa,rty of the s eeoad part, �Pitnesaeth, ti�a� the said parties of tb.e first part, for ;' <br /> ii <br /> ' and in consideration of the surn of SIX HUI�DRED dollars, lawful moneq of the United �tates, to the�t <br /> in hand paid by the said party of the seQOnd par'�, at or before the ense�ling and deiivery of thei�e <br /> presEnts, the rEOeipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the said partq of' the second part forevi�r <br /> released and discharged from the same, by these presents, have granted, bargained, sold, aliened,�! <br /> ; <br /> remised, released, oanveyed, and confirmed, and by these presents do �rant, bargain, sell, alien,' <br /> � <br /> remise, release, convey, and confirm, unto the partq of the seoond part, and to their a�ei�r38 <br /> forever, all that txact, piece, or parcel of .land 8i.tuate, iying, and being ia HALL C4U�'T'Y, STAT�i <br /> _ ;; <br /> pF NEBRABKA, and bounded a�d deseribed as fallo�s: The south ten (I0� acres of the uorthwest <br /> quarter of the sauthwest quarter of �eQtion �'if�Geen (15) , in Township Eleven (11) 1Qorth of Ran�e � <br /> �, <br /> ' Ten �10) �le�t of the 3i�cth principal Meridian, ;j <br /> ,., <br /> Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, and ay�p�rtenanaes thereunto belongin� <br /> or in any�rise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, r emainder and remainders, renta, <br /> ;± is�uea, and profits thereof; AND ALSO all the estate, right, title, intere�t property, possessionl�, <br /> '' claim,and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the said parties of the first part, `� <br /> of, iz�, _ and to the �same, and every part and par�el thereof, with the �ppurtenances: T4 HAVE AI�D T1b <br /> HOLD the above granted, bar�ained. and described premises: with the appurtenances, unto the said ;�, <br /> ' party of the second part and the3.r assig�s, to their awn prc>per use, benefit, and behoof, foreveri. <br /> � <br /> AND THL SAIn A�.F.Buechler and Charle� �.Amidon, Joint Trustees, their heirs, exec�utors, and ad- <br /> � <br /> ministrators, do oovenant, grant, and agree to and �rith the said pa.rty of the seoond part, and ' <br /> ' their ass3gns, that the said A.F.Buechler and �harles �I.Amidon, Joint Trustee�, at the time o� <br /> '' the sealing and delivery of these pre�ents were lawfully eei2ed in themselves of a good, ab$oluteii <br /> i and indefeasible estate of inheritance, in fee eimple, of and in all and singul�ar the above-grant'ed <br /> ' and desaribed premises, with the appurtenances and have good right, full power, a.nd lawful author3ty <br /> to �rant, bar�ain, sell and convey the same, in manner aforesaid; And that the said party ,of the ` <br /> �; second part, and their assigns, shall, and may at all times hereafter, peacablq and qtiietly have,� <br /> ' hold, use, oecupy, possess, and en�oy the above-gra.nted premiaes, and everp part and paresel tbere� <br /> of, Rith the appur�enances, exithout any let, suit,trouble,molestation, eviation, or di.sturbance a�f <br /> „ <br /> the said part of the first part , or their assi�ns, or of any other person or persons lawfully !. <br /> ," claiming or to claim the sa,me. And that the same now are free, cle�,r, discha,rged, and unencumber;ed <br /> ` of and �rom all former �,nd other grants, title, chargea, estates, judgments, �a�aes, assessments, ;l <br /> ;. and encumbrances, of what nature or kind soever. ' <br /> ,; _ . <br /> i; <br /> ' AND ALSO tha t the said partiee of the f irst part , and their heirs, and all and every person or <br /> ��; persons whomeover, lawfully or equitably deriving a,ny estate, right, title, or interest, o�, ia, <br /> � or to the hereinbefore-granted premises, by, from, u�nder, ar in trust fox them, shall �nd will, �t <br /> :� <br /> ;'; ;; <br /> . �� <br />